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The best game ever? ***

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Liquid Lugia

I dont know if this has been done before but what do you think the best Computer game ever created was? can be on any console ever made....

2 classics for me are Alex the Kid on the sega master system and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time on the Nintendo 64 ;151;

Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
Oh... Where to start? There are too many great games out there. High ups for me include nearly all the Legend of Zelda series except the first two and all the Four Swords and the CD-i games. If I had to narrow that down: Ocarina of Time. Anyway, I'm rambling. I could not possibly say what my fav game was. Tough question. I'll think about it.


Warrior Spirit
My UnBiased Opinion.

GTA: San Andreas

Shenmue 1-2

I'm too tired to give my complete reasoning for this right now, but think about it. It's not hard. Both of these games have the perfect fluid style fun game play that is easy for *anyone* to enjoy. And their plots and game design are top notch, the characters are very well thought out too. These are both the biggest guns in the gaming industry when you're talking about Sega and Sony.

One of the primary reasons Sega isn't in the console wars anymore is because they put their heart and soul into Shenmue and it backfired on them. Even though it was nearly a flawless game it didn't get out to enough people. It was one of the most expensive games made in history. Even now in this current day not many people have actually played Shenmue. It deserved much better. I believe these two games are universal though, meaning they can be fun for mostly everyone. A lot of people say FF7 or Half Life are the best games ever, but I can't agree due to the fact that these games are pretty one sided. Not just anyone can get into a RPG and same for a FPS.

I also agree that the best game around from Nintendo is Zelda Ocarina of Time. This is also a very *universal* game imho.


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Sequel to Arena and Daggerfall

An absoloutly massive world, hundreds of towns, thousands of NPC's, millions of items that can all be picked up and moved, including books, pillows, swords, forks, knifes, shoes, and pretty much anything that isn't nailed down to the floor.

Complete freedom of who you are, what you look like, what your skills are, how you play the game, and even what you do in the game. It has an amazing story, about gods, an ancient prophecy and people generally stabbing you in the back, but you don't even need to follow the story, you could spend your whole time in the game being a theif, breaking into peoples houses at night and taking their shoes.

And on top of the main quest, there's various other guilds you can join, side quests you can do and hundreds of dungeons, tombs and caves you can randomly loot.

Morrowind = best RPG ever. It's only problems lay with it's many glithces that can be expected from a game of this scope. But if you can look past them, the game can seriously last hundreds of hours. It's certainly not a game for everyone, because of it's amount of freedom, some people might just see it as boring. But it's the closest thing there is to perfection.
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Shadowfax said:
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Sequel to Arena and Daggerfall

An absoloutly massive world, hundreds of towns, thousands of NPC's, millions of items that can all be picked up and moved, including books, pillows, swords, forks, knifes, shoes, and pretty much anything that isn't nailed down to the floor.

Complete freedom of who you are, what you look like, what your skills are, how you play the game, and even what you do in the game. It has an amazing story, about gods, an ancient prophecy and people generally stabbing you in the back, but you don't even need to follow the story, you could spend your whole time in the game being a theif, breaking into peoples houses at night and taking their shoes.

And on top of the main quest, there's various other guilds you can join, side quests you can do and hundreds of dungeons, tombs and caves you can randomly loot.

Morrowind = best RPG ever. It's only problems lay with it's many glithces that can be expected from a game of this scope. But if you can look past them, the game can seriously last hundreds of hours. It's certainly not a game for everyone, because of it's amount of freedom, some people might just see it as boring. But it's the closest thing there is to perfection.
I completely agree with Shadowfax. Morrowind is the best RPG I've played. There's no real limit to the game,you can do just about anything. As one character,I was bitten by a vampire,with another character,I was bitten by a werewolf. Both of them giving me gifts as well as curses. I got it in December,and I still haven't beaten it. Like Shadowfax said,this game isn't for everyone.

~*~The Evil Overlord of SPPF and Stuff~*~

Majoras Mask, obviously. ^_^

Liquid Lugia

Bluekikitana you are so wright!!!! Shenmue was an amazing game, I really did forget just how good that was. I had it on the Dreamcast though (not X-box). has anyone ever played Dawn of War on the P.C another great game that I got into. I also remember spending a heavty amount of time on Super Mario World on the Super Nes back in the old days.... any others??????


Flannigan's Ball
Smile Guy said:
Oh... Where to start? There are too many great games out there. High ups for me include nearly all the Legend of Zelda series except the first two and all the Four Swords and the CD-i games. If I had to narrow that down: Ocarina of Time. Anyway, I'm rambling. I could not possibly say what my fav game was. Tough question. I'll think about it.

The first two Zelds rule man. :(

My favorite game is A Link to the Past on SNES.

Bluekikatana said:
GTA: San Andreas

Why does everyone like this game? It's god-f*cking-awful. It took all the cool things about III and VC and just too a big sh*t on them.
1 Final Fantasy VII/Ocarina of Time
2 Ocarina of Time/Final Fantasy VII
3 Final Fantasy VI

Hard to decide between the top 2, both were incredible games with no flaws (OoT) or almost no flaws (FF VII)

Chaos Zero

I like killer instinct gold for the nintendo 64 and killer instinct 1 for the super nintendo.

Marty MC

well it think that classic never dies and pacman is still da best of them all;)


My personal favorite is Black and White...I know that game was very popular, and got a lot of rewards.

But the best game ever is more of an opinion.
Chaos Zero said:
I like killer instinct gold for the nintendo 64 and killer instinct 1 for the super nintendo.
I hardly remember playing that game...but I remembered the announcer...

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