Call me Robert guys
Hi guys, so since we are starting a new series, this will be version 4 of the thread.
This thread will list all the wins/ties/losses of all the main cast's pokemon. I would like to only include actual defeats(swirly eyes). Battles that are interrupted or surrendered don't count. Again, not saying these pokemon don't have other battles, just saying that these are their confirmed full length battles that had a clear outcome. I've said this a lot but it keeps coming up so let me be clear.
Okay, so here we go:
So I believe that is all for now, let me know if I ever miss something
Oh, and for clarity:
This thread will list all the wins/ties/losses of all the main cast's pokemon. I would like to only include actual defeats(swirly eyes). Battles that are interrupted or surrendered don't count. Again, not saying these pokemon don't have other battles, just saying that these are their confirmed full length battles that had a clear outcome. I've said this a lot but it keeps coming up so let me be clear.
Okay, so here we go:
VS Golduck-W
VS Fuecoco-W
VS Golduck-W
VS Fuecoco-W
VS Dewott-W
VS Clodsire and Dugtrio-L
VS Altaria-L
VS Garganacl-W
VS Kilowattrel-W
VS Crocalor-L
VS Arcanine-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
W-9 L-3 D-
VS Golduck-W
VS Fuecoco-W
VS Golduck-W
VS Fuecoco-W
VS Dewott-W
VS Clodsire and Dugtrio-L
VS Altaria-L
VS Garganacl-W
VS Kilowattrel-W
VS Crocalor-L
VS Arcanine-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
W-9 L-3 D-
VS Annihilape x 3-W
VS Cetitan-L
VS Kilowattrel-L
W-1 L-2 D-
VS Annihilape x 3-W
VS Cetitan-L
VS Kilowattrel-L
W-1 L-2 D-
VS Sprigatito-L
VS Spearow-W
VS Sudowoodo-L
VS Centiskorch-L
VS Sprigatito-L
VS Pawmot-L
VS Sudowoodo-W
VS Baxcalibur and Flapple-L
VS Sableye-W
VS Houndstone-W
VS Toxtricity-L
VS Toxtricity-W
VS Glalie-W
VS Floragato-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
VS Sandy Shocks-W
W-9 L-7 D-
VS Sprigatito-L
VS Spearow-W
VS Sudowoodo-L
VS Centiskorch-L
VS Sprigatito-L
VS Pawmot-L
VS Sudowoodo-W
VS Baxcalibur and Flapple-L
VS Sableye-W
VS Houndstone-W
VS Toxtricity-L
VS Toxtricity-W
VS Glalie-W
VS Floragato-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
VS Sandy Shocks-W
W-9 L-7 D-
VS Houndstone-L
VS Hattrem-W
VS Floragato-L
W-1 L-2 D-
VS Houndstone-L
VS Hattrem-W
VS Floragato-L
W-1 L-2 D-
VS Lycanroc-W
VS Bellibolt-L
VS Tinkaton and Copperajah-W
VS Staraptor-L
VS Darumaka-W
VS Leafeon-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
W-5 L-2 D-
VS Lycanroc-W
VS Bellibolt-L
VS Tinkaton and Copperajah-W
VS Staraptor-L
VS Darumaka-W
VS Leafeon-W
VS Glimmora, Glimmet, and Glimmet-W
W-5 L-2 D-
VS Orthworm-W
VS Staraptor-L
W-1 L-1 D-
VS Orthworm-W
VS Staraptor-L
W-1 L-1 D-
VS Ceruledge-W
W-1 L- D-
VS Ceruledge-W
W-1 L- D-
VS Bisharp-W
VS Avalugg-W
VS Omastar-W
VS Toxtricity-W
VS Mudsdale-W
VS Sinistcha-W
W-6 L- D-
VS Bisharp-W
VS Avalugg-W
VS Omastar-W
VS Toxtricity-W
VS Mudsdale-W
VS Sinistcha-W
W-6 L- D-
So I believe that is all for now, let me know if I ever miss something
Oh, and for clarity:
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