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The Battle Record Thread V4


Call me Robert guys
Hi guys, so since we are starting a new series, this will be version 4 of the thread.

This thread will list all the wins/ties/losses of all the main cast's pokemon. I would like to only include actual defeats(swirly eyes). Battles that are interrupted or surrendered don't count. Again, not saying these pokemon don't have other battles, just saying that these are their confirmed full length battles that had a clear outcome. I've said this a lot but it keeps coming up so let me be clear.

Okay, so here we go:



VS Golduck-W
VS Fuecoco-W
VS Golduck-W
VS Fuecoco-W
VS Dewott-W
VS Clodsire and Dugtrio-L
VS Altaria-L
VS Garganacl-W
VS Kilowattrel-W
VS Crocalor-L
VS Arcanine-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
W-9 L-3 D-


VS Annihilape x 3-W
VS Cetitan-L
VS Kilowattrel-L

W-1 L-2 D-



VS Sprigatito-L
VS Spearow-W
VS Sudowoodo-L
VS Centiskorch-L
VS Sprigatito-L
VS Pawmot-L
VS Sudowoodo-W
VS Baxcalibur and Flapple-L
VS Sableye-W
VS Houndstone-W
VS Toxtricity-L
VS Toxtricity-W
VS Glalie-W
VS Floragato-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
VS Sandy Shocks-W

W-9 L-7 D-


VS Houndstone-L
VS Hattrem-W
VS Floragato-L

W-1 L-2 D-



VS Lycanroc-W
VS Bellibolt-L
VS Tinkaton and Copperajah-W
VS Staraptor-L
VS Darumaka-W
VS Leafeon-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W

W-5 L-2 D-


VS Orthworm-W
VS Staraptor-L

W-1 L-1 D-



VS Ceruledge-W

W-1 L- D-


VS Bisharp-W
VS Avalugg-W
VS Omastar-W
VS Toxtricity-W
VS Mudsdale-W
VS Sinistcha-W

W-6 L- D-

So I believe that is all for now, let me know if I ever miss something :).

Oh, and for clarity:

Last edited:


Deluded Dreamer
You might wanna add Friede since he's definitely battling a lot this series lol and is looking to be a major character too even if not the protagonist, like Chloe and Kukui was

Also, I think surrenders should definitely count as a L because it's a forfeit by them.


Call me Robert guys
You might wanna add Friede since he's definitely battling a lot this series lol and is looking to be a major character too even if not the protagonist, like Chloe and Kukui was

Also, I think surrenders should definitely count as a L because it's a forfeit by them.
I'll wait for the show to see if that happens, as of now just added the two mains. Will add others if they are significant enough.


Deluded Dreamer
Liko - W against Golduck
Surprised that hasn't been added yet

Are you gonna be including the Rising Volt tacklers? Seems like they are significant supporting members


Call me Robert guys
Liko - W against Golduck
Surprised that hasn't been added yet

Are you gonna be including the Rising Volt tacklers? Seems like they are significant supporting members
I was torn since it was offscreen lol. Idk, ya'll think it should count??

Also if they end up having a big completed battle I might put them, let's see what happens.


Call me Robert guys
Friede seems to be this series' Chloe... I believe he should be added as well...
I'll wait and see if they give him complete battles before seeing. Right now pretty much every battle has been interrupted.


Deluded Dreamer
I was torn since it was offscreen lol. Idk, ya'll think it should count??

Also if they end up having a big completed battle I might put them, let's see what happens.
The battle was offscreen but we were shown the end result, i think it should still count

Either way
Sprigatito - W
Fuecoco - L this episode


Call me Robert guys


Call me Robert guys
Added Roy's win. I know I don't usually include wild battles but they had the swirly eyes so I think it counts.


Call me Robert guys
Added Roys loss here.


Call me Robert guys
Added Roy's loss to Centiskorch.


Call me Robert guys
Added Sprigatito's win against Golduck :).


Call me Robert guys
Wanted to ask you guys about that. Friede finally finished a battle and got a two wins, one with Ceruledge and another with Garganacl I think although neither had the swirly eyes from what I can tell. Do you guys think they should count??


Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike
Wanted to ask you guys about that. Friede finally finished a battle and got a two wins, one with Ceruledge and another with Garganacl I think although neither had the swirly eyes from what I can tell. Do you guys think they should count??
Ceruledge definitely counts. Garganacl is more dubious since it was possible it was only briefly impaired and could've gotten up if Sango's Glalie hadn't blown up. Maybe it's best to refrain for now. It's possible the Explorers meeting we'll get soon could shed some light on it.


Call me Robert guys
Ok guys, I added Friede and Charizard and Pikachu, let me know if anything else should be there. I'm holding off on adding Wattrel and Hatenna to Liko and Roy until we get a proper battle ok.