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Teoka's Trading Thread - Sinnoh Starter Breeding begins soon!


Welcome! This is my humble trading thread, so please take a minute to look at my lists!

I cannot guarantee the gender or nature of a Pokemon in question, but if I'm particularly fond of your offer, I'll try as hard as I can. Any and all reasonable offers will be considered. Show me what you've got! :D

- Shieldon (7 males, 3 fossils)

- Piplup*
- Chimchar*
- Turtwig*
- Eevee*
- Spiritomb*
- Phione (3 eggs)

Wishlist (prefer untouched/barely-touched, tell me if it's hacked/cloned)
- some Shinies
- any Legendaries (especially the legendary dogs & birds, Mew & Mewtwo, and Deoxys)
- 1-3 gen. Starters
- some Diamond-only Pokemon
- most Event Pokemon
- some Stones & TMs

* - none immediately on hand, but can be bred/hatched fairly quickly