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The best startegie for Entei second time...( in Ranger)


The Master...
I keep trying to get this one...I mean Suicune ans Raikou are easy...but what is the best assist for Entei...?And i already tried water,minum,ghost(He breaks out og ghost really easy!!!And Minun paralyzes and then on the last Spin the flames come...!!!(And i don't mean to whine)Please help!:confused:

Chico Malvado

Evil Guy >=)
It was too hard for me, I recomend you to carry up Medicham, use Minum and try to catch it with Medicham, I tried to catch it when the flames were at the left and the right area of the scenary, because if it is up and down you cannot make big circles, try there and Paralyze it just when it looks like it will change the position of the flames to get more time.

Good luck.


The Master...
Got it...So you can use Paralyze and something else at the same time...?!Now i feel stupid...!


Glitch Hunting Freak
Well what happens is when you paralyze him, the discharge effect ends, he just is recovering from the effects. Then you imediatly use the fighting assist, and circle him to death! You can always use a new assist without getting rid of the effects of the old one if there isn't a pokemon isn't in the capture disk on the top screen...


The Master...
So like ghost or ground then you can still do something else...(DARN!!)

Chico Malvado

Evil Guy >=)

So like ghost or ground then you can still do something else...(DARN!!)

No, unless you desactivate the poké assist, you cannot use another.


Glitch Hunting Freak
So like ghost or ground then you can still do something else...(DARN!!)

Oh not like that! See ghost only works while ghost is in effect. That is because the little spirits vanish very quickly. Discharge on the other hand lasts for a long time and doesn't require you to keep on circling your foe so you are then free to boost your chances of capturing him while he is recovering from the power of paralisis.

Cyber Dragon

Boulder Trainer
Use Vaporeon/Golem & Medicham

Use one(preferably Vaporeon),then when in a bubble, use Medicham to capture him twice as fast.Just be careful that the bubble doesn't burst.


It was too hard for me, I recomend you to carry up Medicham, use Minum and try to catch it with Medicham, I tried to catch it when the flames were at the left and the right area of the scenary, because if it is up and down you cannot make big circles, try there and Paralyze it just when it looks like it will change the position of the flames to get more time.

Good luck.

thats a good idea try that.