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Team Rocket's Dream.


Thunder Pokemon User
Why do you think that Jesse James and Meowth keep on making up those stories in their minds where they give Giovanni a pokemon? Why don't they just try and catch the pokemon 1st then think or keep the pokemon and try to take over Team Rocket? And whats up with them always wanting to be rich? And off 1 pokemon?


Thunder Pokemon User
Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax."

The all-purpose catchphrase!

But its not just a show, its a t.v. show and they freakin do it every episode just about.

Emo Saria

Be my Penguin <3
Well, first of all, because giving Giovanni some strong Pokemon or Item maybe, will get them money... Which explains part of question two.. That and.. Don't high level Admins and Gio find some way to get whatever has been captured to obey thems? (Yes, thems not them :p) Brainwashing them or something? Maybe they would do a better job then our three favorite members of the organization... I don't see why anyone that Jessie, James, and Meowth capture some how should obey anyone else but their own trainer... And they're not Abe, so they can't chant their way through the Pokemon's mind.
As for question two.. Who doesn't wanna become rich? Sure, James was once rich.. With nasty spoiled parents trying to make him get married to miss perfect... But ya know.. Being free and rich is heaven. ^^


Veteran member
It's become their purpose

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
But its not just a show, its a t.v. show and they freakin do it every episode just about.

Okay, let's try this again...

It's a cartoon. It's not real. Stop stressing out over something that's supposed to be funny. "Pokémon" is filled with characters and situations that defy logic, and if you try to sort them all out, you're going to completely deprive yourself of the entertainment value of the show. Don't try to justify everything you see - just watch and enjoy.

Bling King

Doesn't post often
Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax."

The all-purpose catchphrase!

But the point of a show is to entertain, and to keep you entertained they make you care. I'm mainly saying this because you've just used this line too much.

Overall, TR is stupid. That is why they have those foolish dreams.

Dark Star

Mysterious Trainer
Well first it is a show, so the "dreams" are entertaining. Second, they have their dreams so they convince the other members why they want to steal it. Often, only one member of the team wants to steal the Pokemon. Finally, they need to know if the Pokemon is actually useful. If I remember, a LONG TIME AGO, Team Rocket got Misty's Togepi without any dream. They gave it to Giovanni and he turned it down because of its complete uselessness.


Contaminated KFC