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The Agnostic Club

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Confused no more

*First off, this club was approved by Psiumbreon*

Welcome to the Agnostic club! I thought, why should I think by myself? This club is for people like me. Either confused or just don’t care. Stuck in the middle of theism and atheism? Don’t worry; we’re among friends (I hope). Anyways, it’s simple. Hey we can chat about things that confuse us or whatever. To join, just post tell us something about why you’re wanting to join, and perhaps put in a remark about the topic currently being discussed. Okay, here are the ranks; I’ll upgrade them along the way

Leader: Me
Second-in-command: Helps out and monitors the club while I’m away (If you want to be second-in-command, PM me, I’ll put the name of the sic on the list)
Upper classmen/women: trustworthy people who post more often here, they help out when the sic (second-in-command) is having a little trouble
Economy class: regular members of the club

Ok, first topic, hmm, ok, how about this: Why are you an agnostic. If you used to believe something else, let us know what it is, for example:
I’m an agnostic because things always confuse me. I used to be a Christian, but too many things confused me about it. I also had to ask why I thought like that, so I’m finding a foundation to build my life and future upon, stuck on the verge of theism and atheism.
I hope I get some members!

Confused no more

If you'd feel more comfortable, I could copy and paste the message he sent me:
T3h Rabid Plusle mod Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Sunny Southern California

Re: Can you approve a club?


Originally Posted by confused
Hey, would you mind if I ask you to approve a club? I'ts a club for confused people like me, people who either don't care for theism or atheism or are just confused about the facts. So I thought people could chat in that club and talk about it and other stuff. So if you could be kind enough to approve my club. Thanks in advance, even if you don't approve it.

I thought about it for a while, and I say OK, go for it, just be sure to keep it spam-free.

hope that clears your mind, but if you're still unsure, go ahead and ask.


My Beliefs

If this is an approved club, I'll join and be second in charge if i can...

any who:

Why are you an agnostic. If you used to believe something else, let us know what it is.:

I used to believe in magic, it had an overall essence on my life until I faced the facts and thought "How could the facts of magic be true? Preforming certain rituals would not work under the circumstances of anything what so ever? Magic has been around since ancient times and yet we use objects such as computers to preform these rituals, how is that possible?"

Confused no more

Great! a first member. Ok, u can be second-in-command, let me make an update:

Second-in-command: rayjohn

Nice! k, now I need some more members...

Yay! Member count:2


Well-Known Member
hmm... fyi, agnostic =/= confused.

Agnosticism = the belief that whether or not God exists is unknowable.

You can be agnostic and not confused about the facts/beliefs. I thought you'd make a club for people who were confused about the facts. And yes, the AA does also let agnostics in.

Furthermore, it is entirely possible to believe in evolution and God at the same time. Just need to clarify these things. *isn't sure whether this should stay open*

Confused no more

PsiUmbreon said:
hmm... fyi, agnostic =/= confused.

Agnosticism = the belief that whether or not God exists is unknowable.

You can be agnostic and not confused about the facts/beliefs. I thought you'd make a club for people who were confused about the facts. And yes, the AA does also let agnostics in.

Furthermore, it is entirely possible to believe in evolution and God at the same time. Just need to clarify these things. *isn't sure whether this should stay open*

Sorry, if it makes it better, I can start a new one with the appropriate theme, sorry, if that's ok with you Psi. New club name, gonna start a new one if it's ok, then you can close this one if I'm allowed to make a new one with a different, more appropriate theme.
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