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Team Rocket Already got a Rare Pokemon


Waiting for FFXIII
Team Rocket have been going on for long time after Pikachu and other Pokemons they meet on their way. The thing is Jessie and James already have a much raraer Pokemon than Pikachu, it's Meowth. Their Meowth can talk and how many Pokemons can really speak the human language? Only few. Maybe Jessie and James could smarten up and sell their Meowth to some rich guy for a lot of money so they can retire from their job.
I doubt anybody will pay much for a talking Meoweth. Hell, most people who hear Meoweth talk just say "Hey, you can talk.", and then ignore him.
Giovanni doesn't want Meowth. It was just an annoyence. But they wouldn't sell it. Jessie might. But she would steal him back. James would never do it. And if they DID sell him they would live a life of shame.


Well-Known Member
i don't understand why they want pikachu. its weak compared to a lot of others, even though, i know its strong. i mean, aren't they tired of blasting off?
And anyone could teach a Pokemon to talk. It would just require a lot of time and energy. Heck a Caterpie could probably speak English eventually. Imagin.

Generic Trainer: I'm gonna capture you Caterpie!
Caterpie: F*ck off! I'm knackered!
Continuation of the Caterpie story.

Generic Trainer: Go Metapod!


Unknown Trainer
Team Rocket hardly uses Meowth other than Meowth's plans. Team Rocket really wanted to teach Meowth Pay Day in the episode "Meowth Rules," but have either forgotten about saying it, are too caught up in their plans to teach Meowth,or have something against raising their Pokemon.


Sabrina's apprentice
Actually Meowth recently has fought more than he used to. Apparently. About time too. I'm hoping the Tyson's Meowth will inspire Team Rocket's to start battling more.

Dark Star

Mysterious Trainer
They obviously don't want to part with Meowth. If you saw the Deoxys special yesterday, you would have saw Jessie and James were CRYING when they lost Meowth to Deoxys. They also were begging Ash for help.

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
I really doubt the writers would do something stupid like that! The show would be a lot less enjoyable without meowth, he translates a majority of what the other pokemon say and to me is all around funny. It would make it hard to continue the anime since it would be harder to advance the story lines besides. In every single incident meowth somehow slips from team rocket's finger tips they get all blubbery, drop eveything they're doing and join with "the twerps" to find meowth. He's been with Team rocket since they first met! You don't give up pals like that (especially Team Rocket)!

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
I'm sure Giovanni would've settled for Weezing, Arbok, Lickitung, Victreebel, Seviper, Dustox, Chimecho and Masukippa instead of Meowth. Hell, he'd probably even take Wobbuffet. But that's the irony about Team Rocket's Pokemon - they could just give what they already have to the boss. I'd take a Victreebel and a Masukippa (even Cacnea) over a Pikachu anyday.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
But if they'd given them to Giovanni straight away, they wouldn't have bonded with them and thus would feel no emotion due to lack of their Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Team Rocket hardly uses Meowth other than Meowth's plans. Team Rocket really wanted to teach Meowth Pay Day in the episode "Meowth Rules," but have either forgotten about saying it, are too caught up in their plans to teach Meowth,or have something against raising their Pokemon.

Have you forgotten that Meowth himself explained why he can't learn any more attacks? If you remembered the Pay Day thing, you should have remembered that too.
They had Koffing and Ekans long before they joined Team Rocket, I believe.

and with most of TR's other pokemon, they create a bond, ask them to join, and then catch them.