Finally, the sequel is here! Well, for those of you who are new to the story, I suggest you read the original but then again, you don't have to read 228 pages. XD But you might miss out on the action, comedy, and romance.
The original is at my sig!
Summary: The adventures continues in the hilarious sequel with your favorite characters! Three years have passed, Yoshi finds herself bored with her life but things change when Thomas, Janet, and Prince Atam drop a visit over to Mushai Palace! Yoshi along with Mix travel again while Tyra and Malcin stay behind. Yoshi discovers how things change, learns the true meaning of adventure, and is taught valuable life lessons.
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action
Rating: PG-13 for violence and death
Shippings: There are several shippings made by me for this story as this is the continuation of The Adventures of Yoshi. I'm not sure how many there will be overall but, it's three and above. The names? Well, I don't want to spoil anything so, you can find out for yourself by reading! ^^
So, without further ado, let the story begin! ^_^
Chapter 1: Search for Yoshi
Three years have passed since the genocide at Mushai. Mushai is now more calmer now that it recovered from the genocide. The clouds slowly moved across the bright blue sky. Boats landed near the docks of the harbor. Seagulls cawed loudly and birds from the forest chirped with delight. The trees were blown calmly as they were moved by the wind. The wind was silent yet serene.
A small, yellow-green bird flew around the palace of Mushai. His wings floated in the sky as he looked down to see nothing in sight, except for plants and buildings. His dark cerulean eyes only spotted the beauty of the tremendous palace.
“Where can she be?” he asked himself as he continued to fly.
The tiny bird flew down, closer to the palace as his feet landed on the soft, green grass. His eyes peeked here and there but, his friend was nowhere to be found. He placed one of his wings under his chin that was hidden by feathers and wondered to himself. He then shook his head as he moved to a different spot. Mix encountered a French door that overlooked inside. He jumped to the doorknob as he struggled to open the door.
“Stupid door! Why do I have to be so small?!” he complained to himself.
The door creaked open, astonishing and startling Mix. He shrugged as he entered inside as the door slammed shut behind him. Mix jumped in surprise, but soon sighed.
“Who’s there?” a voice asked.
Mix walked straight as it led to a massive hallway. The little bird walked in awe as he looked around to see paintings and decorations in the hallway. Mix knew that he was in the Hallway of Paintings, which happens to be one of the longest hallways around the palace. He kept turning his head, staring at the paintings mysteriously until he finally saw some steam coming from one of the rooms. He excitedly waddled to the room and opened the door as it revealed itself to be the kitchen.
There were many cooks preparing lunch for everyone inside the palace. They were all dressed in white. One of the cooks turned around and looked at Mix with a smile.
“So it was you making all of that noise.” Malcin stated.
“Hi Malcin, what are you cooking?” Mix asked.
“It’s vegetable soup.”
“Oh, yummy!” Mix squealed as he rubbed his stomach. “Is it ready?”
“Not yet, it’ll be a while.” Malcin replied as he chopped more vegetables with a knife.
“Could I have some?” Mix questioned.
“Sure, knock yourself out!” Malcin said with a chuckle. He knew that Mix loved fruits and vegetables.
“All right!” Mix shouted with joy as he grabbed some celery and started to eat it. “It’s so good!”
“Thank Tyra for that. She’s in charge of the garden.” Malcin explained.
“Oh, now that I remember…have you seen Yoshi?” Mix asked with anticipation.
“No, sorry.” Malcin replied. “But I thought I heard someone walking around here before.”
“Maybe it was Yoshi.” Mix suggested.
“Who knows? She has been sleep-walking lately.” Malcin said with a shrug.
“Really?” Mix asked, surprised at the fact that Yoshi would do that.
“Well, that’s what everyone’s been saying.” Malcin said as he continued to cut the vegetables.
“Anyway, I’ll go check in her room again.” Mix stated.
“Okay, see ya later Mix.”
“See ya.” Mix declared as he went to the door of the kitchen but then stopped. “Could I have another veggie?”
“Here ya go.” Malcin remarked with a smile as he gave the bird another celery.
“Thanks!” Mix affirmed as he struggled again to open the door.
Malcin smiled at him as Mix opened the door and left. He continued to chop the vegetables. Mix was back into the Hallway of Paintings. His head tilted to the left and right. He moved towards the right and walked straight again. He passed the room where he first started in though Mix wasn’t aware of what that room was called. Every single room in the palace has a name. Mix continued to walk until he came across something that caught his attention.
“Hey, a map!” Mix told himself as he read it carefully. “Let’s see…Yoshi’s room is on the third floor. Question is, how to get there.”
Mix continued to stare at the map to find the quickest way to get to Yoshi’s room.
“This place is bigger than I thought…” Mix affirmed. “Aha! That’s the way I need to go!”
He started to walk straight ahead. After about fifth teen minutes, he approached the Royal Stairs. Mix smiled with glee as he flew up the stairs. He soon got to the second floor hallway called the Sun Hallway since it had so many windows that let the sun inside. The second floor also included many other hallways. It also included where all of the guest rooms, meeting rooms, playrooms, training room, classroom, and library were located.
The first floor consisted of the kitchen, entrance, patio, sunroom, dining room, and living room. But these were no ordinary rooms. These were enormous yet beautiful rooms. Outside was Tyra’s Garden, the Wishing Well, and a large park called Soothing Park. The Third Floor contained everyone’s rooms, each with a bathroom.
The Mushai Palace was a wondrous place to live. It was built a while after the genocide ended. Not too many people lived in Mushai like it used to. The genocide cut two-thirds of Mushai’s population. Eventually, the people who fled returned to their humble home but to find that it was destroyed. Others were captured by General Acan but were soon rescued. The people united together to build everything once again. They also had the help of the other regions like Alcan, Jushi, Ijo, Taoma, and Bushu.
Mix flew up the stairs once more and finally got to the Third Floor. He searched for Yoshi’s room as he passed the other rooms. He approached a door that had a sign.
“Yoshi’s room.” Mix stated as he smiled to himself and realized that Yoshi is the only one who puts up signs at the door of her room.
Mix knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. Nothing happened. He sighed as he turned the doorknob and opened the door.
There was a bed, night-tables with lamps, drawers, a mirror, two windows, a large closet, a desk with a chair, and a bathroom. All of Yoshi’s other items were around the room. Mix sighed with anxiously.
“She’s not here…” Mix sulked. “Maybe Malcin is right. Maybe Yoshi is sleepwalking…”
He left her room as he closed the door. Mix sighed again as he sank to the floor.
A girl of twenty entered a large room. She had a traditional yellow dress on, with gold earrings matching her. Her short hair was a beauty brown and her eyes were midnight blue. There was a glorious brown dinner table with five men sitting calmly and one other girl sitting. The men chatted quietly.
She looked almost like the other girl except that she had long hair. This girl was twenty-two. She wore a light blue dress with white pearls matching. She immediately stood up and walked to the other girl.
“Where’s Yoshi?” the oldest whispered.
“I thought she was coming with you.” the other answered.
“Then where is she? The meeting is about to start!” she shrieked at the other as it caught the men’s’ attention.
“Is there something wrong Kiori?” the leader asked.
The two girls sweatdropped.
“Oh no, sir!” Kiori replied.
“Well, there’s only twenty more minutes before this meeting starts.” he added as Kiori nodded.
The men continued to talk. Kiori turned around, facing her sister.
“Chikara, find Yoshi and bring her here!”
“Fine, I’ll find her.” Chikara said as she walked out of the room.
She closed the door behind her and ended up at the waiting room. She left the building and started to head for Mushai Palace.
“Why me?” she mumbled to herself as she walked. “At least the palace isn’t too far away…”
After five minutes, she arrived at the foot of Mushai Palace. Four guards were at the massive door.
“Please enter, Chikara.” one of the guards said as they all opened the door.
“Thanks!” she called as she ran towards the palace.
“Hello there Mix!” a sweet voice greeted.
Mix flew down to the girl as she sat down on the firm ground.
“Hi Tyra!” Mix greeted. “What are you doing?”
“What else do you think I’m doing? I’m gardening, silly!”
“Oh, right.” Mix replied with a sweatdrop. “By the way, have you seen Yoshi?”
“No, but I bet she’s sleepwalking again.” Tyra answered. “Did you check her room?”
“Yeah, but she’s nowhere to be found! She’s making me crazy!” Mix complained.
“You got that right.” a voice added.
“Oh, it’s you Chikara!” Tyra said with joy. “But I thought you were already at the meeting.”
“I would be if Yoshi ever shows up!” Chikara complained. “She’s such a bedhead!”
“She’s been staying up late lately so that explains her long hours of sleep.” Tyra explained.
“What is that you’re carrying?” Mix asked.
“Oh, it’s just a pail of water.” Chikara replied while closing her eyes.
“For what?” Mix questioned.
“For this,” Tyra stated as she took the pail of water and watered her plants.
Chikara and Mix were shocked as Tyra smiled. Chikara exploded.
“Tyra!” she wailed. “Why did you do that?!”
“The plants needed water.” Tyra replied, not having a clue what she meant.
“I needed that water! Now I have to go back to the Wishing Well!”
“Oh, oops.” Tyra said with a sweatdrop.
“What did you need that water anyway?” Mix restated his question.
“You’ll see soon. Yoshi’s in her room.”
“You know where she is?” Mix and Tyra asked at the same time.
“Yup, up in her room. Sleeping like a baby.”
“Wha…?” Mix shouted with confusion. “I just checked there before!”
“Well, she’s back there now. She must have been sleepwalking.”
“That’s no fair!” Mix sulked.
“Anyway, I should get some more water since Tyra used it up.” Chikara said while she glared at Tyra.
“Sorry about that!” Tyra responded with one of her hands at the back of her head and with a nervous smile.
“It’s okay. The colder, the better! Anyway, I’ll see ya later!” Chikara called as she walked away.
“Bye!” Tyra called.
“Wait for me!” Mix shouted as he flew after her.
“Are you sure that Yoshi’s in her room?”
“Well, yeah.”
“I took such a long time to get to her room…”
“Why didn’t you just fly to her window?” Chikara asked.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” Mix asked himself as he smacked himself.
“But then again, the windows are hard to tell apart…”
“We better hurry!” Chikara called as she ran to the Wishing Well.
“Wait up!”
“You’re such a slowpoke!” Chikara shouted as she took out her tongue.
“Am not!” Mix yelled as he started to speed up with his power.
Mix went shockingly fast past Chikara and approached the well quickly.
“Who’s the slowpoke now?” Mix asked coolly.
“No fair!” Chikara yelled as she pointed to Mix. “You used your powers!”
“So what? At least I beat you!” Mix stated as he laughed.
“Come on, let’s go!” Chikara called from a small distance away, carrying the water. She took out her tongue playfully at Mix.
“Hey, no head starts!” Mix screamed.
“Too bad!”
“We’ll see about that!”
“No using your powers!”
“Bring it on!”
They both raced as once again, Mix passed Chikara instantly. Mix then took out his tongue playfully. She crossed her arms as she continued to run.
“See ya!” Mix cooed.
“And Mix is the winner! Yay!” Mix shouted happily as he started to dance. Chikara’s eyes narrowed.
“Quiet, so we can surprise her!”
“Just what exactly are you going to do with the water?” Mix questioned.
“Just follow my lead.” Chikara replied.
She opened the door to Yoshi’s room silently. She first crawled up to Yoshi’s bed and made her hand signal. Mix nodded as he flew nearby. Chikara put her hand to her mouth.
“I think I know that already!”
Chikara slowly started to stand up. Mix still stayed down, not knowing what to do. She smiled evilly.
“Now we…”
“ATTACK!” Chikara screamed as she threw the water on Yoshi.
Yoshi screamed as the cold water fell on her. Mix looked shocked as Yoshi’s eyes narrowed. The entire bed was wet and soggy from the water. Chikara and Mix started to laugh hysterically. Yoshi made an angry face.
“What was that for?!” she yelled while tightening her fists.
“Chill out Yoshi, it was a wake up call.” Chikara replied, while still laughing.
“Very funny.”
“Ha ha! That was great!” Mix said while laughing.
Mix fell to the floor with dizzy eyes. Yoshi then crossed her arms.
“That hurt…”
“Serves you right!” Yoshi shouted to Mix on the floor.
“You’re so violent!” Chikara scolded. “Poor Mix but that was a good punch.”
“Who’s side…are you on?” Mix asked weakly.
“What’s going on here?” a voice asked.
“Tyra! Malcin!”
“Uh, Yoshi? Had a little accident?” Malcin asked.
“I can’t believe it! Yoshi, you wet the bed!” Tyra exclaimed.
“What?! I did not!” Yoshi shouted as she was startled.
“Shame on you, little cousin!” Chikara teased. “You’re seventeen years old but you still wet the bed!”
Everyone else but Yoshi started to laugh more.
“I didn’t wet the bed! Chikara splashed me with the water!” Yoshi complained with her voice rising more.
“I did it for a good reason since we’re late to the meeting!” Chikara yelled.
“We have a meeting today, remember?” Chikara asked as she knocked on Yoshi’s head.
“You better get dressed Yoshi!” Tyra added.
“But I don’t want to go!” Yoshi whined.
“Too bad. Orders from Kiori.” Chikara answered.
“I’ll meet you there, okay?” Chikara reminded Yoshi.
Yoshi nodded as her older cousin left.
“Seems to me that you don’t want to go.” Malcin stated.
“It’s boring.” Yoshi added.
“It can’t be that bad.” Tyra affirmed.
“It is, once I get there that is.”
“Ow…” Mix ached as he slowly got up.
“Come on Mix, I’ll put a bandage on you.” Tyra said sweetly.
“Not to mention, some veggies…” Malcin added.
“Yay!” Mix said happily. “Good luck on your meeting Yoshi!”
“Thanks. Sorry about the punch. No hard feelings.” Yoshi apologized.
“It’s okay, I’m used to your hits.”
Yoshi’s eyes narrowed again as the others sweatdropped.
“Good luck Yoshi!” Tyra called.
“Same here!” Malcin added.
“Thanks, both of you.” Yoshi said with a small smile.
“See ya later,” Malcin waved as he and Mix left.
Tyra started to leave but then stopped.
“I noticed that you’re not smiling like you used to.” Tyra said in a gentle voice.
“Three years inside this place can really get to you.” Yoshi replied.
“Just take it easy.”
“I will.”
“Okay, see ya.”
“Bye.” Yoshi said as she closed the door to get dressed.
She walked around, looking through her drawers. Nothing. Yoshi looked inside her closet. Nothing.
“There’s nothing for me to wear!” Yoshi sulked. “Great, just great.”
Now what? Yoshi thought to herself.
She looked around one more time and she discovered an old outfit. It was a jean jacket along with jean pants. There was also a black tank top that matched. Red sneakers were next to the clothes. Yoshi stood in awe as she held the clothes.
“…My old clothes…”
Please do tell me how this chapter was! I know the first chapter is usually boring but it'll get better soon with more new characters along the way! ^_~ Chapter 2 will be up soon! ^^
Summary: The adventures continues in the hilarious sequel with your favorite characters! Three years have passed, Yoshi finds herself bored with her life but things change when Thomas, Janet, and Prince Atam drop a visit over to Mushai Palace! Yoshi along with Mix travel again while Tyra and Malcin stay behind. Yoshi discovers how things change, learns the true meaning of adventure, and is taught valuable life lessons.
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action
Rating: PG-13 for violence and death
Shippings: There are several shippings made by me for this story as this is the continuation of The Adventures of Yoshi. I'm not sure how many there will be overall but, it's three and above. The names? Well, I don't want to spoil anything so, you can find out for yourself by reading! ^^
So, without further ado, let the story begin! ^_^
The Adventures of Yoshi 2-The Sequel
Chapter 1: Search for Yoshi
Three years have passed since the genocide at Mushai. Mushai is now more calmer now that it recovered from the genocide. The clouds slowly moved across the bright blue sky. Boats landed near the docks of the harbor. Seagulls cawed loudly and birds from the forest chirped with delight. The trees were blown calmly as they were moved by the wind. The wind was silent yet serene.
A small, yellow-green bird flew around the palace of Mushai. His wings floated in the sky as he looked down to see nothing in sight, except for plants and buildings. His dark cerulean eyes only spotted the beauty of the tremendous palace.
“Where can she be?” he asked himself as he continued to fly.
The tiny bird flew down, closer to the palace as his feet landed on the soft, green grass. His eyes peeked here and there but, his friend was nowhere to be found. He placed one of his wings under his chin that was hidden by feathers and wondered to himself. He then shook his head as he moved to a different spot. Mix encountered a French door that overlooked inside. He jumped to the doorknob as he struggled to open the door.
“Stupid door! Why do I have to be so small?!” he complained to himself.
The door creaked open, astonishing and startling Mix. He shrugged as he entered inside as the door slammed shut behind him. Mix jumped in surprise, but soon sighed.
“Who’s there?” a voice asked.
Mix walked straight as it led to a massive hallway. The little bird walked in awe as he looked around to see paintings and decorations in the hallway. Mix knew that he was in the Hallway of Paintings, which happens to be one of the longest hallways around the palace. He kept turning his head, staring at the paintings mysteriously until he finally saw some steam coming from one of the rooms. He excitedly waddled to the room and opened the door as it revealed itself to be the kitchen.
There were many cooks preparing lunch for everyone inside the palace. They were all dressed in white. One of the cooks turned around and looked at Mix with a smile.
“So it was you making all of that noise.” Malcin stated.
“Hi Malcin, what are you cooking?” Mix asked.
“It’s vegetable soup.”
“Oh, yummy!” Mix squealed as he rubbed his stomach. “Is it ready?”
“Not yet, it’ll be a while.” Malcin replied as he chopped more vegetables with a knife.
“Could I have some?” Mix questioned.
“Sure, knock yourself out!” Malcin said with a chuckle. He knew that Mix loved fruits and vegetables.
“All right!” Mix shouted with joy as he grabbed some celery and started to eat it. “It’s so good!”
“Thank Tyra for that. She’s in charge of the garden.” Malcin explained.
“Oh, now that I remember…have you seen Yoshi?” Mix asked with anticipation.
“No, sorry.” Malcin replied. “But I thought I heard someone walking around here before.”
“Maybe it was Yoshi.” Mix suggested.
“Who knows? She has been sleep-walking lately.” Malcin said with a shrug.
“Really?” Mix asked, surprised at the fact that Yoshi would do that.
“Well, that’s what everyone’s been saying.” Malcin said as he continued to cut the vegetables.
“Anyway, I’ll go check in her room again.” Mix stated.
“Okay, see ya later Mix.”
“See ya.” Mix declared as he went to the door of the kitchen but then stopped. “Could I have another veggie?”
“Here ya go.” Malcin remarked with a smile as he gave the bird another celery.
“Thanks!” Mix affirmed as he struggled again to open the door.
Malcin smiled at him as Mix opened the door and left. He continued to chop the vegetables. Mix was back into the Hallway of Paintings. His head tilted to the left and right. He moved towards the right and walked straight again. He passed the room where he first started in though Mix wasn’t aware of what that room was called. Every single room in the palace has a name. Mix continued to walk until he came across something that caught his attention.
“Hey, a map!” Mix told himself as he read it carefully. “Let’s see…Yoshi’s room is on the third floor. Question is, how to get there.”
Mix continued to stare at the map to find the quickest way to get to Yoshi’s room.
“This place is bigger than I thought…” Mix affirmed. “Aha! That’s the way I need to go!”
He started to walk straight ahead. After about fifth teen minutes, he approached the Royal Stairs. Mix smiled with glee as he flew up the stairs. He soon got to the second floor hallway called the Sun Hallway since it had so many windows that let the sun inside. The second floor also included many other hallways. It also included where all of the guest rooms, meeting rooms, playrooms, training room, classroom, and library were located.
The first floor consisted of the kitchen, entrance, patio, sunroom, dining room, and living room. But these were no ordinary rooms. These were enormous yet beautiful rooms. Outside was Tyra’s Garden, the Wishing Well, and a large park called Soothing Park. The Third Floor contained everyone’s rooms, each with a bathroom.
The Mushai Palace was a wondrous place to live. It was built a while after the genocide ended. Not too many people lived in Mushai like it used to. The genocide cut two-thirds of Mushai’s population. Eventually, the people who fled returned to their humble home but to find that it was destroyed. Others were captured by General Acan but were soon rescued. The people united together to build everything once again. They also had the help of the other regions like Alcan, Jushi, Ijo, Taoma, and Bushu.
Mix flew up the stairs once more and finally got to the Third Floor. He searched for Yoshi’s room as he passed the other rooms. He approached a door that had a sign.
“Yoshi’s room.” Mix stated as he smiled to himself and realized that Yoshi is the only one who puts up signs at the door of her room.
Mix knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. Nothing happened. He sighed as he turned the doorknob and opened the door.
There was a bed, night-tables with lamps, drawers, a mirror, two windows, a large closet, a desk with a chair, and a bathroom. All of Yoshi’s other items were around the room. Mix sighed with anxiously.
“She’s not here…” Mix sulked. “Maybe Malcin is right. Maybe Yoshi is sleepwalking…”
He left her room as he closed the door. Mix sighed again as he sank to the floor.
A girl of twenty entered a large room. She had a traditional yellow dress on, with gold earrings matching her. Her short hair was a beauty brown and her eyes were midnight blue. There was a glorious brown dinner table with five men sitting calmly and one other girl sitting. The men chatted quietly.
She looked almost like the other girl except that she had long hair. This girl was twenty-two. She wore a light blue dress with white pearls matching. She immediately stood up and walked to the other girl.
“Where’s Yoshi?” the oldest whispered.
“I thought she was coming with you.” the other answered.
“Then where is she? The meeting is about to start!” she shrieked at the other as it caught the men’s’ attention.
“Is there something wrong Kiori?” the leader asked.
The two girls sweatdropped.
“Oh no, sir!” Kiori replied.
“Well, there’s only twenty more minutes before this meeting starts.” he added as Kiori nodded.
The men continued to talk. Kiori turned around, facing her sister.
“Chikara, find Yoshi and bring her here!”
“Fine, I’ll find her.” Chikara said as she walked out of the room.
She closed the door behind her and ended up at the waiting room. She left the building and started to head for Mushai Palace.
“Why me?” she mumbled to herself as she walked. “At least the palace isn’t too far away…”
After five minutes, she arrived at the foot of Mushai Palace. Four guards were at the massive door.
“Please enter, Chikara.” one of the guards said as they all opened the door.
“Thanks!” she called as she ran towards the palace.
“Hello there Mix!” a sweet voice greeted.
Mix flew down to the girl as she sat down on the firm ground.
“Hi Tyra!” Mix greeted. “What are you doing?”
“What else do you think I’m doing? I’m gardening, silly!”
“Oh, right.” Mix replied with a sweatdrop. “By the way, have you seen Yoshi?”
“No, but I bet she’s sleepwalking again.” Tyra answered. “Did you check her room?”
“Yeah, but she’s nowhere to be found! She’s making me crazy!” Mix complained.
“You got that right.” a voice added.
“Oh, it’s you Chikara!” Tyra said with joy. “But I thought you were already at the meeting.”
“I would be if Yoshi ever shows up!” Chikara complained. “She’s such a bedhead!”
“She’s been staying up late lately so that explains her long hours of sleep.” Tyra explained.
“What is that you’re carrying?” Mix asked.
“Oh, it’s just a pail of water.” Chikara replied while closing her eyes.
“For what?” Mix questioned.
“For this,” Tyra stated as she took the pail of water and watered her plants.
Chikara and Mix were shocked as Tyra smiled. Chikara exploded.
“Tyra!” she wailed. “Why did you do that?!”
“The plants needed water.” Tyra replied, not having a clue what she meant.
“I needed that water! Now I have to go back to the Wishing Well!”
“Oh, oops.” Tyra said with a sweatdrop.
“What did you need that water anyway?” Mix restated his question.
“You’ll see soon. Yoshi’s in her room.”
“You know where she is?” Mix and Tyra asked at the same time.
“Yup, up in her room. Sleeping like a baby.”
“Wha…?” Mix shouted with confusion. “I just checked there before!”
“Well, she’s back there now. She must have been sleepwalking.”
“That’s no fair!” Mix sulked.
“Anyway, I should get some more water since Tyra used it up.” Chikara said while she glared at Tyra.
“Sorry about that!” Tyra responded with one of her hands at the back of her head and with a nervous smile.
“It’s okay. The colder, the better! Anyway, I’ll see ya later!” Chikara called as she walked away.
“Bye!” Tyra called.
“Wait for me!” Mix shouted as he flew after her.
“Are you sure that Yoshi’s in her room?”
“Well, yeah.”
“I took such a long time to get to her room…”
“Why didn’t you just fly to her window?” Chikara asked.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” Mix asked himself as he smacked himself.
“But then again, the windows are hard to tell apart…”
“We better hurry!” Chikara called as she ran to the Wishing Well.
“Wait up!”
“You’re such a slowpoke!” Chikara shouted as she took out her tongue.
“Am not!” Mix yelled as he started to speed up with his power.
Mix went shockingly fast past Chikara and approached the well quickly.
“Who’s the slowpoke now?” Mix asked coolly.
“No fair!” Chikara yelled as she pointed to Mix. “You used your powers!”
“So what? At least I beat you!” Mix stated as he laughed.
“Come on, let’s go!” Chikara called from a small distance away, carrying the water. She took out her tongue playfully at Mix.
“Hey, no head starts!” Mix screamed.
“Too bad!”
“We’ll see about that!”
“No using your powers!”
“Bring it on!”
They both raced as once again, Mix passed Chikara instantly. Mix then took out his tongue playfully. She crossed her arms as she continued to run.
“See ya!” Mix cooed.
“And Mix is the winner! Yay!” Mix shouted happily as he started to dance. Chikara’s eyes narrowed.
“Quiet, so we can surprise her!”
“Just what exactly are you going to do with the water?” Mix questioned.
“Just follow my lead.” Chikara replied.
She opened the door to Yoshi’s room silently. She first crawled up to Yoshi’s bed and made her hand signal. Mix nodded as he flew nearby. Chikara put her hand to her mouth.
“I think I know that already!”
Chikara slowly started to stand up. Mix still stayed down, not knowing what to do. She smiled evilly.
“Now we…”
“ATTACK!” Chikara screamed as she threw the water on Yoshi.
Yoshi screamed as the cold water fell on her. Mix looked shocked as Yoshi’s eyes narrowed. The entire bed was wet and soggy from the water. Chikara and Mix started to laugh hysterically. Yoshi made an angry face.
“What was that for?!” she yelled while tightening her fists.
“Chill out Yoshi, it was a wake up call.” Chikara replied, while still laughing.
“Very funny.”
“Ha ha! That was great!” Mix said while laughing.
Mix fell to the floor with dizzy eyes. Yoshi then crossed her arms.
“That hurt…”
“Serves you right!” Yoshi shouted to Mix on the floor.
“You’re so violent!” Chikara scolded. “Poor Mix but that was a good punch.”
“Who’s side…are you on?” Mix asked weakly.
“What’s going on here?” a voice asked.
“Tyra! Malcin!”
“Uh, Yoshi? Had a little accident?” Malcin asked.
“I can’t believe it! Yoshi, you wet the bed!” Tyra exclaimed.
“What?! I did not!” Yoshi shouted as she was startled.
“Shame on you, little cousin!” Chikara teased. “You’re seventeen years old but you still wet the bed!”
Everyone else but Yoshi started to laugh more.
“I didn’t wet the bed! Chikara splashed me with the water!” Yoshi complained with her voice rising more.
“I did it for a good reason since we’re late to the meeting!” Chikara yelled.
“We have a meeting today, remember?” Chikara asked as she knocked on Yoshi’s head.
“You better get dressed Yoshi!” Tyra added.
“But I don’t want to go!” Yoshi whined.
“Too bad. Orders from Kiori.” Chikara answered.
“I’ll meet you there, okay?” Chikara reminded Yoshi.
Yoshi nodded as her older cousin left.
“Seems to me that you don’t want to go.” Malcin stated.
“It’s boring.” Yoshi added.
“It can’t be that bad.” Tyra affirmed.
“It is, once I get there that is.”
“Ow…” Mix ached as he slowly got up.
“Come on Mix, I’ll put a bandage on you.” Tyra said sweetly.
“Not to mention, some veggies…” Malcin added.
“Yay!” Mix said happily. “Good luck on your meeting Yoshi!”
“Thanks. Sorry about the punch. No hard feelings.” Yoshi apologized.
“It’s okay, I’m used to your hits.”
Yoshi’s eyes narrowed again as the others sweatdropped.
“Good luck Yoshi!” Tyra called.
“Same here!” Malcin added.
“Thanks, both of you.” Yoshi said with a small smile.
“See ya later,” Malcin waved as he and Mix left.
Tyra started to leave but then stopped.
“I noticed that you’re not smiling like you used to.” Tyra said in a gentle voice.
“Three years inside this place can really get to you.” Yoshi replied.
“Just take it easy.”
“I will.”
“Okay, see ya.”
“Bye.” Yoshi said as she closed the door to get dressed.
She walked around, looking through her drawers. Nothing. Yoshi looked inside her closet. Nothing.
“There’s nothing for me to wear!” Yoshi sulked. “Great, just great.”
Now what? Yoshi thought to herself.
She looked around one more time and she discovered an old outfit. It was a jean jacket along with jean pants. There was also a black tank top that matched. Red sneakers were next to the clothes. Yoshi stood in awe as she held the clothes.
“…My old clothes…”
Please do tell me how this chapter was! I know the first chapter is usually boring but it'll get better soon with more new characters along the way! ^_~ Chapter 2 will be up soon! ^^
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