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The Avril Lavigne Club

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Guitar Ninja
approved by psi umbreon


this is the Avril Lavigne club for all you fans but before you enter there are some rules you must obey.. here they are:

1)please stay on topic
2)don't be nagitive
3)no porn
4)you are allowed to post pictures of Avril (nothing bad or edited)
5)any new news about her that we don't know? this is the place for it!
6)you are aloud to post her songs and talk about them
7)have fun!

Locke-Kefka (owner)
IceDragon (co-owner)

banned list:
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Guitar Ninja
anyone here a fan of her?


Guitar Ninja
IceDragon said:
I'll Join I'm and fan of her

ok i'll add you (wanna be the co-owner?)


An Avril Lavigne Fan Club was here, and I was not even informed? Ya' should've informed me, if you have seen the celebrity thread! I'm her Number 1 Fan, in my opinon. Anyway, I'll join of curse, due to the fact I claimed her!


Guitar Ninja
xXSapphireXx said:
An Avril Lavigne Fan Club was here, and I was not even informed? Ya' should've informed me, if you have seen the celebrity thread! I'm her Number 1 Fan, in my opinon. Anyway, I'll join of curse, due to the fact I claimed her!

ok your in! so now thats two members... we'll start to get into the conversations one we get at least 2 more members or we can just start right now plus all members get a banner for the club( credit goes to ♥~Mimori Kiryu~♥ for it just to let you know) here is the link :http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b202/jr111_/avrilbanner.jpg


Guitar Ninja
ok new topic: have you ever been to any of her concerts?

i have i went to one this summer in toronto at the air canada center (on July 15 2005 i can't belive i actuly remember the date! ) with my 2 fav. cousins and she was awsome! the opening act sucked! stpid unofficial band came before her and i was booing at them the whole time...anyways when avril came out she was great! they ran out of songs at the end so she sang american idiot by green day and then woo-hoo by blur the concert was great!


Guitar Ninja


Guitar Ninja
i'd have to say.., sk8er boi and anything but ordanary from the album let go and he wasn't,who knows, and fall to peices from her album under my skin
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Guitar Ninja
nursemisty said:
i'll join i'm a pretty big fan of her.
Ok!!!! i'll add you to the list


Luckily the thread is not over a month old, I'm sorry I didn't post in a while.

What is(are) your favorite song(s) from her CD?

I made the topic sound much proper. Also, for me, it's 'Complicated' and 'My Happy Ending'

Also, I'll make a new topic.

What do you like about Avril Lavigne? Her looks, her songs or her personality?
Her Personality and songs, she's a tomboy and is damn proud of it! Her songs are also very good, and I love them.


Guitar Ninja
well then for that question i'd have to say.....evrything! her songs are great,she looks good, and her personality........PERFECT!


he he

i'm joining ur club locky lolz;202; ;307;
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Guitar Ninja
ok then *edits list* now feel free to reply to our new topic on this thread : what do you like about her? her looks,her songs,her personality


Interesting, very interesting. There used to be one of these, and then it died and got closed. Anyway, I'll join. I'm a huge fan. I've had 100+ people tell me I look like her, which I find very cool. I guess you could say I'm an Avril Junkie. ^^;


Guitar Ninja
punkprincess927 said:
Interesting, very interesting. There used to be one of these, and then it died and got closed. Anyway, I'll join. I'm a huge fan. I've had 100+ people tell me I look like her, which I find very cool. I guess you could say I'm an Avril Junkie. ^^;
i'll add you!


Anyway, about the topic. I really like her as a whole, but breaking things down I like her music. She's got a knack for lyrics, and she's one of my role models for playing guitar when it comes to that. Personality- what's not to like about her personality? If I ever meet her, I'm positive we'd get a long great, she's just so "normal". Looks- she's got to be one of the hottest chicks on the planet. A real 10. Just all natural. I prefer her older style, boybeaters and baggy pants, but I really liked the style she was going for when Under My Skin released. I'm not too into the clothes she's been wearing recently. It's all too girly and.. just not me, and frankly I don't think it's her either. Anyway, there's my view on things.
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