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The Babylon 5 club!!!

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Well-Known Member
Hi if you have not got a single clue about what this classic sci-fi series is, well, just go to babylon5.com to find out more. THen you are able to join.(This club is approved by PsiUmbreon)
I am looking for a co-owner that knows a condiderable amount on the various subjects. pM me for details.

Current topic: What is your favourite part in any episode?


Dear all who willl read the next couple of posts,

I am sincerely apologetic that an incident like this has occured, everything has been sorted and now we can get underway with anything else that would occur. (This thread may close by christmas, if nobody wants to join)

I hope this club can continue

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Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
Is this apporved or not, PsiUmbreon will SEAL it in the SEALED CHAMBERS where the regi's can have peace, into this sacred place.


Well-Known Member
It is authorised. the pm came through this morning.

PsiUmbreon said:
Please may I set up The unofficial Babylon 5 fan club. I have searched the posts in this thread, and I believe that there is not anther club in the forum like it!!!

OK, no problem.

Would this suffice. (ask PsiUmbreon if ya don't believe me)

Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
Then Edit the first message and put approved by him then.
It can't be apporved by you, OK?!!!!!
Now thanks to you no-one will enter the babylon 5 club, i thought i was gonna join but i'm not now.
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