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The Battle Frontier Easy Button!!!!!

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Mario Man

It's not a real easy button, but it will make you have a better chance to battle The Factory Head For that Day. My Friends, meet the battle frontier mentor. This is where you find him. In back of the pokemon center in the Battle Frontier there is a small house. To the left of that house there is another small house. to the left of that house there is a long house. Go inside it and you will see three men sitting in a row in front of one man. Talk to him and he will tell you the most popular place on the Battle Frontier.

For Example:
The battle frontier Pyramid King Brandon is the best person to battle. (Or something like that.)

That means that is the easiest place to be for that day.

This is another clock based event so you only have a day to challenge it.

*WARNING* This does not happen everyday! Somedays the man will say
"The battle tower double battles are the hottest.

It still means it's the easiest place to be for the day, but you will not battle a factory head knowing it's easiest place to be.

Have Fun hopefully conquering the Battle Frontier quicker!

Mario Man

Today, he said that the battle factory was the easiest today, and he was right! so far, i have won 15 battles without a sinch. I'll tell you more later. Has this helped anyone?


I love garlic. :P
Much.. I deafted the battel pyramid, to times without one of my pokémon's had fainted... Thanks...!!!


The new tuxedo look!
I knew about that guy, but I never knew he really did that...wow!

*curses for not doing anything when he talked about noland...*

Mario Man

Well, I can really see where this is going. I hope all of you have done good, as for my adventure in the battle Factory, I LOST. You heard it right, I LOST. The battle right after i posted I lost to a salamence, here was my last pokemon I used:

Rapidash@White Herb

Sunny Day

Yesterday, he said the battle palace to me was the easiest, but i have no time on my hands, so I didn't try it.


The new tuxedo look!
Just got to the 9th round of the pyramid, 7th floor, about to reach the exit, but then, what should come along but a trainer with a dunsparce AKA king of hax, with a 10x quick claw and 100% flinch headbutt on my salamence.... You guessed right, I am MAJORLY POed.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I went to check it out as it said the Battle Arena was the place, but I already have a gold symbol from there. Now if only there was a way to quick claw horn-drill or sheer cold my way through battle factory then I'd get this thing over with. Go Lapras!


ooo, what's cooking?
yea it worked for me, this time it was Anabel, but i don like the tower, so i was stubbor and went to the factory instead...
Wow great info mario man, i never knew that.

This will help a lot when im going for a certain sybol.

And i just realised i think you could save the day before and keep resetting (like the lottery) until the facitity you want is the easy one. ;123;

Dark Sage Trevelyan

Vileplume & Tangela
This thing definitely works. The guy said that today the Pike was the hottest, so I went in. I faced Lucy and lost due to a unlucky critical hit... but then I went through the Pike another two times, EASILY, and then utterly owned Lucy with just my Gardevoir!


Well-Known Member
The Silver luck is far too easy winning Gold is some accomplishment.


Well-Known Member
Frontier Brains are easier because you know which pokemon they use/items,other trainers are lot harder due to frontier hax.
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