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The 4 Event Dungeons


ooo, what's cooking?
As most people have read, there r 4 dungeons that nintendo had given away some time ago. There is a thread, actually several, that tell u how to unlock um without said event.
This thread is built to discover their purpose. Anyone who has them, plz tell me what u think these things r for...


Bragging rights... there's nothing special. All the Pokemon in them can be seen in other dungeons


teh l337ness
I know of 4 dungeons by the name of Oddity Cave, Fantasy Strait, and two others... these can only be obtained by certain Wonder mail. I've seen them on gamefaqs, but I don't know if that's what you're talking about...


Idiot Trainer
Any wondermail code that involves a mission there will unlock it right? I'm asking because I have the WM generator.


PokeMon Professor
I would like the wondermail passwords for these dungeons, if anyone has them. Is that the only way to get them outside going to a nintendo event?