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The Apple Corp! (181)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Apple Corp!

When Ash & Co. get captured for stealing fruit, they proclaim their innocence insisting it was the work of someone else. They decide to help find out who has been stealing fruit. When they find out it's a bunch of Pichu, they wonder what to do...however Team Rocket has plans for them...

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Team Awesome
I've grown to love pichus so much since I got my own little girl pichu in my Sapphire game, who is so adorable. :D The pichus in this episode are really cute, and it's great that they get to still have the apples they love so much by working for them. I also love the part when Team Rocket uses Pikachu's electricity to power their stuff in the balloon, and we see Pikachu on the TV. LOL


Corvair said:
Can't wait for seeing this episode, if there are all them pichus' in this episode, are the Pichu Brothers in it?

no, just normal Pichu. I liked this episode because Pichu is one of my many favorite Pokemon


I liked the fact that the animators didn't make all the Pichu look exactly the same.

I also liked how Pichu's characteristic is done. You know, zapping themselves when they use electric attacks. Now if we could only get it in the Pokemon games... (SSBM doesn't count)
Brocksketchum said:
I liked the fact that the animators didn't make all the Pichu look exactly the same.

I also liked how Pichu's characteristic is done. You know, zapping themselves when they use electric attacks. Now if we could only get it in the Pokemon games... (SSBM doesn't count)

Me too. That shocking thing was hilarious! But after seeing this episode I've come to love Pichu so much! I really want one.
"The Apple Corp" was a fairly good episode. It brought some of the cuteness and toughness of the Pichu, and showed that they aren't weak, and can prove that they are capable of anything. They even used their electricity as battery energy for Pikachu! Very good. I give this episode three stars.



The Amazing
I was just watching this, and noticed an odd bit of music that seemed out of place when Ash was telling Pikachu what to do.. it was just odd.. then it switched back to the other music.. I wonder if it did that orginialy o_O;

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Mediocre filler ep. The Pichu were kinda cute and I liked Meowth getting bashed by James and Jessie because of the apples.


Well-Known Member
This was an excellent episode, it didn't fail to be liked by pichu lovers and haters. I always liked them, but now I loved them. I give this episode 9.99/10.
I like this one, it has Pichus, they seem to be everywhere and taking something


Well-Known Member
A nice filler, I loved seeing the Pichu in their debut they're so cute.