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The Big Balloon Blow-Up! (204)


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The Big Balloon Blow-Up!

When Ash & Co. see lots of Balloons, they find out about a Big Balloon Race. Ash eagerly wants to take part and does with a special Pikachu Balloon. Does he have much chance of winning?

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Ororo Munroe

I feel sorry for Meowth in this episode. He was trying to win fair and square and probably had a good chance of it if Jessie and James hadn't cheated.


Team Awesome
I love Meowth here, this was definitely one of his better episodes. It's interesting that he wants so much to win the balloon race the fair way, taking it so personally, but Jessie and James keep sabotaging things.


Master Coordinator
I kinda felt a little sorry for Meowth, he wanted to win fair and square, but he couldn't w/ Jessie and James. I loved that Pikachu balloon, and I thought Ash and Co, did a pretty good job for never have done that before.


Well-Known Member
This is the very first episode I ever watched in Pokemon. This is what got me interested in Pokemon.
One of the first times Meowth actually did things the honest way, but still great episode


I have returned.....
I loved the part when Meowth tried to win the contest but unfortunately, I don't like the part when Jesse and James cheated on things. Ash and co. didn't win just to get the new engine, but they won just to participate in the competition. These races are fun!


Well-Known Member
A nice filler, you gotta feel sorry for Meowth trying to win honestly only to have Jessie & James ruin it for him. The competition was fun to watch to.


Well-Known Member
Meowth in this episode was great, I think he would have had a good chance if it weren't for J&J. And the idea was nice too, even if Skyler was the most annoying thing I've ever heard. The pika balloon was cute at least.

But I have to say, what was going on with those missile things, they all managed to miss!?

But still a good episode.


meowth really tried to do it the honest way this time, it was sad for him that the other two rockets started cheating.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I liked this episode. I thought the Pikachu balloon was pretty neat. I felt bad for Meowth though, he was trying to win the contest fair and square but Jessie and James didn't trust his abilities and had to cheat.
I liked this episode there a lot of episodes including hot air balloons.. That sucked for Meowth he tried his best to win that engine but of course Jesse and James ruined it!! 7/10


Let's go to the beach, each.
How random, Ash and Co. stumbling on a giant X in the grass, it almost looked like a crop circle. I really liked the COTD's balloon which matched his Fearow. And while on the subject of Fearow, I think it's great that we finally get to meet one with a good attitude unlike most of the nasty Fearow in the series.

I really loved that Pikachu balloon Ash and Co. used to practice with, they should travel by air more often, they might get to their destinations faster lol. Noctowl appearing for a bigger role (this time, pulling the balloon in the right direction) was ingenius, they might as well add it to the plot at this point. Team Rocket entering the competition was obvious, they are masters of hot-air travel anyway.

Seeing all the different Pokemon shaped balloons was awesome because I had always thought those were exclusive to Team Rocket. Sad that Meowth got tied up by Jessie and James, I would've liked it if Meowth was in charge, at least he would've gotten them out of that storm. At least everything ended fine, with a tie no less. 5/10

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
You got to feel sorry about Meowth, he really wanted to win that contest and might have if it hadn't been for J&J, Ash and Co didn't even seem to realize that Meowth had nothing to do with the cheating so they shouldn't have blamed him as well (It seems usually they blame all three even if one didn't want to, like in Hoenn when James went into the pokeringer competition)