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The 2nd Frontier Team

This is my second frontier team that I hope will beat the frontier leaders for the second time. Just try to refrain from changing the natures, I keep telling people that I can't waste my time restarting games to get 5 earthquakes or something. Well, here it is.

Typhlosion, Modest, Lum Berry
Thunder Punch, Flamethrower, HP Ice , Sunny Day

I chose a lum berry to cure it of status conditions that can hinder sweeping abilities, and not a Timid nature because it doesn't need that extra speed boost to sweep. Sunny Day is to halve it's water weakness.

Latios, Naive, Shell Bell
Dragon Claw, Surf, Recover, Calm Mind

Most people might suggest a bolt-beamer, I thought that would've been redundant because Typhlosion aready has Thunder Punch and HP Ice. I EV trained it in Sp. Defense because a good Alakazam in the frontier with Ice Punch can likely KO it in one turn, before I could set up Calm Mind. I have recover so it can battle longer after it uses up time using Calm Mind. As some of you might know, no 386 Pokemon can resist both Surf and Dargon Claw.

Metagross, Adamant, Leftovers
Sludge Bomb, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Light Screen

Most people would go with Agility-metagross, but I think that just wastes my time, especially because it already has 230 something speed. My Metagross' (I have more than 5 to prove this) have all done fine without that extra speed boost. Besides, I need that extra move slot. Light screen because of metagross's fire weakness (this doesn't go good with typhlosion's sunny day) Latios's Dark, Ice, and Dragon weakness, plus typhlosion's water weakness. The less damage taken, the better. Leftovers so Metagross can survive longer in case I need to use Light Screen in the 5th turn or something. No Choice Band, I don't want to use Light Screen for the rest of the battle.
Eontios said:
This is my second frontier team that I hope will beat the frontier leaders for the second time. Just try to refrain from changing the natures, I keep telling people that I can't waste my time restarting games to get 5 earthquakes or something. Well, here it is.

Typhlosion, Timid, Leftovers/Petaya Berry
Thunder Punch, Flamethrower, HP Ice , Substitute

I chose a lum berry to cure it of status conditions that can hinder sweeping abilities, and not a Timid nature because it doesn't need that extra speed boost to sweep. Sunny Day is to halve it's water weakness.

Latios, Timid, Lum Berry Don't even start on this again. If you're going to complain about it, then just stop posting.
Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Recover, Calm Mind

Most people might suggest a bolt-beamer, I thought that would've been redundant because Typhlosion aready has Thunder Punch and HP Ice. I EV trained it in Sp. Defense because a good Alakazam in the frontier with Ice Punch can likely KO it in one turn, before I could set up Calm Mind. I have recover so it can battle longer after it uses up time using Calm Mind. As some of you might know, no 386 Pokemon can resist both Surf and Dargon Claw. Wrong. No Pokemon can resist Flamethrower and Dragon Claw. Besides, that combination is only good with Dragonite/Elemence.

Metagross, Adamant, Choice Band
Sludge Bomb/Shadow Ball, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Explosion

Most people would go with Agility-metagross, but I think that just wastes my time, especially because it already has 230 something speed. My Metagross' (I have more than 5 to prove this) have all done fine without that extra speed boost. Besides, I need that extra move slot. Light screen because of metagross's fire weakness (this doesn't go good with typhlosion's sunny day) Latios's Dark, Ice, and Dragon weakness, plus typhlosion's water weakness. The less damage taken, the better. Leftovers so Metagross can survive longer in case I need to use Light Screen in the 5th turn or something. No Choice Band, I don't want to use Light Screen for the rest of the battle. That's why you switch out as soon as you use it. :rolleyes:


chaos952, while it's true that no pokemon can resist Flamethrower and Dragon Claw, Latios can't learn Flamethrower. Dragon Claw/ Surf also works. Check it yourself. Rant all you want about natures. I'm not going to change them. The rest of the changes I'll take into consideration.

Eontios said:
chaos952, while it's true that no pokemon can resist Flamethrower and Dragon Claw, Latios can't learn Flamethrower. Dragon Claw/ Surf also works. Check it yourself. Rant all you want about natures. I'm not going to change them. The rest of the changes I'll take into consideration.


Dragon Claw and Surf does not work. Basically any non-normal type Special Wall that resists Surf or Dragon Claw laughs at that combo. Jirachi and Registeel laugh at it even harder.

Did I say anywhere in my post about giving Latios Flamethrower? I think not.

LOL at your PM. So you're not willing to take changes that would benefit your team? Good luck to you.

You're hopeless. Have a nice day.
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