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Tell me what you think of my banners


Well-Known Member
I am currently working on a site RPG site that mainly deals with pokemon eggs called eggtopia!

Its in the making if you like the idea and are wondering how to be a part of it this isnt the place just pm me ok!

but for now here are banners i made for future "Members" or non members of the site to put in their siggy to represent "EGGTOPIA"





tell me what you think?


The Cool One
I think they are very cool!


Well-Known Member
ok thank you!


Well-Known Member
yeh but its still a progress in the making


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the doulbe post but here is the first batch of eggs!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
ive finished all the eggs so now im workin on the rpg site!


Well-Known Member
Thank you!

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
nice work but is the rpg going to be a forum??????
of a slow one like Pokemon Crater??????
if not I wanna join!!