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The Beautifly Effect

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+Chaos Blade+

Has anyone found out about "The Beautifly Effect", the "random" evolution line for Wurmple? I've been playing Emerald for 24 hours, the time exactly the same in the real world, and in the morning, it becomes a Cascoon, the day - Cascoon. Evening - Cascoon. Night - Cascoon.

Is there a way to predetermine your Wurmple's evolution, hence "The Beautifly Effect"?

+Chaos Blade+


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Unfortunately, what your Wurmple will evolve into is set, not based on time. There's no way to sway it one way or the other, and so far no one knows what it's based on. Probably some combination of hidden values, like IVs, GVs, etc.

Basically, catch a bunch and keep evolving them until they turn into the one you want.


Eh, ragazzo!
Actually, on serebii.net, they say it's determined by Personality Value. Don't quite know what it is, though.


TC expert
TRJessie579 said:
Unfortunately, what your Wurmple will evolve into is set, not based on time. There's no way to sway it one way or the other, and so far no one knows what it's based on. Probably some combination of hidden values, like IVs, GVs, etc.

Basically, catch a bunch and keep evolving them until they turn into the one you want.
Or you can catch one and that's way easier :S

Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
I thought that whatever your wurmple evolved into was based on its nature. I'm not quite sure though......


Hyper Coordinator
well... its probably based on DVs or IVs.... but just catching the already evolved cacoons makes it so much easier


Example of what I did:
Sends out Wurmple. Wurmple is beaten to a few HP left and is recalled. Sends out another Pokemon, which KOes the opponent. Wurmple level ups, evolving into Cascoon.

I think that's somehow the reason. Silcoon doesn't leech exp, and prefers to earn it alone, while Cascoon prefers to be an exp leecher. Something like that. When Wurmple is about to faint, don't recall it. Let it faint. That's what I did, kept doing that, Wurmple evolved into Beautifly. It's terribly complicated. Or either it's random. Maybe it's pure luck. Well, I based my stratergy on getting a Beautifly on this theory of mine. If it doesn't work, my theory is wrong then. Never ever recall Wurmple in a battle. Train on wild Pokemon, to make it much easier.


Back I guess??
I made a test to try to discover a semelhance among all that evolved in cascoon and others that evolved in silcoon, and I don´t know if it´s pure coincidence, all the wrumples that HATCHED during the day evolved in cascoon and all the other that HATCHED at night evolved into silcoon.
I THINK that the evolution of wrumple is determined at the time that you catch it not evolve like eevee


Jade Star Trainer
Champion Jared 14 said:
I thought that whatever your wurmple evolved into was based on its nature. I'm not quite sure though......
this is what i also believe but not 100% positive


no troll
Champion Jared 14 said:
I thought that whatever your wurmple evolved into was based on its nature. I'm not quite sure though......
That doesn't quite work for me. You should be able to have any poke with any nature. You shouldn't have it so something like Dustox can't get Adamant or whatever. It isn't logical.


Eh, ragazzo!
leafgreen386 said:
That doesn't quite work for me. You should be able to have any poke with any nature. You shouldn't have it so something like Dustox can't get Adamant or whatever. It isn't logical.

Yeah, but nature seems to be one of the things it's based on for its personality value. But I really want a friggin' mathematical formula, but I don't have one. While I'm at it, I know I already asked, but does anybody know where I can get one?


< It's Passion Pink!
LOL at the thread title: it's chaotic!

I'm pretty sure Wurmple's evolution is determined by the Personality Value, or some combination of it and other DVs. The Personality Value is a hidden, 32-bit integer which determines nature, Spinda spot patterns, Unown letters, gender values, shininess, and possibly more.

(If there's a correlation between PV and time of day (time of day+human interaction being a good source of entropy for an RNG), it's possible that Wurmple evolution could be correlated to time of encounter. (seen in the wild or received egg from daycare man))

Evanji Axu

Whatever determines what it will turn into is completely random. I doubt there is any way to sway it. And for the record, it has nothing to do with gender *holds up male Dustox*


no troll
Well of course it's random. Since the DVs you catch it with are assigned randomly it had to be. If you mean that it's random each time it evolves, try this: Catch a Wurmple. Train it until it reaches Lv.6 (It evolves at LV.7 right? I forgot.), save, and give it a Rare Candy. Record what it evolves into. Shut your game off. Give it a Rare Candy again, record what it evolves into. Shut your game off. Repeat this several times and see if it ever changes. Chances are it will never change, as it's already been assigned when you caught it.


I heard that the wurmple caught outside of petalburg woods would be a silcoon(beautifly) while those caught inside the woods would be a cascoon(dustox). Thats just a rumour, but would anybody test it out?


Staff member
ShadowAlakazam said:
I heard that the wurmple caught outside of petalburg woods would be a silcoon(beautifly) while those caught inside the woods would be a cascoon(dustox). Thats just a rumour, but would anybody test it out?
I've done it many times when I was catching Wurmples. I caught about 10 of them in different locations, and they were all Silcoons. I think that the time of day that you get it could have a chance at being accurate, but I don't know. It's probably based on something like it's Gender Value.


Feather Trainer
After an expirement on Wurmple, I figured out a good assumption on Wurmple's evolution: Does it involve Hit Points and Sp.Def.? Beautifly has higher HP than Sp. Def., and Dustox is the other way around: higher Sp.Def. than HP, so it would make sense that it's just like Tyrouge, only that it involves the Special stats rather than the physical stats like Tyrouge... But that alone won't guarantee the right evolution, right? If my expirement's consclusion is right, then if Wurmple has:

2(Max. Hit Points for current level) / Sp.Def. <= 4 = Silcoon
2(Max. Hit Points for current level) / Sp.Def. >= 6 = Cascoon
2(Max Hit Points for current level) / Sp.Def. = 5 = Depends on IVs/randomization

Of course, I doubt that...
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