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That's just so unfair.....


I just got my own copy of LeafGreen, and I was using my friend's copy of LeafGreen and my Ruby version to trade over some pokemon to my LeafGreen I'd be able to use for the long run. I used my Ruby version to create some pokemon through breeding, trading them over to my friend's LeafGreen, than trading them over to my LeafGreen.

Unfortuneately, the team I was planning to train included a Larvitar, a Spoink, and a Magby, all of them pokemon not found in the Kanto region. The only ones I managed to trade in were my Poliwag and Doduo; the other three just gave me a message that said: "This pokemon cannot be traded now".

I'm disappointed, since my choice of pokemon now seems very limiting. But what I find weird was that I was using this same method with my Ruby version (back when I had FireRed to play, until my brother claimed it), and I was able to trade in pokemon that weren't native to Hoenn (Elekid and Cubone).

Why is this so? I was really looking forward to training my Larvitar too...


christian 4ever
you have to beat the elite 4 to be able to trade some pokemon to your game


Well-Known Member
You must defeat the Elite 4 and have 60 pokémons or more in your dex to obtain the nationaldex.


Shadow Amongst Light
the reason you can trade any pokemon TO Ruby/Saphire is because there were no restrictions put in those games for trades. Fire red/Leaf Green/emerald were all made with the national dex restrictions.