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Team Rocket: The Unremitting Strife


This is a comic-ization of my fan-fac form a while ago. This is all done in MSPaint (black and white only, no less), by the way. Please read, comment, and enjoy.

Character Profiles
**Soon to be updated with more characters**

Chapter 1 Conclusion
Chapter 2 Intro Page
2-1 **NEW**

Latest Update:

Notes: A REAL update! Omg. Getting a bit better with this whole freehand business. ^_^
Last edited:


I dont read hand drawn comic's most the time but this look's good I'll keep reading.


Active Member
This is cool! Forgive the noobish statement, anyway, the plot sounds auesome. It also get to the action fast, a high point.
Lastly, the style of drawing is great, thejapanese characterson the pokecenter are a neat touch
The only thing I can find to critque with it is the speech boxes. They coulld stand to be a bit bigger, the text as well. Its a reasonable size, but a bit straining if theres going to be a lot of it.


Gotcha. I only have limited space with which to work the text-boxes in, though.
I'll see what I can do. Several area already done; I'm just waiting before I post them. I wanna see if this gets attention firstly =P

Thanksgiving is now, so I'll post the next one up either tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for the replies!


Zigzagoon luv
Hand Drawn Comics Make my eyes Burn, But you should still make them if you think people are going to look at it.

I don't see many thing wrong with it though.


Heh heh ^^;
I could never understand the whole "lol sprite comix" trend. I just think it's unoriginal and exemplifies little to no skill or thought.
Besides; the way I see it, the anount of effort spent on a comic co-relates to how good it is. It would help to explain why sprite comics are less than great, most of the time. =\


Mayness Yayness!
Brilliant I love hand drawn comics and I really hope you can keep up the quality of this


Meowth Fanatic <3
I waaaay prefer hand-drawn to sprited- sprite comics need to be really, really good for me to really get into them.

That said. x3

I've been waiting for someone to write a fic or comic (that isn't a poorly-done sprite comic and doesn't die after two pages) about an original Team Rocket member, and I finally found one. ^_^ The character himself is a pretty unexplored demographic- older gamer who lives with his mom and isn't trying to be a pokemon master. x3 I haveta suggest that you try and work the frames to fill up more of the page, though- there's a lot of white around there, and the frames could be larger and look a smidge less cramped.

But yeah, I'll follow it. ^_^ It'll be interesting to see where it goes.


Well, I can tell you one thing; none of the main characters ever BECOMES a Rocket member. But it IS about centered around Team Rocket, and a personal vendetta against them.
Thanks velly, velly much! =P


Zigzagoon luv
Oh Yay!
A new Episode.
I Think It Sounds Interesting Now Since you have finnaly done an episode!


Meowth Fanatic <3
...Ah, well. As long as Team Rocket's a central part... 'cause they're neat. Their evil plans involve self-benefit, as opposed to drowning themselves, or expanding the land for some reason, like -some- evil organizations. xD

And hey, a new page! I couldn't really tell you were drunk except for the second panel... his face looks a little lopsided. ^^() I love the third panel, though. Very dramatic.

Shinji seems to be a neat character- I'm sure I'll get used to the stubble. Although the shiny hair could be toned down a smidge, or the shine could conform better to the contour of the hair itself.

So yay. I need to write shorter comments. >_>


You know over AIM you got me to admit I like it. I know you can do a lot better, clock and I know you and I will be competing for air time when Innocence Gone is out.

I wish you good luck both as a student of you and a friendly rival.

Keep it up, there is much success lying over the horizon for you.

In other words the plot will be awesome :3


Under the sea
Another hand-drawn one (Just saw "Broken Waffles" ^^) and another good hand-drawn one at that. Your style really attends to details. The plot also seems to be fast-paced and filled with action, so I'll definately be coming back.


...no Naku Koro ni
^_^ I'm still amazed at your mouse skills @_@ And the hands are so well drawn *_*

Story continues to be exciting and fast-paced. Yay for revenge time XD


Meowth Fanatic <3
Using something other than MS Paint is always an improvement.

I agree with Shizuru- your hands are very good. ^_^ And I love all the emotion your character shows. :3 In this page and the last one- I missed commenting on that one because you update so fast~

Can't wait to see where it goes!