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The bikini moments club.

Which bikini girl is your favourite.

  • Total voters
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Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
The bikini moments club. About pokemon


Only mods and admins can add rules if this is gonna keep going on so PAY ATTENTION if not then i will bring either Psiumbreon, MondoTR, or Shadowfaith to sort you out for not paying attention. DANGEROUS RULE

Everyday people often ignore this FIRST MESSAGE so don't even bother to ignore it if you like girls in bikini's so now this is the hard way now. DANGEROUS RULE

Rules approved for Admins (Even more better)

Sorry DA this rule will be dleeted so MK's will be better you can apporve anther rule if you attend to.

By Mizu Kasumi (The small font might be a little be unseeable so i might put it back to original font i might add more)
No using perverted words such as "Hot/sexy/attractive/bloody *censored*" ONLY Beautiful, pretty, cute should be accepted though as appropriate if not, you will be banned instead. DANGEROUS RULE


I'm going to make Safety rules and DANGEROUS RULES in this thing so i will rate it and i will add some more.

PM me or Dark Absol or Mizu Kasumi to explain your reasons why are you want to be absent! Safety

Before you do that copy the name and reason bit and make sure what date where you were absent and make sure to come back, you don't want to be banned don't you?Saftey

Name: Sherlock Shuckle
I am taking a leave of absense so that I can continue on writing what I hope will eventually be, a novel.
Date of absent: 27/6/06
Date of coming back to be active on this club: don't know as of yet.

Name: PoKeMaster
Reason: ive gota do a heap of homework and so i wont be as much active on the forum sorry and i got this from the front page

Date of coming back:


Flame-lord#01- Member

I don't mind of the forum leaders i'll just let them vote and leave cause i just don't mind.
IF YOU JUST VOTE AND LEAVE WITH NO REPLY YOU WILL BE EASILY BANNED PERMINANT!!!!!Approved by Psiumbreon *putted you in my buddy list*

Hello Boys & Girls Welcome to the Bikini moments club!!!

Here are my own rules and some Serebii rules i might find to clean this club.

1.Do Not SPAM, there is an EDIT button that allows you to add to or change what you posted. DANGEROUS

2.Do not disrespect the Mods, Co-owners or Admins. Harrasment

3.Do not bump this topic. Real trouble if you do

4.Do not ask for Downloadable things such as Music, Videos, ROMs etc. (This will perminant ban you)

5.Do not reply to topics which haven't been posted in for more than 30 days. (I will never bring you in this club with the current members)

6.Do not insult users by calling them "n00bs" or other derogatory statements you will be banned. (You be banned or might be reported)

7.Do not disrespect users. (You may be reported)
Do not harass/flame/bash users. (You may be reported)
Do not PM members co-owners admin OR mods (Only in picture permissions) If you don't you will be banned

8. post no more than 8 links, no more than 4 images per screen. Always post the link to the site of what bikinies you got. IF YOU THIEF I WILL ASK PsiUmbreon MondoTR or Shadowfaith to explain this to you if you do it at the same time

9. Don't post characters that members, mods, admin or co-owner, know about it to show. (That also icludes PM's so don't even ask them what to do.

-End of rules- Thanks to serbiis rules for help, and Psiumbreon. *Hi fives to them*

Ok where ever you wanna join come to me and i'll add you.
It's not preverted.

Members, mods, admins & co-owners.
1. Mr. Bikini fan (Owner)
2. PsiUmbreon+ (Moderator)
4. Sherlock Shuckle (co-owner)
5. fighting_master (Moderator)
17. Mizu kasumi (Adminstrator)
19. Dark Absol (Security guard/ Adminstrator)
22. Geodude+
25. johnnyd2
26. William12123 XXX BANNED 5 days Reason: Stop thinking of what is right to banned users, it can make you overtemper while you banned.
29. Judai Yuki
33. ?~Darkness within~?
35. NeoCrisis873
40. Lord sNap
42: Executive Max
45: Squirtleking (Moderator)
46: AnimeStar
47: Flame-lord#01
48: Buster wolf X--
49: Misty Lover17
50: plasticeye87 Co-Owner (Promoted by
51: MeleeMaster-ShinyPokemon
52: shiny manafi
53: TheOne
54: SpongeBoblover X--
55: Darth_Fruit_Loops XX-
56: Darkliger ???
57: Mrcfly X--
58: XD375
60: Godfather
61: Dj06 XX- Make 1 more perverted sexual comment, i'm Pmi'ng a real moderator in the member list that you can never come back CLear?
62: Yami of light?
63: DeoxysTrainer X--
64: Rogue Striker G
65: mewsbuddy
66: Ridley-X4 XX-
67: Naruto Uzumaki
68: Pokeman4ever (Security guard No.2)
69: elfhelm (Security Guard No.1)
70: trouble440
71: c0nnor X--
72 Jukain
73: Master of Metal
74: Haruka's Swimsuit

1. 16 years later
2. Ridley-X4
3. Kirsty_
4. High colo solomon
5. An_idiot
6. RadiataAlchemist (Just banned in the forums lol)
7. jetx (Not active)
8. /Exiled/ (Not active)
9. Serebiicrazed (Perminant, if he posts again report PsiUmbreon)
10. Xikaze (Off topic and did not read the rules.)
11. Latias74 (Just followed the correct rules but don't want to join is causing to ban)
12. *%RampagingTissue%* (Because he hasn't gave a reason why left and o quits the whole forum room and he swore at me as well)
13. SpawnOfCharizard
14. Blades (Insulting the DANGEROUS RULES read them now)
15. manafi001 Read MK's rule and it must be with that reason.
16: rybo5000
17: LanturnLover (READ THE RULES NOW!!)

Lets do it, here are 2 pictures are Misty & May.

I putted PsiUmbreon so he will keep this safe so i got his promise.


Approved by
Mr. Bikini fan
plasticeye87 (11)
pokeman4ever (1)

Dark Absol
plasitceye87 (9)

Mizu Kasumi
plasticeye87 (13)

Ok now listen Only moderators and Admins for now on are allowed to PM me to see what day the inactive members will be banned at so ADMINS and MODS PM me to see what days you want to ban members per week. you can have you to 2-4 days.

Serebii Forum members
They CANNOT allow to post (Only thing is you can only vote AND REPLY AT ALL TIMES)
They CANNOT allow to post pictures
They CANNOT allow to ask moderators in this club.
They CANNOT allow to ask Adminstrators in this club.
They CANNOT allow to PM about this club. (It will be ignored and deleted)
They can allow to vote. (Only if you want to join)

Staff Forum Members
They can allow to post
They can allow to post pictures
They can allow to ask moderators in this club
They can allow to ask Adminstrators in this club
They can allow to PM about this club (If you have an expresdive opinion)
They can allow to vote

Members in this club
They can allow to post
They CANNOT allow to post pictures (With Permission by PM's of me or the admins of this club)
They can allow to ask moderators in this club. (Incase if your alredy have one in your buddy list, if not your NOT ALLOWED to talk to them)
They can allow to ask Adminstrators in this clubs (Same as the moderators)
They CANNOT allow to PM about this club (Only picture permissions are allowed)
They CANNOT allow to vote. (You already voted)

They can allow to post
They CANNOT allow to post pictures (With Permission by PM's of me or the admins of this club)
They can allow to ask moderators in this club
They can allow to ask Adminstrators in this club
They CANNOT allow to PM about this club (Only picture permissions are allowed)
They CANNOT allow to vote (You already voted)

They can allow to post
They can allow to post pictures
They can allow to ask moderators in this club
They can allow to ask Adminstrators in this club
They can allow to PM about this club
They CANNOT allow to vote (You already voted)

They can allow to post
They can allow to post pictures
They can allow to ask moderators in this club
They can allow to ask Adminstrators in this club
They can allow to PM about this club
They CANNOT allow to vote (You already voted)
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Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
*Before*Yes sure, you don't need to be a co-owner you can be a Admin, or moderators as well so you can only replace co-owner to something else once so, welcome.
*Adds you*
Heres the info.

Co-owner: If members insult co-owners you could ban them about 1 day to 10 days (1 week & 3days)
Adminstartor: Admins can choose wisely if and insulting comes but PM me if theres a argument (The ban will be perminant)
Moderator: Moderators can delete spams but please don't close the club, we will clean this club, i promise.*Before*


Co-owners 5 (Users)

Mods 3 (1 Moderator user, and 2 very wise users)

Admin 2 (The strongest user who can bring this club peace) You have to train harder to become an admin, if your an expert just join to become an Adminstrator.

Members N/A you all members can enter members can't be maximized.

I'm back online.
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I am the owner of the Fighting and tentacool stabbing and now the co-owner of this thread with that other person. Soon Mr. bikini fan will edit the title and i will be co-owner.

Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
Hi ya, i have the next 2 images of May & Misty.


1. You must enter this club if you have already voted.

2. If you already voted on the poll you also have to join this club or if not in 3 days
you will be banned in this club on my ban list.

3. If you don't wanna vote, fine you could join this club if you want.

4. I have put PsiUmbreon to delte SPAMS and Flamings on my club so i wouldn't like it if i was you members.

5. Sorry i'm late i played Fifa05 with my friend so we were slightly busy, so i'm sorry i'm late.

EDIT: Don't just vote & leave for your girl be with them stay with them, if not they SMACK your face and run!!
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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
since you said there can be 5 co-owners can I be a co-owner?
I am the owner of the red dwarf fan club and the co-owner of the advancshipping and ghost belivers clubs

and yeah, I want to join please!

and I love May in a Bikini!


first is fan art, second isn't
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Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
Ok i add you.
Any images would u like to post.
Golden rule no more than 2 images in your post.
Misty wacth where you going. LOL!!

I am sorry the image took long to upload so i have it.

Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
Sorry i'm late for the post i have 2 pictures of Gary's cheerleaders




NEW TOPIC: Tell us what bikini girl is your favourite and explain why do you like that character.
I say May, her bikini and adventure styles appeels my performance and she drives me real cool.
EDIT: I changed the image rules to make it better intsead of 2.
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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member

blimey the all look so cute!
but I prefer May in a bikini, even though Misty looks realy tempting

Radical Edward

Upstanding Citizen
Meh. I'll join.

Mr. Bikini fan

I love Dratini's :D
Yeah i have both attentions to them.
Any pictures you can send?
EDIT: Yes you both can join
Answer topic please

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member

Mrs. Ishida

It would be cool if prima/lorelei was in a bikini *drools*

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Mr. bikini fan said:



sadly the only pic I can find it won't let me link to... I will try and get it up

but good pics
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