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The Battle Arena

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Talk about the arena here
I need 3 pokemon suggesters 5 silver symbols+
Suggesters:me, absol20/20, expert evan
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Well-Known Member
Did you get my pm.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
arena is my least favorite area in the frontier as it yields lesser points than others. I used salamence to sweep greta for silver and actually came close to losing control in the gold match as breloom's headbutt flinched gardevoir twice in a row before it could OHKO back with psychic.


Bodybuilder Trainer
Battle Arena is my fav palace!!

After all its a battle DOJO *Biceps Pose*

Primeape could stop Breloom's Spore punching, OHKO Shedinja with Rockslide

And win by type advantage over Umbreon! (ch Cross Chop anyone?)


Bodybuilder Trainer
Battle Arena is my fav palace!!

After all its a battle DOJO *Biceps Pose*

Primeape could stop Breloom's Spore punching, OHKO Shedinja with Rockslide

And win by type advantage over Umbreon! (ch Cross Chop anyone?)


<-- Solves any case!
Something that hits hard and fast. Heracross, primeape, gardevoir, alakazam ect ect.


Never forgotten
starmie can be used but it will get toppled if its outrun which is too risky. Gardevoir since it survives a load of special attacks(3-4)


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
hey what do you suggest for primeape (moveset nature and items)
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