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Vic Rattlehead

Well-Known Member
so who has played this wonderful fighting series? It is the best fighting series in my opinion. I played since the release of the first tekken for the playstation. The gameplay is quite fun and customization, for the newer tekkens, adds some replayability. I think the story is somewhat interesting, quite good for a fighting game.
I've played all 5.

Pretty mediocre series overall.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love the game.


Hyper Coordinator
Play 3 ~5. All awesome. Especially 5. So many characters. Great graphics too. Dark Ressurection was awesome for the PSP.


Well-Known Member
I've played Tekken 3, Tekken 5 and Tekken: Dark Ressurection. It's okay. The story seems to get boring and the creators try to tie in random characters to the story just so that the game can have more characters.


^^Pure Genius

They never did bother with the storyline too much. Latios is right though...Soul Caliber is better.
Soul Caliber I find better than Tekken in this aspect of fighting games (that is, "realistic fighting"). In Tekken, it's just knock up the guy, juggle, and repeat. In Soul Caliber, you actually have to defend once in a while and stuff. I stopped playing Tekken with other people who were good at it... because all they did was juggle. And usually with the same combo.

If anything, Soul Calibur is MORE of a button masher than Tekken is.


Well-Known Member
Soul Caliber I find better than Tekken in this aspect of fighting games (that is, "realistic fighting"). In Tekken, it's just knock up the guy, juggle, and repeat. In Soul Caliber, you actually have to defend once in a while and stuff. I stopped playing Tekken with other people who were good at it... because all they did was juggle. And usually with the same combo.

Those people aren't good if they can only use 1 or 2 combos.


Cascade Trainer
Those people aren't good if they can only use 1 or 2 combos.

Why not? If they are winning, why are they not good? They are certainly better than you if they are beating you with those 1/2 combos. In fact, they are better than you ESPECIALLY if they are beating you with only 1/2 different combos, because they've become predictable, and you're doing nothing to counter that.

On topic, personally, I quite like the Tekken series. I personally don't find it as deep as Soul Calibur, or especially Virtua Fighter, but it is a fun little fighting game, with some decent character/art deisgn. But to each their own.


Awaiting October.
Tekken is more like a Virtua Fighter wannabe if anything. The game mechanics of Tekken and Virtua Fighter are totally different than Street Fighter. One of them is a "realistic" fighter, the other isn't. One you mash buttons, the other you have to know what you're doing.

I like playing "realistic" fighters anyway, the commands move much more fluidly than Street Fighter type games. If I play on a controller, I litterally burn my thumb doing moves because simply, the game mechanics are so anal about inputs (Like, why does it take me about five tries to register a half circle back on a Street Fighter like game when I can register it flawelessly on a "realistic" fighter?)
Oh sorry my bad...

i personally like fighting games like DBZ and super smash bros..

games like tekken bore me..


Well-Known Member
Why not? If they are winning, why are they not good? They are certainly better than you if they are beating you with those 1/2 combos. In fact, they are better than you ESPECIALLY if they are beating you with only 1/2 different combos, because they've become predictable, and you're doing nothing to counter that.

That doesn't mean they're good, it means that the opponent horribly sucks! (I'm not directing that at you Latios).


Bwuk bwuk bwuk
I think Tekken only gets boring is whenever you play by yourself. When theres competition its encourages me to practice. From my experience, I think playing against the computer makes you predictable to people that u play against, because whenever I play the computer I find their weakness and I use most of my stratagies routinely. So if someone challenges me after ive played hours against the computer, they can find my weakness.