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The best way to defeat a snorlax in battle palace

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
Use an Adamant natured fighting type.
Use a fighting attack


Powerplay Champion
tyranitar with brick break will work fine


<-- Solves any case!
Anoyer, like leech-seed stalling meganium if you come across one. Or what they said.


Good at Life.
A Rock- or Steel-type with a Fighting move will do well here (read: Metagross w/Brick Break).

Skarmory with Seismic Toss can do it pretty good.

Leech Seed/Toxic is nice, but the Snorlax might have the no-poison ability so watch for that one.

Just don't pull a Dre and try letting your Kazam go anywhere near it :(


Back I guess??
Yeah, a strong fighting Pokémon (Note: Hardy nature, or you´ll do almost nothing) can do a great job against Snorlax and some other things.

Leech seed is always nice! (Go with Rash or Lax nature for this, plus some other support attacks)

BTW Dre, Meteor Mash in Metagross does the same damage as a super effective Brick Break ;D

Meteor Mash base damage: 100
STAB: x1.5
Total: 150 plus attack raise chance you can get!

Brick Break base damage: 75
Super Effective: x2
Total: 150... Reflect and Light Screen are rare...


Well-Known Member
Volteon where are you been hiding,you don't post much as before.
On Topic:Snorlax's defenses are mediocre,one Meteor Mash can definitely hit it hard,just go physical,but with two curses it can take out entire teams.


Well-Known Member

First use spore then use sky uppercut,

Breloom with good IVs and good Attack EVs

Basicly a 1 hit

(Good moveset for breloom Sky Uppercut/Focus punch, Sludge bomb, Spore, Leech Seed)


Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
Maybe a breloom or a heracross with Brick break


Back I guess??
Metagross said:
Volteon where are you been hiding,you don't post much as before.
Hiding me? No, Jolteon is so fast that you can´t even see it =D
Yeah, I posted less than usually do... School is evil xD

On Topic:
Breloom isn´t good in Palace, it´s hard to find an effective nature for it, and I´m sure frontier won´t use Spore and Focus Punch nicely.
Blaziken SkyUppercuts better, plus it works as a nice mixed swepper.


Well-Known Member


oblivion weilder
what about blissey as thats just a b.i.t.c.h, i was thinking endeavor


Use a machamp with all fighting moves so theres no possibility it won't land a super effective hit. Impish or adamant natured, either works.