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"The Apprentice": Chaos-Style


+Chaos Blade+

Approved by Fan-Fiction moderator Dragonfree and Super Moderator Zephyr Flare

"The Apprentice": Chaos-Style

On December 13, 2005, a Mr. Trump left Trump Tower to focus on finishing his project whilst in New York, leaving the Tower in one of his dearest friends' hands: Mine. It is now time for the newest game from The Apprentice: Chaos-Style


Ten Candidates.

Ten people, five men, five women, dressed in formal attire, walked down a sidewalk of a New York street, holding suitcases filled with resumés and novel writings in progress. Each one had a different expression on their face: sadness, determination, will.

In front of Trump Tower were three people: myself and two of my closest associates, who shall be revealed later.

We saw them.

They saw us.

It was set: "Let the Games Begin."


Two Teams

The Candidates walked into the boardroom.

"Ladies, please sit on my right. Gentlemen, to my left." They sat. "Now, my associates and I have gathered newbies planning to become true Fan-Fiction authors. However, along with training from some of the most prestigious authors of our time, you shall endure weeks, perhaps months, of brutal writing challenges. No 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's about it, are we clear?"


One Goal

"Who will pass? Who will fail? And who will be: The Apprentice?"


Basic Rules

Part I: Newbie Registration

The rules to apply for a position as a potential author are as follows.

  • You must have a poor writing resumé, in which it has been giving poor standards and critique by critics, or has been closed by a moderator due to poor quality of a Fan-Fiction.
  • You need to ensure that nothing happens to your computer whilst in the challenge. Meaning: If anything happens to your computer, or your fic, or challenge during participation, you cannot ask for an extension. This is to test your ability and potential. Not your pleading skills.
  • When given BRUTAL advice from an author, do not ***** about it. Accept it and apply it to your works.
  • When with your teammates, you must work as a team.
  • Do anything to win. But no sabotage!

Remember these rules and also remember that this is also an interview, so you will be asked questions at anytime. Here is the form:

Name: Your name to be called here. No screen names!
Age: State your Age.
Serebii.net Membership: State how long you have been a member here of Serebii.net Forums
Closed Fan-Fics: If you have posted a Fan-Fic, and it has been closed by a moderator, please state the name of the fic, and INCLUDE A LINK!
Why?: State why you should be a candidate for "The Apprentice": Chaos-style. This has to be at least one paragraph, consisting of 4 - 6 sentences. Grammar is applied in here, so write as best as you can!

If you are approved, I shall notify you via PM.

Now, here are the rules if you want to be one of my associates:

  • You must keep any challenge, surprise, et cetera, a secret.
  • You must have a clean record of great Fan-Fics.
  • Give as much advice to the authors-in-training, even if it is brutal, but do NOT provide clues to help them win.
  • You must be active.
  • If you are a moderator if you are my associate, please remember that this requires a lot of time, so you should balance this with your duties, as well.
  • No, you do not need to know much of "The Apprentice" to be an associate.

Here is the form for the potential associates to fill out:

Name: Your name to be called here. No screen names!
Age: State your Age.
Serebii.net Membership: State how long you have been a member here of Serebii.net Forums
Fan-Fics: If you have written a great Fan-Fic, state its title INCLUDE A LINK!
Why?: State why you should be an associate for "The Apprentice": Chaos-style. This has to be at least one paragraph, consisting of 4 - 6 sentences.

Good luck. I shall post the potential candidates, associates, and the first challenge when everything is ready.

+Chaos Blade+