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??? Teaming up with Gengar?


Beginning Trainer
Rescue medicham from wish cave
And to do that you need the Sky Blue Plains Friend Area. Then rescue Medicham and wait a couple of days, then Gengar will be waiting for you outside your house :3


Well-Known Member
Its Gengar from Team Meanies. He will need your help on a journey. Basically you need to escort him through Mt. Freeze, and then Murky Cave.


Well-Known Member
he wont stay on your team, though. he leaves after murky cave.


Well-Known Member
Another one of those escorting quests that take up 1 slot of your team composition and 1 less single size slot to recruit a pokemon. ~_~


Well-Known Member
You can have a full team, so bring in 2 of your best partners and which one to make your leader? And you have to get to the end of Murky Cave. And YOU have to do the answering.