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Team Rocket Poke'ween thing

Lady Renegade

Beware the Lady!!
truly awsome....do you post your art any where like DA?


Well-Known Member
This pic is really great Gravy, it shows that you are a talented artist^^
I like how you do the lineart and the shading.
Keep up the good work!. By the way, I love the animations in your sign.XD


Well-Known Member
Awesome picture. I agree with the dragon on the pun.


XD HILARIOUS pic, Gravy, my friend. This pic, as with most of your art, is funny for so many reasons, and you have a great and unique (at least to me) style. Keep up the great work.

Erm...What's the pun? [/n00b] >_>;

Edit: Wait. I just got it. XD
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Contaminated KFC
Lady Renegade said:
truly awsome....do you post your art any where like DA?

*shameless plug* ---> Yes~ <--- *shameless plug*

Ash.mx said:
This pic is really great Gravy, it shows that you are a talented artist^^
I like how you do the lineart and the shading.
Keep up the good work!. By the way, I love the animations in your sign.XD
Oh, why thank you~ That actually means a lot coming from someone with as much skill as yourself. I'm quite flattered ^.^;

Jynxo said:
XD HILARIOUS pic, Gravy, my friend. This pic, as with most of your art, is funny for so many reasons, and you have a great and unique (at least to me) style. Keep up the great work.

Erm...What's the pun? [/n00b] >_>;
Roffle! Oy vey, Of all the people in the world, you're one of the last I'd expect to ...umm..not get it XP
Wobbuffet is dressed as a plate of food and a table. And a Buffet is an informally served meal, in which you pick out your own choice of food from a wide selection :p

...And just as I post that, you get it. Perfect timing! ^^;

Thanks for the comment btw^^
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The Dainty Delcatty
Great job - I like the idea of portraying Cacnea as a Pumpkin. And wouldn't it be cool if someone came up with an actual pumpkin Pokemon? The whole thing is very professionally done.


Well-Known Member
Very, very awesome, Gravy. XD I absolutely love their costumes. This is just about the best art I've seen in a long time. I can't really find any mistakes, but if I do find any, I'll be the first to say so, as it's my desktop right now. XDXD

I'll be looking forward to your next piece of art. ^_^



Oh I love this! :D

Hey..wait...did I see this on DeviantArt!?
Are you cotton-gravy on Deviantart?


Custom User Title
Lmao, Wub-buffet! XD That's great. And all of their costumes fit them perfectly. I love your art, Gravy. It looks awesome and is hilarious. Keep up the good work.


Contaminated KFC
Clare said:
And wouldn't it be cool if someone came up with an actual pumpkin Pokemon?
Heh heh, I've been counting on the 4th generation delivering a Ghost/Grass type just like that for quite a while now :p

jynx said:
Are you cotton-gravy on Deviantart?
No, but he steals artwork from me. That stinky poo meanie! I hope he stubs his widdle toesie! ;_;

Also, thanks Heracross ^^


Gravy said:
No, but he steals artwork from me. That stinky poo meanie! I hope he stubs his widdle toesie!
Oh no! That's awful!!

What about putting your signature and your website address on your pics? Like mine do.


Contaminated KFC
jynx said:
Oh no! That's awful!!

What about putting your signature and your website address on your pics? Like mine do.
....I was only joking ^^;


Coral Eye Trainer
LOL that's so awesome! I really love the expression of each and every pokemon. It's reminds me of a SesameStreet ThanksGiving! Where big bird was the turkey!? LMAO