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The Berry Master is in Town!

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Master Trainer
Playing emerald, check the TV and the Berry Master is in Lilycove City!

What exactly does he do? Just make pokeblocks?

DJ Panic!

He's basically just there to get alot of Higher Level Pokeblocks(unless your really good and you can make your own).


You actually might find his appearance useful if you're not all that great at making Pokeblocks.


The Berry Master is a pretty cool addition to Emerald. What he does is throw in the rarest in-game obtainable berries such as Durin berries. He doesn't get any marks while berry blending except the bull's eyes, so he is REALLY good. Your speed will break the records, and you will always get Gold Pokeblocks of a really high level.


Johto Champion
You'll NEARLY always get Gold pokeblocks. Seriously, if you're into contests, this event is awesome.

(Or if you want to evolve a feebas)


Master Trainer
Yeah, annoying thing is i already have Milotic so i have no real need for him...unless better pokeblocks mean betetr pokemon in safari zone?


I've found that you may be better off not pushing "A" at all when mixing berries with him. I sometimes get "X", and this slows him down.

Try it. By just letting him do his thing, I've gotten level 100 pokeblocks from the likes of the Liechi and Salac berries.
Wow thats amazing cause I always get level 56 Goldblocks
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