The magic of Pokemon
"The Battle Frontier of the Bands!"
Episode 1: Rock On, Pokemon!
A summer breeze ruffled the bedroom curtains, revealing the room's owner sprawled out on his bed, his messy black hair splayed across the pillow. The boy appeared to be admiring one particular poster on the wall: a poster that depicted a brown haired girl clad in a sparkling blue shirt and black pants; clutching a microphone in one hand as she sang. Underneath the girl's picture was her name: Icy Kayou.
The boy sighed as he admired Icy's picture. Oh Icy...if only I could play with you...or for you! he thought as he turned to look at a red-brown acoustic guitar sitting on a stand in the corner. Then we could go all around Kanto... He was about to muse some more until he heard a rustle on the floor. Huh? He quickly glanced on the floor, where he saw a tiny yellow mouse creature looking back up at him. "Oh! Hi, Pikachu!" he cooed as he cradled the creature in his arms.
"Pika!" Pikachu chirped back in response to his master...until he heard a familiar female voice calling from the kitchen. "Ash! Dinner!"
"Coming!" Ash climbed off his bed and started for the hallway, only pausing to grab a red hat with a black and green Poke Ball design from the hat stand by his dresser. "You hungry, Pikachu?" he asked the little Pokemon as he trooped downstairs. Pikachu gave an affirmative nod as Ash set him on the kitchen floor, where he skittered over to an already filled bowl. He watched as the other occupants of the house arrived and settled at the table.
Ash, meanwhile, hungrily admired the meat and rice on his plate, but just as he was about to take a bite, he felt a stinging sensation on his hand. "Hey!"
"Hey, yourself!" the girl next to him snapped, only pausing to blow a wisp of her flaming orange hair from her face. "Wait for everyone else to sit down first!"
"What's all the ruckus about?" an older boy asked as he took his place at the table, only pausing to stretch his tanned arms towards the ceiling.
"Ash is trying to start eating before we do!" the girl explained.
"But I'm hungry, Misty!" Ash protested.
"How can you be hungry when--"
"ENOUGH!" the older boy snapped, pounding a fist on the table for emphasis.
Delia sighed as she sat down at the table. "Thanks, Brock...you sure know how to stop an argument."
"I've had lots of practice..." Brock assured Delia as he began to eat. "Which reminds me...I got you Ash's birthday surprise today..."
"Good..." Delia smiled. "Should I wrap it or not?"
"Nah...I want to cherish the look on his face when he sees what it is!" Misty laughed. At this, Ash's mind began to race as he ate: Could it be...did Mom really get me the guitar I wanted? Then I'll be able to jam along with Icy...
Sunshine go away today...Don't feel much like dancing. Icy Kayou sang to a cheering crowd. Ash stood nearby, jamming along with the band on a red and white electric guitar. He smiled as the crowd began to cheer for him..."Ash!" "Ash!" "Ash!"...
"Ash..." Brock waved a hand in front of Ash's face. "You there? I'll eat your dessert if you won't..."
"What?" Ash gasped, instantly snapping out of his daydream. "I'd die without chocolate chunk ice cream!" With that, he raced to the freezer to get the ice cream...
"What were you thinking about so hard?" Misty was curious.
"Just daydreaming about my surprise..." Ash replied as he sat down with his ice cream.
"Well, that's for me to know now, and for you to find out tomorrow..." Brock smiled. "By the way, May and Max are coming to your party...as are Hiro, Kamon, and Crystal."
"Really?" Ash was surprised at this. "It's been so long since I've heard from Hiro..."
"According to the letter he sent you today..." Brock continued, reaching for a piece of paper on the table. "he says: 'Kamon, Crystal, and I will be arriving in Kanto tomorrow--just in time for your birthday! But you'll find out what our presents are.'...sound good?"
"Good? That's great!" Ash cried as he put his dishes in the sink and raced back up to his room...
The next day...
"Morning, big guy...and happy birthday!" Misty called as she opened the curtains in Ash's room, allowing the sunshine to stream inside.
"Thanks, Misty..." Ash yawned as he climbed out of bed and trudged to the closet...only to see Pikachu resting on the top shelf! "Oh!"
"Pikapika, Pikapi!" Pikachu replied as he presented a thousand credit bill to Ash. Ash just smiled, slipped the bill inside his wallet, and began to get dressed....
Ash trooped downstairs into the festively decorated kitchen, just in time to see a wrapped present on the table. "Who's this one from?" he asked as he fixed himself a bowl of cereal.
"That would be mine..." Delia replied as she tended to some bacon simmering on the stove. "You can open it now, if you want."
Ash tore open the wrapping paper and smiled as he lifted a framed picture of him, Delia, and Pikachu from the ribbons and bows. "This is so beautiful...thank you." he stammered.
"You're welcome." Delia replied as Ash set the picture aside. "I gave Pikachu the other part of my present..."
"...which is nice and safe in my wallet!" Ash laughed as he put his bowl in the sink.
"Well, hurry and finish getting ready, everyone will be here soon!" Delia called after Ash as he sped upstairs to the bathroom.
Several hours later....
Ash smiled as he admired the array of presents his friends had given him: CDs from May, T-shirts from Hiro and Kamon, a new video game from Max, DVDs from Crystal, and posters from Misty and Brock. "Thank you all!" he began. "The gifts are nice!"
"Our pleasure..." Misty replied as she helped herself to more cake.
"Hold everything!" Brock interrupted as he set his plate of cake aside and produced a blue bandanna from his pocket. "We still have to give Ash the big surprise!" With that, he proceeded to blindfold Ash.
Delia laughed as Ash groped about, trying to find his way to the living room. "Did you really have to blindfold him?"
"Why not? It'll make the surprise even nicer..." Brock replied. "Okay! Take a look!" he called as he removed the blindfold...and Ash gasped when he noticed what was before him: the guitar he had dreamed of, plus all the accessories!
"YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Ash cried as hugged his best friend. "Thank you so much!"
"Anytime, champ!" Brock laughed as Ash settled down in a chair, flicked the amp on, and begin to tune his new instrument.
"Ooh, play something!" Misty begged. May and Crystal nodded in agreement.
Ash thought for a moment, then began an oddly relaxing melody; over which he sang:
There is, a house, in New Orleans...
That they call the Rising Sun...
And it's been, the ruin, of many a poor boy...
And oh, I know I'm one....
Delia was shocked! "I didn't know Ash knew 'House of the Rising Sun'!"
"I taught him that one way back when he first started the guitar...seems like eons ago now..." Brock replied as Misty joined in on the piano to compliment Ash. He led the applause when the song concluded...
"Thank you for everything, Mom." Ash smiled as he climbed into bed that night, all the while admiring both of his guitars sitting next to each other in one corner of the room.
"I'm glad, Ash..." Delia replied. "See you in the morning..." she whispered as she flicked off the light.
"Morning!" Ash called to Delia as he entered the kitchen.
"Morning..." Delia replied as she finished cleaning the kitchen. "Would you mind going to the store to pick up a few things for me?"
"Okay..." Ash replied as he accepted Delia's list and started for the door, Pikachu in tow. "Be back later!" He waved goodbye as he disappeared down the road.
"Let's see...bread, milk, eggs..." Ash read as he studied Delia's list. He was about to read more items when he noticed Pikachu frantically pointing out a poster taped to a street light. "What is it?"
"Pika!" Pikachu called. "Pika pi!"
"Look at it? Okay..." and Ash walked closer to the poster and glanced at it. "Battle of the Bands...three weeks from now...and first prize is....FREE BATTLE FRONTIER PASSES???" Ash couldn't believe his eyes.
"Pika pika, pika pika chu..." Pikachu sang, all the while "playing" a pantomime guitar.
"You think we'd be a great band? Let's ask everyone when we get home, okay?" Ash assured Pikachu as the two of them entered the grocery store.
To Be Continued....
Episode 1: Rock On, Pokemon!
A summer breeze ruffled the bedroom curtains, revealing the room's owner sprawled out on his bed, his messy black hair splayed across the pillow. The boy appeared to be admiring one particular poster on the wall: a poster that depicted a brown haired girl clad in a sparkling blue shirt and black pants; clutching a microphone in one hand as she sang. Underneath the girl's picture was her name: Icy Kayou.
The boy sighed as he admired Icy's picture. Oh Icy...if only I could play with you...or for you! he thought as he turned to look at a red-brown acoustic guitar sitting on a stand in the corner. Then we could go all around Kanto... He was about to muse some more until he heard a rustle on the floor. Huh? He quickly glanced on the floor, where he saw a tiny yellow mouse creature looking back up at him. "Oh! Hi, Pikachu!" he cooed as he cradled the creature in his arms.
"Pika!" Pikachu chirped back in response to his master...until he heard a familiar female voice calling from the kitchen. "Ash! Dinner!"
"Coming!" Ash climbed off his bed and started for the hallway, only pausing to grab a red hat with a black and green Poke Ball design from the hat stand by his dresser. "You hungry, Pikachu?" he asked the little Pokemon as he trooped downstairs. Pikachu gave an affirmative nod as Ash set him on the kitchen floor, where he skittered over to an already filled bowl. He watched as the other occupants of the house arrived and settled at the table.
Ash, meanwhile, hungrily admired the meat and rice on his plate, but just as he was about to take a bite, he felt a stinging sensation on his hand. "Hey!"
"Hey, yourself!" the girl next to him snapped, only pausing to blow a wisp of her flaming orange hair from her face. "Wait for everyone else to sit down first!"
"What's all the ruckus about?" an older boy asked as he took his place at the table, only pausing to stretch his tanned arms towards the ceiling.
"Ash is trying to start eating before we do!" the girl explained.
"But I'm hungry, Misty!" Ash protested.
"How can you be hungry when--"
"ENOUGH!" the older boy snapped, pounding a fist on the table for emphasis.
Delia sighed as she sat down at the table. "Thanks, Brock...you sure know how to stop an argument."
"I've had lots of practice..." Brock assured Delia as he began to eat. "Which reminds me...I got you Ash's birthday surprise today..."
"Good..." Delia smiled. "Should I wrap it or not?"
"Nah...I want to cherish the look on his face when he sees what it is!" Misty laughed. At this, Ash's mind began to race as he ate: Could it be...did Mom really get me the guitar I wanted? Then I'll be able to jam along with Icy...
Sunshine go away today...Don't feel much like dancing. Icy Kayou sang to a cheering crowd. Ash stood nearby, jamming along with the band on a red and white electric guitar. He smiled as the crowd began to cheer for him..."Ash!" "Ash!" "Ash!"...
"Ash..." Brock waved a hand in front of Ash's face. "You there? I'll eat your dessert if you won't..."
"What?" Ash gasped, instantly snapping out of his daydream. "I'd die without chocolate chunk ice cream!" With that, he raced to the freezer to get the ice cream...
"What were you thinking about so hard?" Misty was curious.
"Just daydreaming about my surprise..." Ash replied as he sat down with his ice cream.
"Well, that's for me to know now, and for you to find out tomorrow..." Brock smiled. "By the way, May and Max are coming to your party...as are Hiro, Kamon, and Crystal."
"Really?" Ash was surprised at this. "It's been so long since I've heard from Hiro..."
"According to the letter he sent you today..." Brock continued, reaching for a piece of paper on the table. "he says: 'Kamon, Crystal, and I will be arriving in Kanto tomorrow--just in time for your birthday! But you'll find out what our presents are.'...sound good?"
"Good? That's great!" Ash cried as he put his dishes in the sink and raced back up to his room...
The next day...
"Morning, big guy...and happy birthday!" Misty called as she opened the curtains in Ash's room, allowing the sunshine to stream inside.
"Thanks, Misty..." Ash yawned as he climbed out of bed and trudged to the closet...only to see Pikachu resting on the top shelf! "Oh!"
"Pikapika, Pikapi!" Pikachu replied as he presented a thousand credit bill to Ash. Ash just smiled, slipped the bill inside his wallet, and began to get dressed....
Ash trooped downstairs into the festively decorated kitchen, just in time to see a wrapped present on the table. "Who's this one from?" he asked as he fixed himself a bowl of cereal.
"That would be mine..." Delia replied as she tended to some bacon simmering on the stove. "You can open it now, if you want."
Ash tore open the wrapping paper and smiled as he lifted a framed picture of him, Delia, and Pikachu from the ribbons and bows. "This is so beautiful...thank you." he stammered.
"You're welcome." Delia replied as Ash set the picture aside. "I gave Pikachu the other part of my present..."
"...which is nice and safe in my wallet!" Ash laughed as he put his bowl in the sink.
"Well, hurry and finish getting ready, everyone will be here soon!" Delia called after Ash as he sped upstairs to the bathroom.
Several hours later....
Ash smiled as he admired the array of presents his friends had given him: CDs from May, T-shirts from Hiro and Kamon, a new video game from Max, DVDs from Crystal, and posters from Misty and Brock. "Thank you all!" he began. "The gifts are nice!"
"Our pleasure..." Misty replied as she helped herself to more cake.
"Hold everything!" Brock interrupted as he set his plate of cake aside and produced a blue bandanna from his pocket. "We still have to give Ash the big surprise!" With that, he proceeded to blindfold Ash.
Delia laughed as Ash groped about, trying to find his way to the living room. "Did you really have to blindfold him?"
"Why not? It'll make the surprise even nicer..." Brock replied. "Okay! Take a look!" he called as he removed the blindfold...and Ash gasped when he noticed what was before him: the guitar he had dreamed of, plus all the accessories!
"YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Ash cried as hugged his best friend. "Thank you so much!"
"Anytime, champ!" Brock laughed as Ash settled down in a chair, flicked the amp on, and begin to tune his new instrument.
"Ooh, play something!" Misty begged. May and Crystal nodded in agreement.
Ash thought for a moment, then began an oddly relaxing melody; over which he sang:
There is, a house, in New Orleans...
That they call the Rising Sun...
And it's been, the ruin, of many a poor boy...
And oh, I know I'm one....
Delia was shocked! "I didn't know Ash knew 'House of the Rising Sun'!"
"I taught him that one way back when he first started the guitar...seems like eons ago now..." Brock replied as Misty joined in on the piano to compliment Ash. He led the applause when the song concluded...
"Thank you for everything, Mom." Ash smiled as he climbed into bed that night, all the while admiring both of his guitars sitting next to each other in one corner of the room.
"I'm glad, Ash..." Delia replied. "See you in the morning..." she whispered as she flicked off the light.
"Morning!" Ash called to Delia as he entered the kitchen.
"Morning..." Delia replied as she finished cleaning the kitchen. "Would you mind going to the store to pick up a few things for me?"
"Okay..." Ash replied as he accepted Delia's list and started for the door, Pikachu in tow. "Be back later!" He waved goodbye as he disappeared down the road.
"Let's see...bread, milk, eggs..." Ash read as he studied Delia's list. He was about to read more items when he noticed Pikachu frantically pointing out a poster taped to a street light. "What is it?"
"Pika!" Pikachu called. "Pika pi!"
"Look at it? Okay..." and Ash walked closer to the poster and glanced at it. "Battle of the Bands...three weeks from now...and first prize is....FREE BATTLE FRONTIER PASSES???" Ash couldn't believe his eyes.
"Pika pika, pika pika chu..." Pikachu sang, all the while "playing" a pantomime guitar.
"You think we'd be a great band? Let's ask everyone when we get home, okay?" Ash assured Pikachu as the two of them entered the grocery store.
To Be Continued....