Dark Espeon
Well-Known Member
The Best [fully evolved] Ghost Pokémon?
If there is or there has been a poll like this, then feel free to close this thread. My bad. I assume there hasn't (I've looked at the last few pages)...
Anyways, which Ghost type do you like the most?
For me, Shedinja is the most original and interesting, due not only to its typing, but also its ability.
However, it is Muumajii that I like the most, because of AMAZING looks, and quite good battling prowess, in spite of having the same stats in HP, Attack and Defense as Misdreavus. Before, I'd have chosen Missy, but that changed with Muumajii, 'cause 'tis cooler and more powerful. So yes, Muumajii is my favourite Ghost Pokémon. I don't like Ghosts that much, especially not the new ones, but I completely adore Muumajii.
Feel free to mention basic Pokes as your favourite/one of your favourites, but notice that only fully evolved Pokes are available for voting. And no, Giradina is not in the poll, due to lack of space.
If there is or there has been a poll like this, then feel free to close this thread. My bad. I assume there hasn't (I've looked at the last few pages)...
Anyways, which Ghost type do you like the most?
For me, Shedinja is the most original and interesting, due not only to its typing, but also its ability.
However, it is Muumajii that I like the most, because of AMAZING looks, and quite good battling prowess, in spite of having the same stats in HP, Attack and Defense as Misdreavus. Before, I'd have chosen Missy, but that changed with Muumajii, 'cause 'tis cooler and more powerful. So yes, Muumajii is my favourite Ghost Pokémon. I don't like Ghosts that much, especially not the new ones, but I completely adore Muumajii.
Feel free to mention basic Pokes as your favourite/one of your favourites, but notice that only fully evolved Pokes are available for voting. And no, Giradina is not in the poll, due to lack of space.