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Team rocket begginings


Well-Known Member
I want to make a discussion topic for the origins of team rocket. I have been wondering about There origins. Both James, Jessy, And Meowth, Along with their begginings in the game. There was an episode for Meowth I think, Jessy was mentioned growing up somewhere where it was very snowy(Shinnou maybe?) And James' history spans over many episodes. In the games, did team rocket get started by Giovanni, or did he just take leadership of it?
I apologize if this topic has already been made, though there is one thing I would like to make very specific. THIS IS ONLY ABOUT THEIR BEGGINGS. THIS IS NOT A DISSCUSSION TOPIC ON TEAM ROCKET, PLEASE DO NOT MENTION THINGS OTHER THAN THAT UNLESS YOU ARE USING AN EXAMPLE.


This is how I see it
James:rich boy
Jessy:spoild girl that wants to win everything
Meowth: owtcast of the Meowths

Mim3 Jr.

Cute, Cuddly, Pink~
Well it depends. Probably Giovanni "took them under his wing". This is probably the only logically explanation of why Team Rocket is always trying to impress Giovanni.

-Mim3. Jr.

Mim3 Jr.

Cute, Cuddly, Pink~
>_> They are pretty weak. Why would Giovanni want them?

IMO, Team Rocket has potential. But you know 4Kids Ent. The "Good Guys" always win, lol. But that is the same reason as why a Pokemon Trainer will want a weak Pokemon, to train it and make it better. Example, in Pokemon Chronicles, Team Rocket is smarter, and more aware of how to battle strategically. Jesse and James have that potential, just dont think we will be seeing it anytime soon. -_-

-Mim3. Jr.


Well-Known Member
They use to. In the original series, they weren't too bad. Then BAM! they're horrible. They just end up for comic relief. >_> Either way, Do you think Jessy might be from Shinnou?

Mim3 Jr.

Cute, Cuddly, Pink~
They use to. In the original series, they weren't too bad. Then BAM! they're horrible. They just end up for comic relief. >_> Either way, Do you think Jessy might be from Shinnou?

Yea it's a real shame. Why the villians are so horrible, I dont know, but who knows, maybe in Shinnou they're better. But James might be from Shinnou, depending on how much Bottle Caps are there, lol. ^_^

-Mim3 Jr.
Jessie and her mother are from Kanto.
There's still that Pokemon Chronicles episodes, but in there they seemed to work harder than usual, and it was like they appeared out of nowhere o_O


Well-Known Member
Jesse can't be from Shinou.

There was an episode for Meowth I think, Jessy was mentioned growing up somewhere where it was very snowy(Shinnou maybe?)

If that was from an early episode, Shinou wasn't made back then.


Well-Known Member
Well, no. But where else is it snowy? Nowhere. There are really no snowy places in Kanto. GF could have been thinking that the regions would be in different places, North, South, East, And West. Perhaps they thought that they would do it later and say they were psychic. Y'know, to make us angry.
Well, no. But where else is it snowy? Nowhere. There are really no snowy places in Kanto. GF could have been thinking that the regions would be in different places, North, South, East, And West. Perhaps they thought that they would do it later and say they were psychic. Y'know, to make us angry.
Or maybe it's a generic town somewhere in Kanto where is snows?

Or maybe Kanto has a regular climate, and it snows during the winter possibly.


Moon Prism Power!
Just because it snows in Sinnoh in the game doesn't mean that Jessie is from there because we saw the episode where she was a small little neglected child out in the snow. Jeez... it bothers me when people try to think about stuff like that. Like what seems like the obvious just because it seems like the obvious doesn't mean it is. Ok anyway, I think James is originally from Kanto because I think that the house where we saw his family and Jessabel is his main house because that's where all his original stuff were and all his other houses were just extra houses they added to their collection of houses as he was growing up.
I'm not very sure about Jessie, i'm just going to say that I think she grew up in a poor environment. I mean like a poor village where they didn't have much.
And Meowth don't know where he was from either except guessing the city. Just a guess.


Well-Known Member
*looks at kanto map* Well, that doesn't seem to work. Less she lived by the whirlpool Islands. Lots of real estate over there. Also, when exactly would that happen? Ash and his friends went tons of places, and it to my memory at least, never snowed unless articuno was there. Also, most likely, as she ATE snow. Not a quite nutritous diet.
*looks at kanto map* Well, that doesn't seem to work. Less she lived by the whirlpool Islands. Lots of real estate over there. Also, when exactly would that happen? Ash and his friends went tons of places, and it to my memory at least, never snowed unless articuno was there. Also, most likely, as she ATE snow. Not a quite nutritous diet.

Believe it or not, Satoshi and gang have not been to every single place in Kanto.

And with all the random filler cities the anime creates, who's to say there aren't some places that have a normal midwestern climate?
My proof is that there are no places in the games or anime. Your proof is nothing. I believe my proof wins.

Yeah, just like there was no such thing as Yuzuhira Island, Silver Town, any of the Battle Frontier buildings, ect., before the Kanto BF saga.

Oh, wait. The writers make up places when they choose to. Great job, idiot.