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The battle of the Shinou Championships

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diamond master
This is a battle between Sammy and Jade!
Here are the trainer cards:


Only 3 pokemon each!


diamond master
chapter 1 round 1

Ready Begin!
"Plusle i begin with you!" announced Sammy. Jade kisses her pokeball. "Emperuto, go and use aqua jet!"exclaimed Jade. Enperuto goes super fast at Plusle and hit him dead on. "Ah!Plusle use thundershock!" yelled Sammy. Plusle brings on a weak thunder attack. "Dodge and use hydro pump" announced Jade. Plusle gets hit again and faints. "Plusle return!" announced Sammy.



diamond master
chapter 2 round 2

"Come on out Rentoraa and use thunder fang!" announced Sammy. It hits and shocks Enperuto. "Use bubble!" yelled Jade. It hits Rentoraa. "Now use thunder fang on him again!" said Sammy. He attacks and misses. "Use aqua jet!" yelled Jade. "Rentoraa, use thunder on yourself!" yelled Sammy. It doubles the damage on Enpuruto and he faints. "Return Enperuto!" announced Jade.
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diamond master
chapter 3 round 3

"Erurodu go!" announced jade,"and use psychic!" "Rentoraa counter with hyper beam!" yelled Sammy. "Erurodu use confusion!" said Jade,"then use shadow ball!" it hits Rentoraa and he almost faints. "Now use thunder!" yelled Sammy. "Hyper beam!" yelled Jade at the same time. The two blast go over eachother and hit head on. "Wow! They both fainted eachother since they had no defence to use!" announced the announcer.
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Well-Known Member
Do not tell me your contemplating sending in each paragraph seperatly and calling them chapters. Good lord.


diamond master
they are different chapters and you just messed it up.
because you post i cant post last chapter.


diamond master
they are different chapters and you just messed it up.
because you post i cant post last chapter.


Well-Known Member
Are you eight years old? Why can't you post your next 'chapter' (and I use that term loosely) simply because Godslayer posted. This breaks just about every rule in the book. Read Advice for Aspiring Authors and the Rules. NOW!
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