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Team Rocket's Dream.

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Thunder Pokemon User
Why do you think that Jesse James and Meowth keep on making up those stories in their minds where they give Giovanni a pokemon? Why don't they just try and catch the pokemon 1st then think or keep the pokemon and try to take over Team Rocket? And whats up with them always wanting to be rich? And off 1 pokemon?


*The Water Warrior*
Hmmm should they now, after many many years, just stop being team rocket. I mean thats what your essentially asking, they live to please the one man who, really if you think about it, doesnt know they exist. Well only when he gets one of their bills.


Boulder Trainer
James would like to take over, Meowth would like to take over Persian's role, but Jessie seems happy just bringing in Pokemon and getting rich and maybe keeping some cute Pokemon for herself, not really with taking over the whole gang. ^^;

That and because Jessie and Meowth have always been poor, they apparently think everything'll be great once they get rich. James used to be, so I guess he just... wants to be rich again but without his parents and fiance telling him how to eat, talk, breathe...

Oh, and because it's funny.


Well-Known Member
I think it's one of the best parts about Team Rocket honestly. Especially later on when Meowth comes up with a BS story and James is just like "...That doesn't make any sense. I'm gonna need more convincing." Then later "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Promotions! Corner office! Company stock! We're gonna be rich!!!!!"

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