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Team Psycho Golems


An Emerald Battle Frontier Team.


Nature: Timid
Ev's: 252 S.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
-Dragon Claw
-Calm Mind


Regice@Lum Berry
Nature: Bold
Ev's: 176 HP/200 Def/80 S.Atk/52 S.Def
-Ice Beam


Regirock@Quick Claw
Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 252 HP/52 Atk/160 S.Def/40 Def
-Ancientpower(Soon this will be Rock Slide or Focus Punch)
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Heracross rips your team into nothing, and so does metagross, so you might wanna revise there.


fear the elements!!!
An Emerald Battle Frontier Team.

Nature: Timid
Ev's: 252 S.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
-Dragon Claw
-Calm Mind

Regice@Lum Berry
Nature: Bold
Ev's: 176 HP/200 Def/80 S.Atk/52 S.Def
-Ice Beam

Regirock@Quick Claw
Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 252 HP/52 Atk/160 S.Def/40 Def
-Ancientpower(Soon this will be Rock Slide or Focus Punch)

you have a good frontier team


I was thinking along the lines of Gyarados/Clops/Weez, but yeah, I guess Gross/King could work as well.



Slaking equals further Heracross weak and Metagross does not like Cross either.

Weezing/Dusclops is fine.


Wants name change
There's something wrong with the Regice, but I can't put my finger on it...

Yep, swap Regirock for a different physical sweeper. You're relying on Quick Claw for speed and Regirock generally isn't as good as it looks. People say you have a major Heracross weak, why not use Heracross itself? It's got resistances to most of its own attacks...but you wouldn't be abke to actually KO oher Heracrosses. Maybe use Gyarados...nah, Hidden Power is horrible ingame...

Actually, on second thoughts, use Salamence. You'll need something fast, plus it beats Heracross and a lot of other things.


There's something wrong with the Regice, but I can't put my finger on it...

T-Wave should be over Toxic. I like Toxic better anyways.

Not mence, because that gives me 2 pokes that are ice subsceptible.

I also think the Weez will be fine for Hera coverage. Fire Blast hurts cross, Weez resists bug/fight, it has will-o-wisp and 120 base defense.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
T-Tar likes your team as well :| You team would be nice if you had Weezing / Dusclops or Milotic on your team.


so adorable...
i LOVE weezing heres a couple of sets that work

-fire blast
-sludge bomb
-shadow ball

-pain split
-fire blast
-sludge bomb

there are probabaly hundreds more but these are 2 i can think off the top of my head


^That's the set I was using Ludicolo_kid.^