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The Army of Death *Starts*


(All that have signed up already, first post is an introduction to your character and their whereabouts)

The land was quiet as nightfall came and villages dimmed their candles as the lunar orb appeared from over the tops of mountains and hills. The flow of the river continued and the light splashes of the water flowing over the stones were calming to the wanderers of the night.

A lone warrior of the army of death accompanied by none but a horse rode back after what seemed to be a hard day’s work at the castle, over the countless hilltops and off towards the quiet village of Ambroth. His eyes dropped slightly and the spear he carried flopped lightly in his grasp, the jerk of the horse was the only thing that kept him awake.

From the shadows of a great, rotting Oak tree, a pair of lustful blood red eyes loomed, watching the soldiers every move, whether is be the droop of his eyes or the movement of his artery as he was jerked awake. The eyes narrowed at his every movement, lusting over the blood that would soon be theirs.

The warrior, unaware of his surroundings, drew near to the forest in which the great Oak lay and unexpectedly, the horse gave a great snort and arched backwards, neighing in what seemed fright, he was comforted by the soft grooming of his owners hand and soon landed with a comfortable thud.

The warrior took a look downwards, trying to find the source of what had caused the hours to react in such a way. He found nothing but the scuffed surface of the ground. Sighing the Warrior raised his head and came face to face with a grinning pale face, pearl fangs tipped with rotting blood and breath stale with the metallic sent.

The Warrior gave a great yelp and fell from atop the horse onto the floor. The Vampire gave a great shout of laughter and balanced on the branch of the tree, turning herself right way up and crossing her legs, using the branch as if it were a comfy seat. “Humans are of great entertainment” She chuckled evilly, eyes droopy with the lust for blood, which had doubled since the Warriors great yelp.

The Warrior had managed to force himself into a kneeling position and had his spear in alignment with the Vampires heart “Back spawn of Satan! I am not afraid to use this!”

This only caused the Vampires laughter to double “Spawn of Satan? I have been called many things, but I have never heard that escape a human’s mouth” She sighed, disappearing from view momentarily and re-appearing just at the tip of the spear so that it pierced her clothing only slightly “Then use it” She stated without emotion “Pierce my heart and send me back to my maker”

She was taunting him and the Warrior knew. He took a deep breath and withdrew the weapon. Vampires were immortal, not entirely, but the metallic tip of the spear would do no great damage. Silver and Sunlight were the only things that could truly harm a vampire, though a select few were also immune to sunlight.

The Demon chuckled sadistically “Wise choice, my friend”

“Call me a cutthroat a Dog, but do not call me friend!” The young warrior yelled forcefully, glaring daggers at the fallen angel before him “I will die before I am called friend by the likes of you, Scum”

Kali sighed and knelt at his side, earning herself a gasp from the valiant knight, her eyes fell upon his neck and she licked her fangs in want. She drew back the hazel hair from the boy’s neck, fingers tracing light patters for a while before she spoke again “It will be quick…but only for you” She smirked and bit into the artery as swift as a viper. Blood gushed from the open wound but was quickly licked up by an abnormally large tongue, wasting such pure blood was not on Kali’s to do list this evening, and rarely ever was. Every drop of blood was like a sacred pearl to her.

The young warrior’s eyes drew closed and light noises, perhaps muffled screams passed through his lips as Kali gently lowered him to the floor. Several minutes passed before Kali drew her head back, licking the brim of her mouth for any stray droplets. She looked down upon the pale figure and smirked “Foolish mortal, why would one travel alone on such a wondrous night?” She tucked the hazel hair behind the young lad’s ears and stood from her kneeling position. From this angle the young form looked almost angelic and Kali gave a cruel smile “May god accept you with open arms, young warrior” Before darkness consumed her and she left the young corps alone in the darkness. Kali had made the death as quick and painless as she could muster.


Well-Known Member
The dragon's head rose from it's resting place, knocking the young leather clad warrior flat on his face, his feathered hat just staying on.

"What is it now Bahamut?" the warrior asked drowsily, setting his hat back in place, and dusting himself off.

"I smelt a death, a human death" the black scaled dragon replied in a series of growls and hisses. Though to the average person, the sounds the beast emitted from it's near beak like mouth would be incomprehensible, the warrior, whose name goes as Sieg, could easily understand it. When you spend years battling alongside anything, even a dragon, you learn to understand them, though Bahamut's sentience helped.

"Nothing unusual about that bro, it's all too common in these days of battle, suppression and cruelty, though if it was too close, there isn't a creature in these lands that can face a blow from Crimson and not be in fear," the warrior said, placing an elegant black leather and gold lined scabbard on his lap, and holding the handle, an elaborate crimson and gold hilt with the arm guards fasioned to be like the wings that adorned the dragon's back, and the end of the handle was made to be shaped like Bahamut's head. And the very feature the sword drew it's name from, a crimson ribbon wrapped around the handle, and trailing off behind. The once famous, now infamous sword of 'The Renegade', it could topple any beast or man. Though of course, the weapon is only as good as the warrior.

"I guess, though there's a scent in the air, one we're all too familiar with. The tides of battle are on the horizen, and I fear we may once more be dragged to the frontline," the dragon continued, before lying his head back on his clawed forearms, and closing his bright yellow eyes to rest.

"You worry too much Bahamut, and anyway, we're in Sacred Elven land. It was avoided enough before, but we haven't seen a battle in over a month. Though then, as you'd say, 'It's merely the calm before the storm, and I guess I won't disagree. You know more about this world than me, and anyway, it has been too quiet for my liking. Though for now, as you're making clear, we will rest, till tomorrow, and whatever the wind may blow our way, victory will be ours!" Sieg laughed, before falling asleep once more, resting upon his dragon, as the wind blew through the emerald grass that filled his temporary home. The moon shined above. A full moon, a dark omen.


The group was slowly trotting there way over the rough, mountainous terrain of the centaur part of the woods. They had only left the city a few hours ago, but because of the time of night they were moving at a very cautious pace; trying not to make any noise at all. Talking was limited between then and the only noise that could be heard was the hastening wind blowing upon the old trees. It was obvious that Euclid was getting board as he began to pick up speed as he went up the mountain.

“Stop making noise,” Decimus and Gallus both said together. After they said it they looked at each other and turned back to Euclid. Euclid looked back at Decimus and Gallus and they saw his face. Euclid was obviously irate with them so they decided to fall to the back of the group and give no answer to Euclid’s face.

None of the centaurs knew exactly where they should go to find the king. They knew that if they didn’t get there quickly enough they and their tribe would suffer what could amount to dire consequences. Obviously a deep sense of uneasiness and anxiety filled the thick air around them. They were all very agitated with the idea that they might be falling into the trap of this ‘mighty king’ as the messenger had said.

“We can’t keep moving this slow!” Caius said as he stepped up in front of the group. “What is the point of this struggle, if the scout party was correct then we don’t have time to waste our time being stealthy. What good will stealth do us if they kill our entire tribe? Euclid, you’re supposed to be our leader, get it through your head that tact will not win us this battle!” Caius cried out as he quickly turned around as he pushed all his weight onto the ground.

Euclid looked down at the ground avoiding the stares of the rest of his team. It struck him that at this rate he could cause to fall of his entire tribe and the centaur race in Lorette. “Your right Caius,” Euclid said under his breath still facing his feet. “Ok everybody, pick up speed,” Euclid said as he jumped near Caius and continued by whispering into his ear, “Thank you.” After that the others followed as they went downward on the other side of the hill.

After about 2 more hours of wandering around Euclid turned to the others as he lowered his head. "I hate to admit it, but," Euclid began to lower his voice. Everyone looked at him obviously expecting what he was going to say. "We're lost," Euclid said reluctantly as he tried to study his surroundings. Everyone looked at each other slightly laughing.

"I guess we deserve it for not brining some kind of tracking device," Brynhildr said as he stepped up. "We just need to keep going until sunrise. Then we need to stay on the defensive and just hope someone finds us," Brynhildr continued confidently. Everyone, though reluctantly, nodded their heads and followed hoping that they would get struck by a helpfull miracle.

(Sorry, not the greatest post kind of blanked out while writing it)
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Bring it.
"Die!" a vioce cried.

A man in armor ran towards the cloaked stranger, with two swords in each hand. He attempted to slash him, but the cloaked stranger simply moved back and kicked the attaker with his foot. He then took the two swords out of the hand of the attacker and killed him, stabbing them into his head.

The seven other men watched in horror as their comrade has been killed. But seeing him die infront of his eyes, only angered their souls, so they all unsheated their blades and assumed an attacking stance.

"Who are you?!" one of the men yelled out. " And why are you attacking us?"

"My name...my name is no importance to those who I am about to slay. But I will answer your other question. You killed these three farmers for absolutly no reason," he answered pointing to the dead men which lay on the ground. "Those who kill for pleasure must be killed themselves."

"Oh yeah?!" they all yelled charging at the cloaked man. Quickly the coaked stranger pulled out his mighty polearm which he had strapped on his back. The cloth covering it then came off instantly, revealing two sharp blades on both ends of the pole. He held it in one hand and pointed his hands towards the killers with his fingers spread out. "Let us go...Tenshou," he whispered loudly.

The killers surrounded the man making a circle and all charged in at the same time. Suddenly, the man started spinning the pole over his head very rapidly. Just as one was about to slash him, the cloak came off blinding the attacker, and then was killed by a stab in the back. Then three more jumped with their swords and tried attacking at the same time, but the man turned the polearm and blocked all three swords. He then spun around with his polearm slashing all three of the attackers' stomachs, finishing them off.

"Four down, three to go..." he threatened. The remaining murderers were terrified at the man's power. They turned around to attempt and run away, but as they turned around the man appeared in a blur.

"Impossible! You must be a vampire! That speed is impossible to be done by a mere human!" a bandit yelled out in fear. "I am not a vampire nor a mere human. I am a Blade human," he answered. "Liar! They went extinct years ago! You are a race that is very skilled with any weapon. You have the speed to match vampires, and the strength to match were-wolves! But they went extinct!" another yelled. Just then the man they were yelling at disappeared.

"Well, you are wrong about them being extinct," he whispered behind them. All three turned around they were slain. All of the murderers have benn slain, so the man's job here was done.

He then walked over to a nearby haystack and started digging threw it. He finally found a lady and a little girl in her hands. The man knew they had witnessed everything.

"Dont' worry," he said without any emotion what so ever. "I'm not going to hurt you. You are safe now, so continue your lives." He started to walk away, putting the robes back on his polearm.

"Wait!" the little girl yelled out. The man stopped. "Are you really a Blade?" she asked. "Do you really have all that power?"

"I used to be one...but things change," he answered as he continued to walk away.

"Wait!" she yelled out once again. "What is your name?"

He turned around with a little smile on his face. "It's Getsuga...." he answered.


A small village lies peacefully sleeping late at night. It is a cloudy night, but gradually the clouds peel back to reveal a large, round moon. A howl is heard in the distance. There are two armored Elven guardsmen patrolling the entrance to the city. They hear a twig snap in the thicket. "Who's out there?" one of the guards yells. There is no response. About thirty seconds later, a mass of fur with razor-sharp teeth leaps out on one of the guards, and he is ripped to shreds almost immediately. The other guard brandishes his weapon, but four more creatures, recognized with horror that they were werewolves. The second guard was devoured, and several dozen werewolves run into the city.

Doors to thatched-roof, wooden houses burst open, and Elves are yanked out of their beds and killed instantly. Soon the entire village was ablaze, with cries of turmoil and grief ring out over the crackle of flames. Men, women, and children alike are being massacred by the werewolves. Cries for help from every direction are being called. One young couple manages to flee from the onslaught... a centaur is seen in the trees.

The scenery changes. A different village now stands, bustling with the commotion of daily life. Now several archers are positioned on top of a stone gate, guarding the city. Soldiers march in three lines up to the gate, and the commander of the group walks up to the gatekeeper. "Let us pass," the commander said, plainly.

"For what reason have you come?" the gatekeeper asked, stone-faced.

"We have been sent here on order of King Valentine," the commander responded. "Now let us in."

"We do not take orders from Valentine's filth," said the gatekeeper, spitting on the boots of the commander.

"Very well..." said the commander coolly. He immediately stabbed the gatekeeper. "Storm the city!" he commanded. The archers fired from above but they could not pierce their shields. The soldiers returned fire and each shot hit its mark. They burst open through the gate and several of the men fought back against the numbers of soldiers advancing into the city. The soldiers killed everyone in their path, burning crops and houses one after another. This time it was Delenthor running away from a ruined village, looking back at what once was his home.

Delenthor bolted upright, drenched in sweat. His steed, Delrith was looking at him with a worried look in his eyes. He was panting and breathing heavily. He'd had these dreams before, always one right after another. He knew one of them was a memory from a few years ago, he had been forced to flee from his village after it was attacked by Valentine's army.

He had been out for about a year searching for a party of individuals against Valentine, with no luck. He had searched for aid amongst the elves but they knew where he had come from and the elves did not want their tribes to share the fate of his own. Judging by the centaur at the end of the first nightmare, he figured it was a premonition. He had decided now that he would search in the centaur area of the Lorretan forest. He knew he would be rejected and possibly attacked if he went into one of their cities, so he searched the outlying lands.

He had mounted Delrith and they continued to traverse through the rocky terrain of the centaur territories of the Lorretan forest. It surprisingly wasn't that long before he came upon a group of centaurs who obviously had no idea where they were. One of them looked oddly similar to the centaur he had seen in his dream. He cautiously walked closer to them and he called out, "You guys lost?"


Indigo Champion
Cold, bright moonlight shined through the thick foliage of the forest on the edge of the lunar lands, as a figure was moving about on the ground. He was a tall, dark figure with poisonous green eyes and fangs as white as the moon. His eyes were darting around the trees. He sensed something, someone or something was following him. There was a light rustle of the leaves, but no sign of eminent danger. He slowly turned around and continued walking. Another rustle, but this was not leaves.

"Who's there?" Sora hissed.

Nothing. He turned around again and kept walking. Sensing that he was still being followed, he pulled out his bow and docked an arrow. He turned around and pointed at the trees where he heard the noises.

"I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out of there, or I'll shoot. I'll have you know, I rarely ever miss..." he said very poisonously.

A figure emerged from the trees, holding nothing but a sword. He mustered up his courage and took a charge at the vampire. He was inches away, so sure he was going to kill the vampire, but Sora turned into a wisp of smoke.

"Foolish mortal. You think you can sneak up on me?" he hissed menacingly.

"Away with you demon, or I shall destroy you!" the warrior said, a slight note of panic in his voice.

"Hmmm....wrong choice....." he whispered.

"I'm.....I'm not afraid." he said firmly.

"Ha! Don't try and fool me! I can sense the fear....." he said, eying the warrior with hunger in his eyes.

"Don't come any closer!" he said brandishing his sword.

Sora didn’t heed the warrior’s warning. He blended himself into the shadows and moved like a snake towards the warrior. He appeared behind the warrior in a wisp of smoke. He pounced, ready to strike.

“Hmmm……” he said pointing a long finger nail at the warrior’s heart. “Give me a reason, just one reason and I’ll do it. But……why should I deny my hunger. It’s so longing to taste your blood.” he said, sticking out his forked tongue.

The warrior shuddered in fear, trying to throw the vampire off. It was no use though, Sora had a tight grip on the warrior’s shoulders. He bared his long fangs, and swiped them with his long, forked tongue. The warrior fought more and more, desperate to throw the vampire off of him.

“It’s no use…..I have you now.” he whispered.

With a great lunge, his long fangs sunk into the warrior’s neck. His eyes rolled back into his head and let out a howl of pain. He collapsed to his knees, whimpering and screaming. Sora didn't seem to be phased by his whimpering. He kept on sucking the blood, until every drop was gone. With one last lick of his neck, the vampire jumped off him, letting him collapse onto the forest floor. He swiped his lips with his tongue, catching any stray drops that he may have missed.

“Hmph. I pity the fool who tries to follow me, like you did. Now look, you’re left here to die.” he said with a hint of menace in his voice.

He got up slowly, watching the drained human whimper with what was left of his draining life. He turned on his heel and looked out into the darkness, his hunger satisfied at last. With one last glance at the dying warrior, he started off into the darkness again.

OOC: I hope this is okay. If it isn't let me know and I'll fix it.
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Well-Known Member
OOC: Hope this is long enough for you *shakes fist*

The still night air was chilling. Drizzt halted his patrol, holding up a hand to signify noises. They had been moving like this for almsot a week now, getting closer and closer to the small garrison of the King's men. Since about this time yesterday, there had been no voice commands, since Drizzt had taught his group the intricate hand-language of the drow. Flashing his fingers silently, two of his group moved off to the left, and two to the right, leaving Drizzt and his chosen elf companion in the middle.

Noises indicate they're coming from straight ahead of us, commander. The elf flashed quickly with his fingers. Nodding, Drizzt pulled out his bow, Taulmaril, and held an arrow at the ready. He wondered what soldiers were doing so far from the garrison. It was a good hour away from the current position. We have to do this quickly, there may be more of them. Drizzt flashed back, working the arrow into position. A twig cracked from about 20 meters ahead, and a curse followed it. His lavender eyes searching the area after slipping into the infrared spectrum, Drizzt saw them.

They are not the King's warriors, but they work for him. Drizzt flashed to the elf behind him. Taken by surprise, Drizzt grabbed the elf as a faint click echoed through the empty forest and pulled him down to his side. Two crossbow quarrels whistled over head, and Drizzt responded in kind with Taulmaril, the enchanted arrows that he fired in rapid succesion lighting the forest and showing the position of three drow warriors.

Three drow! Drizzt cursed his luck and pulled the elf to the side again, scrambling on the soft loam in an attempt to to get behind a tree. Or something. The elf he was yanking by the shoulder was hit in the hand by a bolt and moaned as he was sapped of his strength by the spell placed upon the quarrel. Dropping the elf uncerimoniously behind a tree, Drizzt bent down on one knee, hoping he would be able to stave off this attack. The Dark Elves never came out onto the surface world this easily. The King must've payed the drow handsomly for them to walk around. Unless they were searching for him.

Drawing Twinkle, who flared angrily, matching Drizzt's mood, and Icingdeath, Drizzt stepped out and launched an attack on the three drow, who were now focused to the sides. The drow in the middle of the group, a female, was chanting, her voice reaching a pitch unheard by most mortals. A fine mist appeared over the trees, and when Drizzt touched it, it left a tingling sensation on his skin. Then, his hand, which had touched the mist, started to go dead. He quickly thrust Icingdeath back into its sheath before the paralysis took hold, and backed away. His left arm now useless, Drizzt called upon his innate magical abilities and cast a globe of darkness around the three drow.

Surprised, they yelled out "Ol zhah natha thalack’vel", which was Drow for "It is an ambush!" Quite surprised by this, Drizzt just about forgot about the battle until a crossbow quirrel hit his shoulder and bounced off the mithril armour just under his clothes. He heard an elf cry out in pain, and the female drow laugh, and he knew they were in trouble. If it had just been the two male drow, it would've been fine. Even the elves would've been able to take them on without using magic themselves. The female, however, was a priestess of Lloth, and as such had the many enchantments given to her by the spider queen.

Her chanting reached another crescendo, and a bolt of pure energy blasted a tree to Drizzt's left to smithereens. Cursing under his breath, Drizzt rolled to the side as another energy blast exploded into the ground where he once was. By now, the mist had disappated, and Drizzt ran foward as silently as possible, the globe of darkness hiding his progress. The chanting began again, and this time it was not aimed at Drizzt. One of the elves that had gone to the left exploded violently as the energy hit him. As much as Drizzt was pained to lose a companion, it provided him with the chance he needed.

Holding out Twinkle in front of him, Drizzt rushed through the globe of darkness and met the priestess head-on with a quick thrust to her shoulder. This startled the priestess, as all she saw was another drow, and he was attacking her! "Abban? she asked Drizzt. Shaking his head no, he brought Twinkle around and smashed the hilt into the side of her head. Not prepared for this assault, her eyes rolled up and she fell over, unconcious. This attracted the attention of two male drow, who immediatly discarded their deadly crossbows and took up swords instead.

Backpeddling, Drizzt retreated quickly, trying to parry their thrusts. With only one good hand, it was very hard, and the simplest of moves kept scoring hits on him. Panting, he saw the two elves from the right charge in, their long swords raised high. One of the drow turned to face this new threat while the other continued his assault on Drizzt. Wildly, without thinking, he crossed Twinkle up his body, parrying a stab aimed at his liver, and brought it back down for a downward thrust from the drow's dagger. The two elves were hard pressed, the male fighting them was incredible.

Suddenly, Drizzt had feeling back in his left arm. Amazingly, he was able to pull out Icingdeath in time to stop a double sword thrust to his chest. The drows swords went in two directions, one up, the other down, making him look like a clock pointing to 11 and 5. Drizzt had ample opportunity for a kill, but he instead brought both fists to his enemy's face, smashing his nose and knocking him out cold. One of the elves had been killed by the drow, and Drizzt rushed to save his remaining warrior.

Unfortunatly, he wasn't quick enough, and the drow's blades made their way deep into the elf's body. The drow wasn't quick enough to turn around, and again, both sword handles made their way into the back of his head. The drow muttered and dropped to the ground like a rock. Panting, Drizzt dropped to a knee beside the felled priestess. She didn't have the markings of any hosue Drizzt knew, so they weren't looking for him, unless Lloth was so angry at him that she was having her other drow worshipers come after him.

A moan broke Drizzt's concentration, and he turned, finally remembering the companion, his second-in-command, who had been struck by the paralysing bolt. He walked back to the tree, and his companion was just able to make noises. "Don't worry, the paralysis will wear off soon. Come, we must get back. If drow are wandering these forests, we must warn the other raid groups and our own patrols. It means the king and the drow are allied, which is a very bad thing for us." He replaced Twinkle and Icingdeath after cleaning them off in moss, and opened his belt pouch. He took the panther figurine from inside and spoke carefully to it.

"Guenhwyvar, come to this plane. I need your help." The magical mists signifying the coming of the panther started to form, and Drizzt dropped the figurine back into the pouch. Guen would be with him soon enough. He then turned back to the elf who was paralyzed, and hefted him up into his arms. "I'll carry you until you can walk." By this time, the black panther was with them, and would watch their flank as Drizzt walked almost alone to the city of the elves....

The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
I sat alone on a small inn next to the crimson flames. After taking a small sip from my jug of wine, I watched the flames sparkle. As I looked into the flames the cry of the girl rang in my mind. I saw her tears drop and soon her image appeared in her mind. I was loosing it, when will she stop haunting my mind? I then heard some people behind me murmuring as they looked at an old poster.

"Is that the bloomin devil who's been terrorising us?" a man asked.

"Looks like it let's gag him and cut off his throat," another grunted.

They then looked out of the poster and found me gone from my place. They looked around and heard a cold voice in the air. They also found that they were the only ones in the inn. Soon a cold wind blew in and extinguished the flames. Soon the doors slam shut and it was dark. They drew out their weapons wondering where I was. They then heard the cup shake a bit, one of them went towards it while two of them stood still. The man looked at the cup but didn't get any suprise from me. He then turned around and found his two chums hung by my whip.

"Dissapointing when your expectations fail you," I said as I let them go," Especially when you have expectations with death."

The man raised his axe and trembled as he stood back a bit. I walked up to him and he swung his axe in fear. I gave out a sigh of pitty for him and lashed out my whip throwing his axe away. But suddenly the doors opened, light filled the area, some guards came with muskets and pointed at me. I covered my face to see them. I sighed with sadness for they don't have any idea what their fate has in store for them.

"Drop your whip," a guard said.

I ignored him then walked up to him. They then got ready to fire, but when I stood in front of them I dropped my whip on the floor. They were about to take me, but I drew out my sword and lashed out my blade since their guard wasn't up. I lashed out my sword and crunched their weapons. Gun shots sang in the air, but I continued to lash out my sword. I then picked up my whip and walked past through the dead bodies on the floor. I then turned around and noticed the man had a musket on his hand. He chuckled, but I remained calm. I then noticed my jug was moving rapidly.

"Oh no," I mumbled.

Suddenly out of the wooden walls, a small group of the army of death appeared attacking. The man tried to shoot them, but with fear and shock in his heart and mind he failed to pull the trigger and at least try and shoot them. The group then surrounded me holding their swords up. I looked around and saw myself surrounded. I could've fought them all off but maybe no now. I then lashed out my whip and slapped one of them away. By doing that I lashed out my whip and swung to the door.

"Guys it's been fun," I said as I pulled my whip out.

Suddenly a part of the building fell on two of the knights and killed them. They could've came after me, but with open space like this, their could've been trick I could've done...


"Hikari, you all right?" Miyako Midori Inoue, an elf, asked her white unicorn. Hikari the Unicorn flapped her wings, letting out a neigh.

"I guess you're fine. Ever since I met you, my life changed. Let's find somewhere nice to camp," Miyako said, motioning her unicorn to follow her to find a place to rest. Hikari neighed, before running really quickly, finding a place to camp for the night.

"Slow down girl," Miyako said, trying to calm her unicorn down. Hikari neighed, stopping, waiting for her master.

"We'd better find a place to sleep. Ah, there's a good place." Miyako said, pointing towards a nearby willow tree. Hikari sat down on all fours, leaning her body against the tree.

"Goodnight Hikari," Miyako said, placing her head on Hikari's body, lying down, getting some sleep. Hikari neighed one last time before closing her eyes, falling asleep. Miyako looked up into the sky, before closing her eyes, falling asleep.

OOC: That pretty much ends my post.


Think Different
The horses were all drawn into the middle of the ring of trees, and guided to encircle the dying ashes of last nights fire. Despite it being daytime it was still dark and Resu hoped that they could put their foes at a disadvantage if they limited the light. Resu pulled his back against the nearest tree. His comrades turned to him and he acknowledged them by signaling for them to copy him.

Each of them pulled their backs to the ring of trees meaning they created a circle that could cover every member, each of them watched over the others shoulders knowing that they placed their lives in the hands of those who trusted them with theirs.

Dark shadows flitted in and out between the trees, very few of their foes revealed themselves and if they did it was barely for a few seconds. Resu watched carefully, he presumed the enemies to be of either human or vampiric descent, most likely vampiric due to the movement that they had. He raised his bow, his allies following him and they all began to place their sights. A sharp twang emitted from Resu’s bow and this signaled the opening of the fight. The arrow Resu had fired whipped through the trees and struck the approaching enemy in the shoulder, a second shot from Resu’s bow hit the disabled Vampire in the head killing him instantly. Resu scanned across the ring of trees, none of his friends had yet fallen and the rag and bones group of men and elves were holding off well against the assault of the vampires. But Resu knew that his group would eventually be drawn into melee combat, which is where the vampires sleight of hand and quick feet would give them the upper hand.

He decided that they would have to vanquish most of their foes before they encroached upon the ring of trees, hopefully he and the others in his party skilled with blades would hold off a reduced force.

Suddenly a scream pierced the air, a vampire hand dropped from the trees above and had already sunk his teeth into one of Resu’s party. Immediately the others swarmed to help the man, but even before they reached him the vampire had escaped. The vampires plan had worked; he had broken the ring of men and drawn them into melee combat. Resu placed his hand on his blade; his men followed him immediately drawing their blades as they prepared to defend their lives. The vampires had no mercy and leapt upon the allies, one leapt towards Resu it’s tattered cloak trailing behind him.
Resu stepped back meaning the vampire had to attack him again, it leapt with its eyes ablaze and it’s knife poised in hand. Resu slashed his sword through the air; the vampire left the ground briefly in order to cover the distance thus leaving him vulnerable.

Around Resu the battle raged on and he threw himself into its midst, his sword swinging this way and that blocking, parrying, slashing, decapitating and dealing out carnage to those foolish enough to pit their wits against Resu.


Tyfaul looked ahead peering eagerly into the darkness, next to him sat his younger brother Resu. They sat back-to-back watching the gaps beneath the trees. They were both tired and weary but had each volunteered to endure the look out positions for the night. They talked little, they were both still in shock and completely exhausted from the vampire attack at dawn. Their band of elves and men had made little progress after having to clean up and bury their former comrades.

Their destination remained unchanged, after fleeing their homeland they decided to head towards the home of the Loretten elves, Acroven. Resu hoped that he would still be allowed into the city, but if news of his newfound tendencies for violence had reached the forest he may have a rough time with the peaceful inhabitants of Acroven.


The great gates loomed up in the distance; Resu flicked his head round to show his congratulations and rare happiness to his friends. The rag tag band was still tired and many did not acknowledge Resu or simply lacked the will to smile any more. The losses of yesterday’s dawn had hurt the group and some were still reeling from the loss of their friends. But they would welcome the healing after the fight; the Acroven Elves were famed for their skill in the arts of healing and their care of beasts. Although one of the group was a skilled healer, an Elf named Destry, Resu knew that they needed proper treatment and she would welcome the healing hands of Acroven most of all. Destry was only a couple of decades older than Resu and was probably the closest to him in terms of personality and age. In a different time and place their relationship may have turned out better but years of travelling meant that there was no time for people to grow a deep spiritual connection, the sort of connection required for love.

Resu shook the thoughts from his head as he clicked his feet against the unicorn’s body; the beast let out a small cry and began to trot slightly faster. The group did the same, closing the distance between them and the gate.


The dark forest was alive with the cursed beings of the night. The Vampires howled delightedly as they discarded dead rats and badgers into the fire that was located to the centre of the deadly village. These Vampires were killers, showed no mercy and laughed in the face of danger. Discarded by all other beings as being uncaring and unworthy of mingling with the Human kind, they of course, thought differently and played no heed to those who thought them as Scum.

There were only few of the Night crawlers, around twenty in all, but together they matched the strength of an entire army of humans. They killed without mercy or thought and enjoyed it; though their killing privileges had been taken, there was nothing more delightful to the undead creatures than the unpleasant squirming of the dying as they took their pray.

These descendants of Satan were truly horrific and Sinful.

The Village itself was made of rotted wood and vines, being outcast unfortunately meant being low on the necessary materials to build a strong village of stone. The floors were stained with rotted blood and the wooden walls cursed with unholy symbols, the trees that surrounded to the unholy ground bore the same unholy marks and played host to multiple weapons etched into their bodies.

Kali walked slowly through the damned village and multiple red gazes fell upon her figure in acknowledgment. Her black hair travelled behind her like a trail of feathers and her long flowing cloak billowed in the light breeze. The Vampires watched as their leader made her way to the centre of the circle that had formed momentarily before and came to a stop, hair falling gracefully down her shoulders and red eyes admiring her undead army.

She threw her arms out to her sides and grinned menacingly, blood stained fangs glowing in the fait moonlight that shone through the tree’s branches. She spoke in a thundering and proud voice to her equals “Another Knight’s blood has been spilt” She announced “Soon, Augustus’s death will be avenged and this pitiful excuse for a king will bow in shame before us and our vengeance will be made and show in their filthy, conniving blood. Together we will bring the king to his knees and become the new rulers of this Kingdom, my fellow night crawlers!”

There was uproar as the Vampires threw their pale arms into the air and admired their leader. The tree’s rustled and the once peaceful night was disturbed as each Vampire called out their Vengeance. They would take the village that once bore them by force and the king will surly cower before them, their leader would make sure of this.

“You will not!” A feminine voice echoed, causing the entire Vampire fleet to stop in their cheering and turned to the offending voice.

Kali spoke with anger and true hatred to the one who had doubted her plan “Who speaks such nonsense? Walk forth and reveal your betraying face!”

But the figure that stepped forward was not one of her own, but a young woman clad in white from head to toe, Yellow-blond hair falling in locks down her shoulders. Her face showed no emotion, not even fear towards the crawlers of the night as they glared upon her with angry red eyes. She walked up to Kali, merely a few meters away and spoke loudly for all to hear “Here me, Night crawlers. The King is not to be taken lightly. He has founded a great army, an army worthy of both God and Satan themselves; it is made up of the strongest of warriors, both alive and undead. If you truly with to stop such a powerful enemy, I advise you not to do it anytime soon”

Kali snarled, a growl emitting from the back of her throat “Augustus was the only one worthy enough to control me” She withdrew one of her swords from the sheath and aligned it with the young woman’s throat “Who are you to give me orders, Human filth?”

The Woman did not flinch as the cool silver came into light contact with her throat, piercing it slightly so that only the faintest drop of blood spilt, there were many gasps as the red liquid made a path down the pale throat, but Kali snarled, warning them not to interfere with current situation unless the order was given “Who are you?”

“I am Loretta, Sister to King Harry” She spoke proudly, her chest rising “I have come to aid you in your quest to bring down the king and his feared army”

Kali gave a bark of laughter “Feared army? We fear no army, much less one that the king has concocted, we are immortal fair lady”

“You may be immortal to mere human weapons, Kali, but the weapons the King holds, can bring down any enemy who stands in his way. I believe silver is harmful to you kind and well as the rays of light. So I beg of you, go to the forest of Acroven and await me there. There you will meat many more and soon you will avenge my father”

Kali’s eyebrow arched ever so slightly “Why, Princess…would you rebel against your own brother and aid an army of Vampires? How are we to know that this is not another attempt of the King’s to rid us of this world?” Surly a Princess would not turn against her brother.

Loretta sighed “Kali, my brother has treated many wrongly. Not only Vampires and Werewolves, but the innocent people of other Villages, I cannot stand back and watch him torment and torture those who have done nothing! This is all the doing of that evil Wizard, please Kali, trust me and travel to the elven forest, there all will be revealed, you have my word, I swear on the Holy spirit of God”

She then turned her back and disappeared into the forest. Many eyes turned to their leader once again. “What do we do, Lady Kali?” One asked, red eyes flashed with worry “How do we know what to do?”

Kali gave a loud sigh, and looked at each in turn before speaking in a hushed voice “We will go to the forest. Loretta…I feel would not lie, she would not swear on the Spirit of God and go against her word…Her father spoke well of her after all. We will follow her guidance, even if she is a descendant of God”

(OOC- Next post will be the appearance of Loeretta. She will tell you of the Army and her brother’s intentions and bid you go to Acroven forest. She will then disappear and head for the next location. If you have reached the forest already, then she will appear there also, and explain that more will appear soon to aid you in a battle against the Army…both living and undead.

Also, I would like to announce that Skru-chan will be taking place of Co-Game Master, as I will be going to Llangarannog all next week and he will take charge of the RPG for that time as well as help me from now on.)
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Indigo Champion
Walking through the dark forest, Sora felt oddly refreshed. His meal didn't seem like it was a lot, but it satisfied him enough. He walked past a couple of twisted, deformed trees, which showed that he was on his way home. Past a dark, deadly looking pathway towards the dead hollow where the village of outcasts stood.

He rounded a corner, past a ravine filled with the bones of the mortals foolish enough to walk into the midst of this part of the forest. He saw the vague glow of the fire and knew he was almost there. Past a couple of odd shaped stones and engraved trees, until something to his right started moving.

"Who's there?" he said looking at the spot where he saw movement.

A tall figure, dressed in white, stepped out. Her face showed no fear towards the deadly creature. She shook her blonde hair, and stepped forward.

"Are you that foolish to even come this close to me? I may have had one feast, but there's always room for seconds..." he hissed gently.

"I mean you no harm," the woman said. "Are you one of the vampires of this village?" she asked, lifting her hand towards his home.

"Yes...why do you ask?" he said. He noticed that she seemed to be giving off an aura of holiness, something that seemed to be holding off Sora's demon nature.

"I have just been informing your fellow villagers, along with your leader Lady Kali, that I am going around the kingdom in search of rebels that are against the king. If anyone wishes to join me, then they are to venture to the Acroven forest and wait for me there." she replied.

"Why would you be so willing as to rebel against the king? You are a mere mortal." Sora said, not sure whether to believe her or not.

"I am Loretta, sister of King Harry." she said stepping toward the vampire.

"Fair enough. Did Lady Kali agree to go with you?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. I just left. She may have, or she may have not.” she replied.

Loretta turned to leave. Sora looked after her with an odd expression. He couldn’t believe that Loretta was the sister of the king. She was so unlike him. She was kind and caring, but wasn’t afraid to go out on a limb to bring the king down. He turned toward the village and continued on.

Walking through the village to the center, he noticed that a lot of the vampires were away in their houses, preparing for something. Sora walked up to one of the vampires who was still outside in the moonlight.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Lady Kali has just informed us that we are going to follow Loretta and head to the forest.” she replied.

“Alright. I just saw her in the forest. She seems to know what she’s doing.” he said.


Bring it.
Getsuga walked away from the village. He went in search of another village in peril. Suddenly he heard noises. He turned around to see horses approach the village where he had just parted. Usually Getsuga would assume it was the authorites, come to the village's aid, but with all the peril in this part of the world, he wasn't going to take the chance. He turned around and quickly ran back to the village.

He arrived only too see a bigger masacre, than when he first came. All the survivors who had actually survived by hiding themselves from theattackers before were burned. There was fire everywhere, on every hut, every barn and even the crops. He then saw 4 men on horses, burning a nearby house. They soon noticed Getsuga standing behind them and unsheated their blades.

Then one of the 4 men jumped off his horse and pointed his blade in the direction of Getsuga. "You there! State your name and buisness here!" he yelled.

"Who are you?" he asked. The man looked angery, because Getsuga's face was covered with some of his cloak.

"We are 4 men of King Harry's mighty army. We have been ordered to slaugther and destroy everything here," he answered.

"You killed all these people, because of a pathetic order?" Getsuga asked with an angry expression. Unknown to them a woman was watching in the distance.

"Answer my question first! State your name and buisness here!" the man yelled.

"My name? My name is no importance to those who do not uphold the justice. My buisness is kill scum like you!"he yelled. Suddenly the flames started to spread everywhere. The cloak wrapped around Getsuga's polearm came off when he held it in his hand. You could not see the cloaked man's eyes.

Suddenly Getsuga disappeared and reappeared infront of the soldier. The soldier then attempted to slash Getsuga, but was immediantly killed. The remaining soldiers got off their horses, but then noticed Getusga was standing right behind them. Then one of the horse's head fell off onto the ground. The men were terrified, and tried running away, but then a huge gust picked up.

"When you defy the justice, you will perish!" Getsuga yelled in an angry tone.
The fire then started surrounding them, and suddenly Getsuga disappeared. Before the men could even react, they were sliced up into pieces. Getsuga just started walking, looking back just once and spit.

He found the cloak for his polearm, and wrapped it up, bu then he noticed someone's presence. He quickly disappeared, and re-appeared behind the woman who snuck up to him. His polearm was postioned with her neck.

"Are you here you avenge you comrades?" Getsuga asked.

The blonde haired lady dressed in white, showed no fear to Getsuga's action.

"I am not here to fight," she said. "I just have to ask of you a mere question," she said.

"Then ask," he said disappearing, and reappearing infront of her.

"Why have you come to this land?" she asked.

"I travel everywhere. I have made it my duty, to bring justice to the land," he answered. "The king of this land, is not a very worthy one at that."

"That is why I am here. I am Loretta, sister to the king of this land. I am gathering rebels, who despise the king and have the courage to stop his evil deeds."

"Why do you rebel against your own flesh and blood?" Getsuga asked.

"As you said yourself, I want the justice brought back to this land," she answered. "If you agree, meet me in the Acroven forest, just a few miles south of here," she explained. She then turned around and walked away.

Getsuga sat on a nearby rock, keeping his polearm stabbed into the ground infront of him. He was not sure if it was a trap or not. But it wouldn't make a difference. If it was a trap, he'd kill the trapper, and kill the king himself.

He made the decision. He hung his polearm on his back and headed wouth towards the forest.

The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
I slowly walked into a destroyed village and saw hundreds of decayed bodies including the soldier's bodies. I kneeled down to one and saw his eyes opened wide and blood drooled from his teeth. I made the sign of the Cross and lay him down. Even though he fought for that king, I disliked their death. They are after all have a soul. A soul that has been corrupted. I wouldn't kill anyone unless it was for self defense. I then knelt down and felt the ground, I felt some footprints leaving this town and into the forest. I followed the tracks into the forest expecting a kind of attack. As I walked into the forest I heard some screeching probably vampires. If they knew what was good for them they would leave me alone because this isn't a good time for the species of this land to go against each other. I then heard some flapping sounds. I turned around and saw it was one of the vampires of the king. I began to ponder, what interested one of the king's soldiers to come? But nevertheless it's best to see what he wants.

"Vampire what're you doing here?" I asked.

"The king sent me to find you general he's willing to make an offer for you to return to his side," the vampire hissed.

"How do I know this isn't an ambush?" I asked.

"Don't worry my former general," the vampire said," I have a note signed by the king and he has sworn an oath to not touch you if you return to us."

"I'd love to return but I have seen things in a different light," I said," I can't go back and neither will you."

"And why's that?" I asked.

I slowly dipped a dagger into a kind of small bottle and stabbed it right on his heart. The immortal scramed in pain and knelt on one leg.

"I am a vampire what makes you think a little dagger will..."

But before he could continue his chest began to turn to ash, his voice screeched away. His eyes burnt out and soon his skin and bones turned to ash.

"Peace be upon you," I said as I held out holy water...


The remaining vampires had been busy gathering their belongings and climbing atop their steeds. There had been a lot of hustle and bustle over the last hour since the King’s sister had made her appearance and bid them go to the elven forest, though she still wondered why she would go against her brother and form an army that would bring him down, she claimed to have felt sorrow for those had tortured and killed…she did not deny it…after all, she was the descendant of angels, and whose word could be more trustworthy?

Kali had long packed her own belongings and placed them atop Deity, her loyal stallion; a black horse who stood the tallest in the line of the many other horses of the village, he was as much a leader as Kali, and she treasured him greatly, never allowing anyone to board him without her permission, he was loyal only to his master.

Looking around, she watched as they stumbled over one another, quickening their pace under her watchful eye. They were loyal to her, they had not left her side when the king had bid them to join him in his reign and so she treated them all as equals, but they still saw her as the ruthless killer; the dark one.

Looking over the heads of her followers, she spotted a figure she had not seen all night long. It was Sora, one of her mightiest warriors and faithful follower. She called to him, and all went quite under her mighty voice. The Vampire looked in the direction of her, and then towards the one who had entered not long ago. Kali smiled and boarded her stallion.

Deity took her weight without fuss, and he stood ready for her orders, but Kali did not move yet. Instead, she addressed Sora once again. “Sora, we move now for the elven forest. Grab your steed, you will ride along side me, the rest of you follow, but be weary; the king wishes our kind dead now that we have betrayed his wishes to join with his ranks. The lady Loretta is the one who we shall follow for the time being, now come”

With that, Deity neighed and galloped through the dead plains of the Lunar Lands and towards the plain of the kingdom, towards the Elven forest.

(OOC- Well it was quite disappointing to return to the forum and see that you had not progressed. I did say I would post one more before I left, but my time was short and I could not find the time.

Anyway, make your way towards the Elven forest now and then await further instructions. Your journey to the forest should take about two to three posts.)


Well-Known Member
OOC: Sieg's already in the Elven Forest, I'll handle his meeting eventually. For now how Cane and Tila meet up with him.

She ran her delicate hand through her red hair, as she looked at the poster she grasped in her other hand. It showed a young man, about 20, with brown hair and wearing full leather gear. On his back was a huge sword, one with a crimson handle. Behind him was an immense black dragon. Underneath the picture she was staring at there was some writing,

Name: Siegfried Van Galus and Bahamut
Crime: Treason and theft
Dead: 100'000
Alive: 50'000

She smiled a bit. He hadn't changed in over six years. He was still the trouble maker. Though maybe things were more serious now. He hadn't changed much, his eyes still gleamed with what could be called naivity. He never understood good and evil, what compelled people to do wrong acts. All he knew was that people shouldn't oppress. And she knew he would need her. Anyway, if she didn't find him soon, they wouldn't be able to keep their promise......


He stared at the full moon, alongside his steed and friend. The large dog growled slightly. He never liked returning to these lands, too many bad memories.

"It's OK Fenrir, we'll find Sieg soon enough. From what I hear he's gotten more in over his head than we have,"

<"Hmmph, if you ask me it's because he doesn't know how to keep his head down, unlike you,">

"Yeah, well I have a reason. I may not need blood to survive but I do have to kep out he sun in order to. The price of being a half vamp,"

<"You take your gift too lightly. Immortality and near invulnerability is surely worth that price,">

"You'd think so, but it isn't. My human side screams for me to go out, take off this cloak and live in the sun. But my vampiric blood screams in fear at the mention of sunlight," Cane sighed, his curse was a great one indeed.

<"Well we'd better move on, the longer we stay here the worse my heebie jeebies flare up, and I doubt you enjoy hanging around here much,">

"You're right, let's get this show on the road. No turning back now, we're escapees, an that means all we've got is the road ahead. Let's go!" He said, as he climbed on the large dog and bounded off out of the dark forest.


The unicorn looked over to his elven partner, eager to get on with their search.

<"Listen I know you haven't seen the kid for nearly six years but do you always have to spend so long looking at that poster?">

"Sorry Valkyrion, but it's just I haven't seen him for so long, and I'm just worried if he won't recognise me, or what i'll say and.."

<"Calm down, the more stressed you get the harder it will be, now take a deep breath, and re-lax"> the unicorn said slowly, as the elf did as he had told her. Suddenly, a girl the same size as Tila, but in a white dress and with blond hair, instead of the hunter's gear and red hair of Tila, stepped out from behind a tree.

"You are searching, I believe for the 'Renegade' I believe he is called?" the girl asked. Tila was slightly in shock, but nodded, as she had been struck dumb.
"Good, I know where he is, but i have a favour to ask, in return for his information. Once you meet with him, you must help me defeat my brother. He will be helping as well, but your race of elves has aways been,"

"I'm in, where is Sieg?" Tila interrupted. She didn't care who this girls brother was, but if Sieg was invoved she was in.

"My my, we are impatient. You will find Sieg in the elven forest that remains known but neutral, now I too will meet you there, so be ready," and with that the girl disappeared. Normally Tila would be curious about who or what that girl had been, but right now she was too close to being re-united with Sieg to care. She leapt on Valkyrion, who raised his silver wings and started into a gentle canter, before speeding up while flapping his wings harder and harder until he eventually left the ground, soaring off into the sky.

Cane and Fenrir bounded on, until a young girl dressed in white with blond hair stopped them.

"Half vampire, I belive you are an ex-soldier of my brother's army?"

"You must be the princess then, and yes, I am an ex vampiric general. What is it you want, I have a busy schedule, and the night will only so long?"

"Quite the rude one. I need your help defeating my brother. Please go to the elven forest. I belive you are acquanted with the 'Renegade'? He is there as well, and he will be assissting me in the fight against my brother,"

"Fine, I'm in, now could you please move?" he said impatiently, but before he knew it the girl was gone.

<"How could you just agree to that?">

"We owe Valentine some payback, and anyway, if Sieg's there, I'm there!" the half vampire laughed, his red eyes glinting in the moonlight. The shook the reins on his steed and they bounded onwards, unaware of the unicorn and elf now soaring above them.

OOC: I'll do Sieg's later.
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