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The Best [fully evolved] Ghost Pokémon?

Yoru Fave Ghost Pokémon?

  • Banette

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Fuwaraido

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • Mirakuge

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Muumajii

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Rotomu

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Sableye

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Shedinja

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Yonowaaru

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Yukimenoko

    Votes: 6 19.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
The Best [fully evolved] Ghost Pokémon?

If there is or there has been a poll like this, then feel free to close this thread. My bad. I assume there hasn't (I've looked at the last few pages)...

Anyways, which Ghost type do you like the most?

For me, Shedinja is the most original and interesting, due not only to its typing, but also its ability.

However, it is Muumajii that I like the most, because of AMAZING looks, and quite good battling prowess, in spite of having the same stats in HP, Attack and Defense as Misdreavus. Before, I'd have chosen Missy, but that changed with Muumajii, 'cause 'tis cooler and more powerful. So yes, Muumajii is my favourite Ghost Pokémon. I don't like Ghosts that much, especially not the new ones, but I completely adore Muumajii.

Feel free to mention basic Pokes as your favourite/one of your favourites, but notice that only fully evolved Pokes are available for voting. And no, Giradina is not in the poll, due to lack of space.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by ~Sirnight~:
Legendaries aside, I have to go with Fuwaraido. He's been dubbed the best Baton-Passer in-game and has all the moves and stats to boot.

Best Baton Passer? Either I'm stupid, or I don't see how that is. Its only stat-boosting move is Calm Mind.

Don't get me wrong; I like Fuwaraido fine, and have nothing against it, but yeah, explain.
Last edited:


YOUR best friend
As I collect toys and like to watch stupid old horror movies, it's only natural for Banette to be my favorite as it's a nice combination of both. Besides, it's cute. And I like its zipper mouth.


Strawberry fields.
Gengar is probably still the best fully evovled Ghost Pokémon.


Well-Known Member
Somebody forgot to put Dusclops! :mad: its my fave ghostie too :( out of those, Rotomu and Misdreavus' evo are the best. Rotomu is cute and Misdreavus' evo is beautifly colored! :D

Horn Drill

Somebody forgot to put Dusclops! :mad: its my fave ghostie too :( out of those, Rotomu and Misdreavus' evo are the best. Rotomu is cute and Misdreavus' evo is beautifly colored! :D

Dusclops now evolves into Yanowaaru, which is probably one of the most awesome things about DP.

The best Ghost type? It's gotta be Gengar, but Yanowaaru could be Gengar's equal.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by Horn Drill:
Dusclops now evolves into Yanowaaru, which is probably one of the most awesome things about DP.

The best Ghost type? It's gotta be Gengar, but Yanowaaru could be Gengar's equal.

Not more awesome than Misdreavus evolving into Muumajii! :D

But anyway, I wanted to say that, while Yonowaaru is quite powerful, it's far from being Gengar's equal. You see, Gengar's better typing, ability and more insane movepool (in addition to better SA and speed) make it superior to all the other non-legendary Ghosts.

Yonowaaru is the best, however, when it comes to tanking. It could have been a great attacker, but it doth not learn powerful physical Ghost moves. =/ And in my opinion, it should have been Ghost-Steel. Looks to me metal-like... and it would have rock'd ten thousand times more if it was. *_*


Salingerian Phony
I like Fuwaraido best. It and Fuwante stand out from the rest of the Ghost Pokémon by appearing completely nonthreatening. Plus, Fuwaraido is a hot-air balloon made of souls, which is awesome. It's my favorite 4th-generaitoner.

Girafarig Girl

Beautiful but Deadly
Muumaji because her and Mimilope/Roserade are my favorites of D/P. Plus, who needs the psychic weakness and ugly smile when you could have psychic neutral and sexy looks.
Banette is the best looking, for me~
(expect for its RS sprite but we forget about that)

its amazing in RSE, but in DP itll be awful

next is Gengar who I've always loved. I like its typing, too~

and in DP itll be unstoppable!

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Either Muumaji, Mikaruge, or Fuwarido. Don't really care for the others :/


i feel his pain
I vote Banette! I just really like Banette because of its possessed doll like look.