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Terrible action poses.


Sennen Goroshi! XD
I think they're quite good ^^ I'm pretty bad at just any sort of pose XD The first guy looks kindof like the Hulk... Oo


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, you have to have the sketchiest art I've ever seen. You know, these poses aren't all that bad, they're easy to make out and all that jazz, but what I have to ask is why do you always post what seems to be rough work? I've yet to see something with a clean outline from you, man.


I didn't think it'd be, y'know, hard to figure out.
Throwing a grenade, grasping a dagger, swinging a dagger (in that order). Everyone else seems to know what it is, including friends and family.

Also, that's just the way I draw =\ I clean stuff up to CG it, and that's it.


Custom User Title
Action poses bite. Every time I attempt one it just ends up being static as normal, so simply seeing it through is commendable as far as I'm conscerned.

On the first one, the grenade appears to be coming from his hand as it's positioned now, at the end of his throw, while it should have been released around shoulder level. Though that's an easy fix. The drawings themselves aren't bad at all. I love that crazed look in Francine's eyes (assuming I've got the character right).
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