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The Bluelord (PG, but 12 in a few places)


Deoxys used Noobkill
The Bluelord
Hello, all, and welcome to my third fanfic!
The first was a rubbishy Journeyfic and the second was the same one, but a little better.

Author's note: This is a Pokemon fantasy fic that may seem a little unreal, and at some places it takes its' fair share of the mickey out of the video games, but the most unreal it gets is when:

1, A 13 year old child nearly manages to mind-control a Suicune,

2, That gym-leaders have the ability to use Pokemon powers, and therefore you can only be a gym-leader if you were born into a GL family. Being a Gym Leader also means that you can summon a weapon with the same element that you wield. (So Chuck would have an Extendo-Glove that was made of real muscle, and Misty would have a razor-edged bathing towel made from water, among others,)

3, That a miscallate is a person who isn't born into a family of GLs but can still use Pokemon powers. Miscallates aren't allowed to be gym leaders, or any elite four member except Contestant, and they are viewed as second-rate citizens by most of the world. Miscallate is also a swearword that is about as horrible as a certain four letter word beginning with the letter F,

The entire fanfic is derived from my Nintendo DS Username (Bluelord J).




A timeless island with the size of a continent and a legacy to match.
An island steeped in majesty and history.
The home of an ancient civilisation that used to be ruled by the Bluelords (see page 48), epic half-people with wondrous powers...

That last sentence grabbed Will's attention. Hurriedly, he flipped over to page 48, and, pausing for a moment to scratch the ebony-coloured skin on his head, began reading an entirely different section to the rest of his Humanities class.

The Bluelords, prominently marked with blue hair and eyes, and slightly blue-tinted skin, were an ancient race of half-people, half-Pokemon who were charged with keeping both law and order before the police force was invented, and with controlling the three ledgendary titans. It was said that they had the ability to control things by their colour, and that they had the spirit of Pokemon inside them...

"Meleon! Meleon!" A Pokemon growled softly. Will flicked his head to the left, and saw that his Charmeleon was trying to look at the book, it's dark red body hunched next to Will's chair, its eyes gazing at the book with a begging look, and his tail amiably swishing from side to side, on a few occasions nearly igniting things. Will hadn't much of a clue why he had been allowed such a dangerous Pokemon in school, but all he cared about was the fact that he had one of his best friends with him during lessons.

"What?" Will asked. "You want to read, Ziggy?" He asked, knowing full well that the Charmeleon, whose name was Ziggy, was purely interested in looking at the colours. He moved the book, scratched Ziggy's orange belly, and continued reading...

...inside them. However, at a long and bitter war against the three Golems (Regirock, Regice and Registeel, see Page 129) in the year 3 B.C.E, they were all wiped out. However...

"Hey, Master Lukins!" Will's teacher shouted out. "Read the next part, will you?"

Will's head shot up, and he stuttered, noticing a few of the pupils in his class were looking at him. Quickly, he tried to think of a suitable excuse that would stop him saying something that would embarass himself...


Meanwhile, in Pacifidlog, a lazy raft town east of Slateport, a mysterious figure with blue hair sat on the roof of the church, flipping a coin. He had flowing blue hair that glinted in the midday light and the coin occasionally shimmered gold, but the rest of him was shadowed by the spire he was sitting by. In the spire's shadow, he actually looked like a shadow with blue hair. The figure looked over towards the horizon, where he could just see the island of Mossdeep, and where his new school would be.

His head snapped to the sky, and there was a flash of light so powerful it blinded spectators. It swept through the small island, burning the wooden platforms of the village, and made the inhabitants cry out in alarm. (In was later said that the beam had blinded the Corsola that were holding the town up so badly that the Pokemon Center drifted two inches into the water!) It reached the chapel, aand hung overhead the figure on the chapel, who was staring up into the beam. In this light, he could be fully seen. The figure was a thirteen year old boy, with long, flowing blue hair that swayed extravagantly in the wind, and sparkling eyes the colour of the sea. He was wearing a shimmering trench coat coloured an ultramarine that looked like it was actual seawater, and jeans as blue as the sky. His trainers, also, were blue. The teenager snapped his head into the air, and muttered something. Then, there was a blinding light, and the figure, along with the sunbeam, disappeared.
Please read and review!


Well-Known Member
nice prologue...

1, A 13 year old child nearly manages to mind-control a Suicune,

2, That gym-leaders have the ability to use Pokemon powers, and therefore you can only be a gym-leader if you were born into a GL family. Being a Gym Leader also means that you can summon a weapon with the same element that you wield. (So Chuck would have an Extendo-Glove that was made of real muscle, and Misty would have a razor-edged bathing towel made from water, among others,)

3, That a miscallate is a person who isn't born into a family of GLs but can still use Pokemon powers. Miscallates aren't allowed to be gym leaders, or any elite four member except Contestant, and they are viewed as second-rate citizens by most of the world. Miscallate is also a swearword that is about as horrible as a certain four letter word beginning with the letter F,

will all these spoilers be real?
i'm loving this!
please PM me if a new chapter is up,k?