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Team Recommendations for Level 1 Dungeons


please wake up...
So, like, I have a quick question.

What Pokemon do you use when you go to Joyous Tower? I want to beat it, but I can't seem to form a good team to go in with. I have two Pokemon that level up fairly quickly -- Houndoom (who levels up surprisingly fast) and Raichu (who levels up at a slower but still decent speed).

But I can't get a third Pokemon to bring with me, mostly because all the ones I choose/have all level up too slowly in their beginning levels. I know I'm supposed to stay on levels and train for a while, but if the Pokemon levels too slowly, I don't consider it an option. I've tried a lot of the Pokemon I've already recruited (Chimecho, Absol, Umbreon, Vulpix, the list goes on...) and nothing's worked so far.

So, can anyone recommend any quickly-leveling Pokemon or teams you use while going into Joyous Tower?


Generally the starters are a good choice for the level reduction dungeons, and I find that Venusaur and Sceptile especially level up fairly quickly as opposed to ones like Blastoise, Swampert, and Typhlosion. Charizard is also a good choice if only for Heat Wave, and Blaziken knows Fire Punch. I'm not sure how fast they level up compared to the other starters though.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Mew. For the first battle, if you get 20 Exp. Points, you'll go up 2 levels.


Yea I've been wondering this as well, I've tried many starters in Joyous Tower but I can never seem to make it past the 13th floor...

Though I did once but ran into a monster house right off on floor 14 and had to escape out.


Well-Known Member
starters often have low stats (ex.Attack, Defense Sp. attack etc.)

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
You can't learn Heat Wave there, I don't think.


Pokemon MD Addict
Pichu's really strong and levels up fast, but... it hardly gains any hp when it levels.


Better then you
Well I have a few suggestions. Venasaur,Charizard,Raichu,and Mew. Charizard is the only one that doesn't level up so fast. But the others go up really fast. I have almost beaten Purity Forest with Venasaur.


Well-Known Member
no matter how much i try, i die in lvl 1 dungeons even with mew. so meh, my strategy is use a mobilescarf and just run. got up to floor 70 before i was hemmed in by zangooses :(

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Best team to have is Mew and Charizard. Charizard knows heat wave when it gets reduce to level 1. Mew because it levels up at a very quick speed.


Well-Known Member
Nice! I think I need one of those XD

But does that mean, that you can go through walls, with a Tight Belt, and your belly won't get low? :eek: