The Army of Death
PG-15 for Violence
PG-15 for Violence
Lorette, a kingdom of great beauty, once ruled by the great and kindly king, Sir Augustus Valentine, he had shown love to the common folk of his kingdom, allowing both men and women to live as equals. He saw all species of living folk as beautiful creatures in his eyes, from the magical elves of the Acroven forest to the horrid Vampires of the lunar land. These creatures were all at peace, even the carnivorous creatures such as Werewolves and Dragon’s, his land was truly a miracle.
The Vampires, though blood suckers, were granted permission to feed off of the animals who resigned on the outskirts of the lunar land, though they were forbidden to feed on that of humans, unless they wished themselves killed by holy silver. They agreed to these arrangements, they were even aloud to mingle with the likes of humans, but only if their promise was kept.
Werewolves lived along side the Vampires of the Lunar lands, and granted to same hunting permission, though in the past, there had been rumours of the Vampires and Werewolves having their territorial differences, but Humans and Elves were told not to meddle in their affairs unless they possessed a death wish.
All was running perfectly, until one fateful day…
“Look at it” The wise wizard stated, a hand placed on the shoulder of the young lad standing at his side “This is now yours, your father has passed away and now you own this great land before you and the peasants that live in it” he grasped the younger shoulder and watched as he scanned his newly acquired land.
Sir Augustus Valentine had passed away only two days ago due to a serious case of the flue, his will stated that the kingdom of Lorette be passed into the hands of his son, Sir Harry Valentine. But the young heir knew not of how to rule his own land and his stomach fluttered from the horror of the moment.
“But, I don’t know-” The young man was cut off with a harsh laugh from the aging wizard “Which is why I am going to help you, Harry. Do not worry I will teach you how to rule this land. Your father was a fool, he did not have the will power to teach these peasants the way to behave in his presence, but you will rule this country with power, I will help you, Harry”
Ten years later
The Kingdom of Lorette is under the control of the Iron Fisted, King Valentine who rules with power and fear. The land is not as it was ten years ago, no; now it stands as a waste land, crushed under the fury of the king and his most powerful army, the army of death.
Humans and demons alike run from the mere mention of his name, not wanting to fall victim to this unholy king and his cursed army. There stands no army in any other kingdom who can withstand his power, not with the Wizard stood at his side at least. Kings have fallen, Queens slaughtered and their army’s killed or taken for their own, many kingdoms have fallen to his might.
The Kings army is made up of many, from mere humans to powerful creatures such as the Undead and the cursed. They themselves seek power and bow to the king upon his word that they will get it. They have fallen under his control and now kill for pleasure.
The Forest of Acroven, home to the mythical Elven people and their steeds, is the only place left untouched by the king, as it is said to be protected by the fallen leaders of their kind. This holy sanctuary has become home to many rogue groups of humans as the Elven people have been kind enough to share their home for the time being, until the king has been defeated, for they believe that the king’s rain will not continue for much longer, and he will soon be over thrown.
The Lunar land has also been untouched, but only for the mere reason that the king offered them a prize that they could not refuse. If they were to join him in his rain over the land, he would allow them to feed off of the humans and creatures that refused to join him in battle. Eager to taste the sweet taste of human blood once again, most agreed eagerly to this and joined the king without though.
The Vampiric queen, Kali, pleaded that they not give in to such temptation, for she was a true follower of Augustus Valentine, and she knew that this was not his wish, she would not go back on her loyalty, no matter how tempting the offer…only few loyal Vampires stayed along side her in her decision.
Back at the castle, Princess Loretta, named after the mighty land itself could take no more of the selfishness of her brother, King Valentine and has fled from her home in search of Warriors who could help her take revenge on her brother and release the word from his wrath. Some say she is the descendant of Angels and possesses extraordinary powers, but if this is true, why has she not over thrown her brother and claimed rule over the throne…could it be her love that prevents her from brining harm upon her brother?
She now seeks all; Undead, cursed and humans for aid to overthrow her brother and his army of death and save the countless lives of those that suffer across the many lands her brother has claimed rule over.
Sum up:
Basically, you are one of the rogue creatures who have either fled to the forest of Acroven, or remain in hiding elsewhere in the Kingdom of Loretta (or another kingdom). You lead a rouge group of warriors who do not approve the rain of King Valentine and so pray for his downfall.
Soon, you will all gather in the forest of Acroven and prepare to make an Army worthy of Angels and Devils (Whatever path you follow) and try to overthrow the king and protect Kingdoms from the wrath of the Army of Death. The more Kingdoms you save, the more men you receive and the more powerful you get. Will you be able to overthrow the most powerful army in the land?
Sign ups:
Species: *
Steed: **
Description: (I would say this is set in the time of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table)
RPG sample: I want this from E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E
Humans: There are many rouge groups of humans left in the land, and so this would be the most common choice. You carry little weaponry and armour, but this will soon be changed.
Vampires: The only living group of Vampires who live in the entire land is lead by Kali (who will be played by me), so if you wish to be a Vampire, you will have to go under the rule of Kali, though I would prefer that you take rule over your own rouge group, this is up to you.
Elves: Loretten Elves live in the forest of Acroven, but there are other species of elves that live in the land, the Acroven elves cannot be controlled by anyone though, because they are all about peace and only give aid, they do not fight. If you wish to be an elf, then you will have to take control of a group that is from another kingdom.
Werewolves: Live along side the Vampires in the land of Lunar, but were too vicious and uncontrolled to be taken into the kings army if a full moon were to occur. Werewolves are a choice, but they will be quite hard to control during the RPG as the full moon brings about insanity, they will most probably attack their allies in these moment.
If you wish to be another species, then PM me with your idea and I will say whether or not it is approved.
**Steeds: Werewolves will not be in possession of these.
Horse: The most common steed will probably be used by Humans and Vampires.
Dragon: A rare steed that will be used by Humans who were once in the services of the King. These beasts comes in many shapes and sizes, their appearance is up to you.
Unicorn: A steed found only in forests that are inhabited by elves and can only be handled by those of Elven kind.
Hellhounds: Found only in the lunar lands, these beasts are usually faught against and devoured by Werewolves, but used as steeds by Vampires.
Controlling your group:
As you are the leader of a rouge group, you will have to take charge of all the members who form it. Though the leader will be the main character, you may have to give a status report on how your group holds off in battle; some characters may be used more than others though.
My sign up:
Name: Kali Lagura (Kali= “The dark one”)
Age: Looks to be around 18, is in fact 244
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Steed: Deity
Description: Kali has long flowing black hair which bares silver streaks and to strands of which fall down past blood red. Her skin is a pasty white colour and bares no scars only strange markings which wind themselves around the sleek curves of her body. She stands at around 5’7 and wears tattered clothing, which consist mainly of rangers clothing; a black tunic and leather trousers accompanied by heavy boots with metal clasps, many black belts wrap themselves securely around her lithe frame and strange markings can be seen etched into the pale skin just above the collar of her tunic, some wonder whether her whole body is covered by the satanic markings. Secured at her belt are two sword sheathes which bare mighty, silver bladed swords with grand handles, though this lithe form is covered by a large, long flowing cloak which is some times held closed by a golden chain at the collar. The fangs that penetrate her pink gums are normally seen piercing the sensitive skin of her lower lip, drawing blood in the process which is usually licked up by an abnormally large tongue.
Personality: Kali is anything but lady like and will not stand down at the hands of men when she is told to. Her sarcastic and witty nature normally deprives her of true friends, but she is looked up to by many of her species for having the strength to lead a clan of her own as well as her glorious rain. She is caring only for her people and will show no mercy to those, whom threaten her, any companions she makes on her many journeys are normally forgotten in a heartbeat (Bit of Irony there because Vampires hearts do not beat XP).
History: Kali was bitten at the tender age of 18 by a Vampire named Vladimir, he cared for her for many years and taught her how to defend herself when in trouble and told her the ways of the Vampire nature. At the age of 100 she had seen more than what the great kings of that era had and was already skilled in the ways of battle. She killed countless through bloodlust and for a short while remained alone, fighting her own battles and pillaging from villages. When she came to the age of 180 she met with others of her species, and slowly began to create a rule of her own. Many looked up to her and counted on her for their blood, they killed countless at her orders and still do to this vary day. Kali is the leader of a bunch of rogue Vampires who were cast aside by the ones they loved after being turned by those their families hate so much.
When the Augustus became king, he announced that they be treated as equals as long as they secede their killing of humans. Wanting the best for her race, she agreed to this, and declared peace between the Vampiric race and the Humans race, she has been loyal to the king ever since, even fighting in battles along side him, her loyalty still remains for him, even in his death, multiple times had she offered to turn him into one of her own, but he simply declined, he had stated that God had made his decision and that he would die a human.
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