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the BEST starter ever


Well-Known Member
I couldn't find any threads like this and seeing as there's a WORST ever thread I thought I'd start this off. THINK POSITIVE!

For me the Mudkip line is pretty rocking simply because of the type advantage, sure he has 4x weakness to grass but as it lays out in the Pokémon of the week section you can teach him Hidden Power flying.

All the water pokémon do it for me though.

Charmanders another top choice.

Try and give explanations as to what you think, and don't be affraid to include 4th gen starters!


Shinx <3
Charmander is a good choice, as I always pick fire starters when I start the game.


Well-Known Member
yeah I really like pochamma and natoru(?) but two of my friends both REALLY like them as well.

being the generous sort I decided I'd start with the monkey to keep them happy.

plus we can trade.

I used to think highly of the fire starters untill cyndaquil came along, torchic isn't so bad but he's no charmander.

I chose Squirtle on the LG file I have going now and he's a pretty hardcore blastoise atm..

Shiny Heracross

Well-Known Member
I like Mudkip because he's the most useful starter I've ever had. He can learn all essential HMs to bolt through R/S/E. (Yeah, I'm lazy.)


What? Exactly
Charmander. It's extremely versitle and good in any situation. However that's not to say the others aren't good as well, in fact I would say that they're more powerfull together than they could ever be apart.


Scary Faerie♥
Bulbasaur and Squirtle line.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
Blaziken, Wrecks teams if use right! NOTHING blocks special ken form going on a rampage.

Swampert is also good. Resits Ele and is not weeken to EQ & RS, he a awesme wall.


<- Currently Hunting
swampert has one big flaw=grass
enpurto has one big flaw=electric
so i would have to pick charizard


Well-Known Member
my choice is naetoru i mean it has the power to get rid of fire(not levitating or flying) in its 3rd form. also i like the leaf and the trees on its evos


Contaminated KFC
Hikozaru is the best basic starter, because it has the most character. Honestly, just look at that face. It's mischievous, it's inquisitive, it's fun loving...I just really like the vibe this pokémon gives off. That and the fact that it provides the fun of groan inducing molten faecal matter jokes.

Combusken is the best 1st stager, simply due to the whole fighting chicken argument. Doesn’t get cooler than that folks.

As for the final stage guys? It’s a desperate struggle between Goukazaru, Empelt, Venusaur, Typhlosion and Feraligatr. Though Sun Wu Baboon is pretty damn kewl.

Watch me go an entire post without mentioning type, stats or moveset! Ha!

...Oh biscuits.


Well-Known Member
Alligators rule.


Strawberry fields.
After the backlash success of G/S/C, Totodile and its evolution chain have been hastily forgotten.


Well-Known Member
What gravy was saying about the monkey is true for totodile too IMO, except for the firey poop.

The thing with charizard (and don't get me wrong, I love charizard) is his weakness to rock type pokes.

And although I don't really like combusken (mainly because of his looks) I do enjoy a bit of blaziken and when I had emerald I used to struggle to decide... I like all the RSE starters and I'll get part way through the game with one and have to start off again with another
