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Tetra Elemental Deck.

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Well-Known Member
It's a big work in progress, though it's getting there slowly. I think there's a few bugs to work out.

Tribute Monsters: 7
Blue Eyes White Dragon
Gilford The Lightning
Paladin Of White Dragon(He's one I'm willing to drop)
Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv6
Mobius the Frost Monarch(I won't drop him ever, he's my favourite card)
Roc From The Valley of Haze

Normal Mosters: 23
Homunculus The Alchemic Being
Kaiser Sea Horse
Dark Blade
Witch Of The Black Forest
Wall Of Illusion
Molten Zombie
Flame Ruler
Raging Flame Sprite
Whirlwind Prodigy
The Dragon Dwelling In The Cave
Harpie Lady 1
Mad Lobster
Great White
Unshaven Angler
Maiden Of The Aqua
Beta The Magnet Warrior
The Trojan Horse
Giant Soldier Of Stone
Mid Shield Gardna

Soul Exchange
Premature Burial
White Dragon Ritual
Dark Hole
Malevolent Nuzzler
Tribute To The Doomed
Dark Factory Of Mass Production
Dian **** The Cure Master
Axe Of Despair
Pot Of Greed
Change Of Heart
Monster Reborn
Card Destruction
Swords Of Revealing Light

Spiritual Fire Art-Kurenai
Spiritual Wind Art-Miyabi
Spiritual Water Art-Aoi
Spiritual Earth Art-Kurogane
A Rival Appears
Backup Soldier
Raigeki Break
Shadow Spell
Dust Tornado
Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor
Divine Wrath
Cross Counter

Cards I'm Getting Soon:
Winged Kuriboh Lv1
Winged Kuriboh Lv10
Dark Magician Girl
Transcendent Wings

Really need help with this.


Well-Known Member
The 60 card thing is a personal preference, I like variety. Though I may work on that, but I'm mainly here with need of advice on monster and magic cards to support my 'elemental' theme. I understand there are a lot of elementally based cards, such as these "E-heroes" I've heard about from friends. And yes I'm a little behind times. The Yu-Gi-Oh community isn't large where I am. I based my deck around the Elemental Spirit Arts before I get asked any questions.
This is what i think....

Tribute Monsters: 4
Blue Eyes White Dragon
Gilford The Lightning
Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv6
Mobius the Frost Monarch(I won't drop him ever, he's my favourite card)

Normal Mosters: 14
Homunculus The Alchemic Being x3
Kaiser Sea Horse
Dark Blade
Witch Of The Black Forest
Wall Of Illusion
The Dragon Dwelling In The Cave
Cyber Harpie
Maiden Of The Aqua
Giant Soldier Of Stone
Mid Shield Gardna

Soul Exchange
Premature Burial
Dark Hole
Tribute To The Doomed
Dark Factory Of Mass Production
Axe Of Despair
Pot Of Greed
Change Of Heart
Monster Reborn
Swords Of Revealing Light

Traps: 9
A Rival Appears
Backup Soldier
Shadow Spell
Dust Tornado
Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Divine Wrath

Total: 40

this is a traditional deck, right?


This could be a lot of soul control.(Zaborg,Mobius,Thestalos)
I'll go look up Evan Vargas' deck, make my own changes and post it for you.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, two more Homunculus's and another Satarasu? I'll try. *Sigh* At least most my fav. cards are still there. And yes, it's traditional. Though it's centred around the Spirit Arts, so I kinda don't want to remove them.


1st its really much better to have no more than 45 cards as it helps youget the right cards at the right time

next you need to pick a theme.
the best way to start imo is with a beatdown but an even better way is to buy a structure deck and build on that

hope i helped at least a little bit


Well-Known Member
I have a structure with monsters starting, but I need some cards that expand on it. It's simply wielding a balance of the elements, and I was looking for some advice on good element cards. I already have the Spirit Arts and Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan, and I heard there were others, like the E-Heroes.

Aikou Bupiggu

Well-Known Member
Tribute Monsters: 7
Blue Eyes White Dragon
Gilford The Lightning----out, it sucks
Paladin Of White Dragon---don't drop, he is the only card which helps to summon blue eyes
Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv6---- drop, no quick summoning for him
Mobius the Frost Monarch(I won't drop him ever, he's my favourite card)---I don't suggest you drop him, maybe add him to your side deck ?
Roc From The Valley of Haze----out

Normal Mosters: 23
Homunculus The Alchemic Being
Kaiser Sea Horse
Opticlops----There are better cards, Mad Dog of Darkness, Archfiend Soldier (not sure on name, the one with 1900 attack) and Vorse Raider
Dark Blade---- Same as above
Witch Of The Black Forest
Wall Of Illusion---Out
Molten Zombie----Out
Flame Ruler----Out
Raging Flame Sprite----Works with burn decks, but this has no Gravety Binds or anything so... out
Whirlwind Prodigy--- no need for this in the first place, out
The Dragon Dwelling In The Cave---- Just let it go, replace it with a spear dragon or something along those lines
Harpie Lady 1--- Out
Mad Lobster--- You're now trying to do a weenie but you need gravity binds and level limits still
Great White------Out, now
Unshaven Angler--------------¬
Maiden Of The Aqua----------¬
Beta The Magnet Warrior--¬
Drillroid Out
The Trojan Horse----------^
Giant Soldier Of Stone-----^
Mid Shield Gardna----------^

These are the monsters I'm trying to sort out but... Just drop this deck Idea, did you say this was meant to be an Elemental deck? Try the wind Charmers, but seriously, this wasn't an elemental deck, it was a mixed roid/dragon/bad beatdown/weenie combined with many other random things, just leave this deck alone, please, for the sake of everyone (wasn't meaning to be harsh) If you're a newbie, I'll sympathise, ,but still... I may post my element deck later.


Well-Known Member
I know it was rough. I have limited resources, and so I was generally forced to use monsters simply of an element instead of those that built around it. And it is INCREDIBLY hard for me to get cards like Archfiend Soldier( I really want that card though), I was lucky to have some of the ones I have. I literally rely on occasional boosters to increase my collection, so I can't target specific cards easily. Fortunatly I'm setting up a YGO club at my school to help some other newbies I know, since it will allow trading whatever. Mobius embarrasingly is the best Water monster I have, likewise with Horus for fire and Roc for wind. Earth I have Big Koala. Mad Lobster was forced, I don't like the card and can't get it's best out of it, but it and gGreat White are about the only offensive 4 star Water monsters I have. Maiden of The Aqua was one of my rare trades. I stress my limitations, as I can't attend tournaments or buy boosters often. BUT as I said I can get better cards with the club I'm founding, so I wanted to know what cards to look out for.
the point is, you will NOT GO ANYWHERE WITH A 60 CARD FRICKING DECK, nobody gives a s*** if you

Shiny Flygon said:
The 60 card thing is a personal preference, I like variety. And I'm a stupid S***head

When i was a newbie 5 years ago, i made due with what i had, and thats how i became who i am (Yu-Gi-Oh wise) today.


Well-Known Member
*sigh* blunt much? And I already got the sixty card point and I said I'd try and fix it, and please, don't swear insult people you don't really know. At least try a proper insult. And I'm trying to fix this deck, so help is preferred over insults.

Silver Arrow

i like bagels :D
I got a idea..

Monsters 16

Mobius x1
Elemental Mistress Dodario x3
Homunculus The Alchemic Being x3
Element Dragon x2
Sangan x1
Witch of the Black Forest x1
Manju of Thousand Hands x2
Sonic Bird x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior x1

Spells 16

Dodairo's Blessing x3
Heavy Storm x1
Emergency Provisons x3
Mysitcal Space Typoon x1
Ritual Weapon x2
Scroll of Bewitchement x1
Pot Of Greed x1
Change Of Heart x1
Monster Reborn x1

Traps 15

Bottomless Traphole x2
Spiritual Fire Art-Kurenai x2
Spiritual Wind Art-Miyabi x2
Spiritual Water Art-Aoi x2
Spiritual Earth Art-Kurogane x2
Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan x1
Elemental Burst x1
Dust Tornado x2
Sakuretsu Armor x1

Like that. You might like the 45 card bit.


Well-Known Member
That deck appeals to me, as I have two Element Dragons and a Sonic Bird already, I'm sure I could get a second set of Spirit Arts, though could you post the info on Dodairo, Elemental Burst and Ritual Weapon? I've never heard of the cards before.


Well-Known Member
Doradio is treated as all four elements, Elemental Burst destroys all cards on the field if you have monsters of all four elements on your side of the field even though 2 Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zans are better, and Ritual Weapon increases a Ritual Monster that it is equipped to's attack by 1500.


Well-Known Member
Yep that suits my stratergy, and what is Dodairo's ATK and DEF?


Imperial Order said:
I got a idea..

Monsters 16

Mobius x1
Elemental Mistress Dodario x3
Homunculus The Alchemic Being x3
Element Dragon x2
Sangan x1
Witch of the Black Forest x1
Manju of Thousand Hands x2
Sonic Bird x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior x1

Spells 16

Dodairo's Blessing x3
Heavy Storm x1
Emergency Provisons x3
Mysitcal Space Typoon x1
Ritual Weapon x2
Scroll of Bewitchement x1
Pot Of Greed x1
Change Of Heart x1
Monster Reborn x1

Traps 15

Bottomless Traphole x2
Spiritual Fire Art-Kurenai x2
Spiritual Wind Art-Miyabi x2
Spiritual Water Art-Aoi x2
Spiritual Earth Art-Kurogane x2
Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan x1
Elemental Burst x1
Dust Tornado x2
Sakuretsu Armor x1

Like that. You might like the 45 card bit.
Why not Tenthousand hand guys insted of maju and sonic

also Premature over the scroll... lol...


Well-Known Member
The scroll bit I'm not sure of, but the Ten-Thousand hands thing would be easier, as it would allow me another 4 star monster, as well as offer a little more control of whether I get Dodairo or Dodairo's ritual, with possibly a little more strength. If i do go with that, what four star(or less..) monster would be best to fill the gap? I know there's another magical warrior out there, it was in the movie, but i don't know enough about it to consider it a top choice in my deck.
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