i got my learner's permit about a week ago and i've driven around six hours since then and i honestly can't believe the number of people who drive over the speed limit -- and significantly, not just five miles over.
six hours and there have been maybe one or two cars who have followed me at the proper distance instead of tailgating. either they turn off onto a different road after a while or they proceed to pass me, most of the time while there is a hill obstructing their view. luckily, i haven't had anyone pull out in front of me extremely slowly and force me to slam on the brakes (which drives me up the wall) but i'm sure that's coming eventually.
i was taught during drivers ed to look left, right, left, right when a light turned green before i went forward to make sure nobody was going to run the light and hit me in the side. this usually takes me two to three seconds. people will honk at me when i do this for not going forward quickly enough, but eventually someone is going to run a light and i will have the satisfaction of being right for once.
whenever i come up to a traffic light that i didn't see turn green, i take my foot off the gas and shadow the brake because if it turns yellow i want to have time to stop without the person behind me (who is usually tailgating) running right into my back. the other day, i was driving, and the person actually swerved around me (and almost into the car waiting at the right side of the intersection) because i was going too slowly. speed limit was 55 and i was doing maybe 45 for a brief few seconds.
basically a lot of things come down to 'why can't people just be patient'.