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The Battle Record Thread V4


Call me Robert guys


Call me Robert guys
Damn Hattrem!

Annihilape x3 - W


Annihilape - W
Annihilape - W
Annihilape - W ?
Added, decided to count it as just one win since it was technically one battle lol.


Call me Robert guys
Updated Dot and Roy's battle records with the outcome of their battles from the last episode :).


Call me Robert guys
Added Floragato's loss from this last episode.


Call me Robert guys
Quaxly ——> Quaxwell
Staraptor - L

Staraptor - L
Added :).
I still really feel like Floragato V Teddiursa should be counted as a loss
I don't think so. For one, we didn't see the swirly eyes, and secondly Katy didn't say Floragato lost, she just said this battle is over.


I Exist.
I feel like it has been pretty firmly set up at this point that Tera dissapearing = having fainted, (Or opponent having fainted) even if it hasnt technically been outright stated.


Call me Robert guys
I feel like it has been pretty firmly set up at this point that Tera dissapearing = having fainted, (Or opponent having fainted) even if it hasnt technically been outright stated.
Not really, it seems to be more like knocked down. For instance when Friede was fighting in the alley, Charizard beat Beheeyem but it didn't faint and teleported away like two seconds later while Charizard had already gotten out of tera form. Regardless, unlike the other two battles there was no definitive the pokemon is unable to battle, the winner is blank. Hell Katy even said she was going to call the battle sooner but was having too much fun lol.


Sinnoh Champion
Okay are we gonna count every time Hattrem slaps down Pokemon that are quarrelling lol. Because if so;

Bergmite & Frigibax - W


Call me Robert guys
Added Roy's battles from the past two weeks, sorry for the delay guys :).


Well-Known Member
Never realized about this thread. I don't think that battles again wild pokemon should be added (Only if it's a Titan Pokémon like Orthworm, a Totem Pokémon or an Alpha Pokemon)


Call me Robert guys
Added Liko's battles.