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The Adventures of Jim


Evil=Immense Fun
Hello! This is not a pokemon Comic! It is a horribly drawn stick figure comic, but it is funny (or so i've been told). I already know it is drawn pretty bad (as stated before), so please don't leave comments like that. I also already know the grammer isn't the best. If you can't read a panel just post which one it is and i will say what it says. I accept al types of criticism, but will not change my comic in any way and I will continue posting my comic until I get tired of it. The first few aren't really funny but they get funnier as they move along. The later ones include some refrence to a porn shop, so...yeah...warning you now before I get in trouble.

Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
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Salingerian Phony
Looks like the story's only begun. (Is there a story to this?) I would suggest you don't show us the story until it's developed a certain amount. In my case, I unveil a story I work on when I feel it's about halfway finished. That way, there's already a clear set-up, and the reader will know what it's about and what's going on. Right now, it seems to be just an introduction to Jim.

I can't comment on anything else at this point, since there's too little available for me to make assumptions for.
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Salingerian Phony
Okay. Seeing that there's no recap between pages and the story goes straight to the next page without something humorous (or was there supposed to be?), I figured it must be part of some longer storyline. So it's just going to be about Jim going from job to job?


Oh noes, toast =O
The title pretty much won me over, although I didn;t laugh, there were some funny parts, the lawyer bit for instance, your handwriting was a tad hard to read, maybe copy + paste the text from word?