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The Blue Mew Shop!

once in a blue Mew

here u go sitekickdude1432! tell me what u think and give me credit! http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p146/sanjose022195/Banner_2.jpg

Manaphy Master

It's Dot Com!
Can I have 3 fusions on a TC:
(fusion parts up to you.)
All Hoenn badges, d/p sprites.
1. bonsly/munchlax fusion
2. porygon/ledian fusion
3. hitmonchan/hitmonlee/hitmontop fusion
4. manaphy
5. shiny rayquaza (d/p sprite)
6. Rotomu
Hero from d/p sprite and pokemon behind should be manaphy.

if it is not too much trouble.

once in a blue Mew

Can I have 3 fusions on a TC:
(fusion parts up to you.)
All Hoenn badges, d/p sprites.
1. bonsly/munchlax fusion
2. porygon/ledian fusion
3. hitmonchan/hitmonlee/hitmontop fusion
4. manaphy
5. shiny rayquaza (d/p sprite)
6. Rotomu
Hero from d/p sprite and pokemon behind should be manaphy.

if it is not too much trouble.

for the fusions; which pokemon are the bases?

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
I need a rescue force Banner:
Background: Eevee Rescue base (after help from mankeys)
Pokemon: Vaporeon (on top of rescue base), Pikachu (right in front of door),
Absol (right of pikachu), and Mew (left of pikachu)
PS use Mystery Dungeon sprites
on bottom put Team Masters

once in a blue Mew

I need a rescue force Banner:
Background: Eevee Rescue base (after help from mankeys)
Pokemon: Vaporeon (on top of rescue base), Pikachu (right in front of door),
Absol (right of pikachu), and Mew (left of pikachu)
PS use Mystery Dungeon sprites
on bottom put Team Masters

do you have the picture of the eevee house? and as for manaphy master's request here u go!
( i hope u like the fusions and what was the background u wanted, since i didn't know i just left it blank ) other than that; i hope u like it and remember to give me credit!

once in a blue Mew

crystal i can do, but next time give me a link to where u want the picture from hang on and i can get it to u in a few minutes

please request i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
sorry no just mke a crystal backround instead and change vaporeon to jolteon

char char

Professional Shut-In
I need a tc please
name-Char Char



and a shiny flareon
Backround-Can you make the backround Like just random colors splatted on it
Pokemon in front in of trainer-Bulbasaur and charmander
Trainer Sprite-

Badges-Hoen/DP badges
Thank You
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