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The Best Pokemon Team!

Harlow! I played Emerald many many times and i figured out the best team myself! Its:
Blaziken, to defeat Roxanne, Norman, the dark, steel and ice types in Elite 4,
Mightyena, to defeat Liza and Tate and ghost types in Elite 4,
Magnetric, to beat winona, wallace, Juan and the ice types in elite 4,
Swellow, to defeat brawly and more, considering its attack and speed,
and Walrein, To beat Dragons in Elite 4 and liza and Tate

My team looks pretty good right?
Do I need a 6th pokemon? If so, what should I choose for my 6th pokemon? Should I have another Water type? Or Steel type like aggron?

Does wallace and juan use ice attacks? If not I can use a Roselia



Well-Known Member
Your team looks fine.
But Mightyena isn't very great,its special attack is rather low,so its crunch won't do much damage. Absol with Swords dance and Shadow ball is much better. You can add a steel type in your sixth slot.I recommend Metagross.Aggron is good too,but it has 2 4x weaknesses,so just stick with Metagross.(or Salamence).Your other pokemon are Okay.
Yes,3 of Wallace's Pokemon know ice beam,Juan's Kingdra know ice beam.
So don't get Roselia.Use your Manectric.Teach Manectric thunderbolt,and level it up.It should defeat the 8th gym.
Kingdra is the only pokemon with no weaknesses at all! With all it defenses, attacks and speed all above average, it's the toughest pokemon to beat! Can Manetric defeat it with it's thunderbolt?


I said, Bring It ON!
Electric isnt super effective, he is part dragon. Kingdra is weak to dragon attacks. His stats are all the same for base and max, and they are very, very low for a 3rd evolution. Lose Mightyena for absol. In-game, swampert is better than blaziken. His atk isnt bad and his types and level up moves own. Use flygon so you get the earthiness of aggron and the dragon of kingdra.


Come along, dear
Mightyena, to defeat Liza and Tate and ghost types in Elite 4,

Keep in mind that they have two half Rock-types too.

And this depends on what you mean by the best team, I mean, you consider it good because it is made tro take out opponents through the game. But considering this is Emerald, I think to make it the best you need a team of Battle Frontier Pokemon such Metagross, Salamance, and Blissey, for they can kill in-game and will eventually rule the BF.


meet me in the rain
I don't think its about what is the 'best team'. It's about whats best for you.
I used a team of Blaziken, Gardevoir, Azumarill, Sableye, Absol and Flygon and that that worked fine for me.
Cool team(the legend)

Harlow! I played Emerald many many times and i figured out the best team myself! Its:
Blaziken, to defeat Roxanne, Norman, the dark, steel and ice types in Elite 4,
Mightyena, to defeat Liza and Tate and ghost types in Elite 4,
Magnetric, to beat winona, wallace, Juan and the ice types in elite 4,
Swellow, to defeat brawly and more, considering its attack and speed,
and Walrein, To beat Dragons in Elite 4 and liza and Tate

My team looks pretty good right?
Do I need a 6th pokemon? If so, what should I choose for my 6th pokemon? Should I have another Water type? Or Steel type like aggron?

Does wallace and juan use ice attacks? If not I can use a Roselia


Maby if u use a gardevoir, it would look more better indeed,

Ur team looks pretty graet


I said, Bring It ON!
@everyone: Gardevoir is good, but its so "unoriginal". Go for zam if you want a psychic type. Get some originallity. Gardevoir is way OU


Well-Known Member
Kingdra is the only pokemon with no weaknesses at all! With all it defenses, attacks and speed all above average, it's the toughest pokemon to beat! Can Manetric defeat it with it's thunderbolt?

Kingdra is weak to dragon. It's stats are all above average, but none of them are actually that good. It really isn't that hard to beat. Sableye is the one pokemon with no weaknesses (until mirakuge comes out)


Active Member
my pokemon..........

all my pokemon r level 100 except for pidgeot!!! lol


Beginning Trainer
I don't think rasing pokemon to Lv 100 is the only way to have a perfect team.You also need to : choose hard to rase pokemon(beacue they're attack, defence, sp.attack, sp.defence, are incredable and they learn powerful moves like hyper beam for example, a gyadose is that kind of pokemon), rare pokemon(beacuse they're specale, or not),and hard to catch pokemon like skarmory(becuse they're exactly like what I just wrote).


Well-Known Member
I would say... whatever works for you.. My team consists of: Lairon, Delcatty, Swellow, Beautifly, Seviper, and Gyarados. I trained Gyarados cause I needed a surfer. And she is quite powerful as it is. I'm currently at the 8th gym with this team. They all have varied attacks.

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a "Best Team", it is all based on opinion.
But I would get rid of Mightyena for Metagross and Swellow for Salamence.
The rest of the team is okay, but remember Electric is not strong against Ice types. And how many people are going to have a Blaziken at the first gym?
I think some of Wallace's Pokemon know either Blizzard or ice Beam.