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Terrible Drivers

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Well-Known Member
Once my mum was driving trying to get a car park but some retard speeds and hits her car. The guy said that it was her fault and he had NEVER had a crash before. The guy HAD A P PLATE ON HIS CAR! OF COURSE HE HASN'T HAD A CAR ACCIDENT HE HASN'T GOT HIS FULL LICENCE YET! (gee I wonder why.then again I am surprised he even got an L PLATE!)
My sister(an L plater) was practising refersing with my mum and my brother. They used a cone to act like another car. A random car sped and nearly crashed into my sisters car but she moved. That sloppy hobo driver!


Protect The Smiles!
Once my father was driving out to the bowling lanes and we had to merge right but some moron in a 2004-2006 Falcon Ute tried to cut us off from merging.


Spicy Tuna!
My biogical father. He was driving with hands free and eyes closed once and that scared the fudge out of me and he knew it yet he didn't do anything about it =.=

Mr. L 500

Thankfully this wasn't on the actual roads, but once I saw a guy practicing parallel parking in a parking lot. He was in a huge truck that didn't have a chance of fitting into the parking space. He tried to squeeze in, but he ran over the curb and some how managed to lift one of his wheels of the road. This caused him to be completely stuck and unable to back out. So, he did what anyone in a freakin' huge truck would do: He drove full speed over the curb and across the grass along the edge of the parking lot to get free.
I can only hope that I never have to park next to him... XD


Well-Known Member
I saw an elderly woman make a U turn on the highway. She apparently came up the off ramp.


*pours beans down the waterslide*
Once my mum was driving trying to get a car park but some retard speeds and hits her car. The guy said that it was her fault and he had NEVER had a crash before. The guy HAD A P PLATE ON HIS CAR! OF COURSE HE HASN'T HAD A CAR ACCIDENT HE HASN'T GOT HIS FULL LICENCE YET! (gee I wonder why.then again I am surprised he even got an L PLATE!)
My sister(an L plater) was practising refersing with my mum and my brother. They used a cone to act like another car. A random car sped and nearly crashed into my sisters car but she moved. That sloppy hobo driver!

P plates are used for new drivers who have just passed the practical test and theory test. They have a full license.

Also, where was she practising?


Fairy Trainer
Chicago traffic terrifies me.

They actually have a sign on one of the freeways leading into the city that tells you how many people have died there since the beginning of the year.

I will never, ever drive in that city. (O_O)


The Count


Artistically angry
So I like driving late at night (anytime past 11 really) because that is when the roads are empty, but the few drivers that are on the roads are absolutely terrible, I think I saw 3 people fly straight through red lights in one night


Shiny Hunter
I was crossing the road and this guy almost hit me because he was about to drive through a Stop sign. And then he got mad at me and started honking his horn.


Meh I dont really have room to talk about anybody driving bad, I am pretty bad myself... When I had my temps I managed to hit my own house because I got the brakes and the gas confused... I knocked down all of the wood railing on the patio, put a couple of cracks in the brick facing on the house, and I broke a garden weasel when I ran over it, plus it popped a tire too... Not to mention put a decent dent in the front end of the car and broke the plastic around one of the headlights... At least I hit the brakes at the last minute, so I didn't go through the house. So yeah anyways our tests are two parts, driving and maneuverability but you don't have to pass both at the same time, if you pass one, then you only have to redo the one you failed, unless you fail 4 times, then you have to start over and do the written test again too... So anyways first time I failed maneuverability right off, but I was doing pretty good one the road test, just made two little mistakes, then on the very last turn to go in the parking lot, I forget to go in the turn lane... So automatic fail!! Lol So I have to retake the entire thing, so next time I got lucky and rocked the maneuverability, but I was driving horribly, All I was seeing out of the corner of my eye was the officer writing on the scorecard nonstop... So then it got time to make that last turn and I made sure to get in that turn lane, and then I got so excited I was just wanting to park and get it over with, so of course I forgot the 15 MPH speed limit in the parking lot... And I currently had a 75, which is the minimum passing score, so that technically failed me, but for some reason he must have felt sorry for me and he just said "whoa speedy slow it down a little" haha... So I passed with the bare minimum!! yay!! So yeah I am still a bad driver and I don't really even like driving that much... I usually pay attention to one thing and forget other things, I just try to take extra care to not hit things!!


Fanfiction Writer
My dad, who had a cold at the time, was driving me to the airport and this car was tailgating him. Simply said he would take care of it. He proceeded to roll down the window, coughed, and spit out the biggest loogie I've seen in the life. It hit the windshield of the tailgater and they didn't tailgate us anymore.


Well-Known Member
Saw a girl texting while driving on the interstate with a baby in the back seat.


Artistically angry
My mom drove me (I forgot how much I hated that) and she almost always forgets her directional a and she takes her turns sharper and faster than I like :/


pain in the ***
My dad, who had a cold at the time, was driving me to the airport and this car was tailgating him. Simply said he would take care of it. He proceeded to roll down the window, coughed, and spit out the biggest loogie I've seen in the life. It hit the windshield of the tailgater and they didn't tailgate us anymore.

Whatever works...

Before I got my license, mom was driving me to school one morning when we came around a turn and discovered the biggest moron I'd ever seen. He was trying to pass a semi on the wrong side. It was a 4-lane road and the truck was in the outside lane, right next to the double yellow line. The idiot in the car, instead of passing in the inside lane like a normal person, instead decides to cross the center line and pass ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD. Good thing there was no one in the lane next to us, so we could scoot over to avoid that moron. Otherwise it would've been a head-on collision.


The Interceptor
Why are all tailgaters driving Audi's and BMW's? Seems like almost all douchebags you meet on the roads (at least over here) drive either one of those two makes of cars.


pain in the ***
Why are all tailgaters driving Audi's and BMW's? Seems like almost all douchebags you meet on the roads (at least over here) drive either one of those two makes of cars.

Up here it's Corvettes and Mazdas. And Sunfires. At least the douches in Corvettes are only seasonal... Roads are too bad up here in any season except summer for them. Thank goodness for small favors...


Protect The Smiles!
Why are all tailgaters driving Audi's and BMW's? Seems like almost all douchebags you meet on the roads (at least over here) drive either one of those two makes of cars.
Down here it is Commodores, every single douchebag owns one and thinks they don't need to obey the road rules
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