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Team Leader


I wanted ketchup!!!
Who usally is your team leader?


i herd u leik meh.
Mine usally and probably fror ever is Mudkip (Soon to be Marshtomp).



Well-Known Member
My leader for almost all is Blastoise..
I somtimes swich back to my original Leader Golduck.


Shine Now!
I usually use my Venusaur for killing really strong pokemon and thats my usual main


Well-Known Member
My Raichu is the Pokemon I started out with, but since I beat Rayquaza, I almost always use my Charizard with Raichu as the partner.


Well-Known Member
Origanially, it was Charizard, but now I have grown attached to Blastoise.


Normally Charzard. If I'm going to a place infested with water types I have Raichu as my leader.
Depends on the mission. If I'm off recruiting, my starter, now a Vaporeon, will be the leader, since she's level 95 and is the strongest Pokemon I have.

My partner, now a Raichu, does everything that my starter doesn't and usually ends up tagging along with her, unless I'm recruiting stuff. Then I go alone.

Training weaker Pokemon and some escort missions, Gengar (level 52) X3 Love using him by himself, since he can go through walls and everything. And he has high enough IQ to see traps. Yay!

Training baby Pokemon and long escort missions, Kingdra (level 48) I use her a lot since she mostly has long range attacks.

Lower level missions or just training, Arcanine (level 38)

Training: Mew


Mii,myself and...Wii
My leader is Crystal the Charizard 99.8 0/0(percent) of the time time.
I've used Mew and Alakazam at purity Forset Attempts and my scond pokemon on in camand Ross the Raichu.