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The Boktai Club (Reborn!)

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Well-Known Member
Since the other one got bitten by a vampire and couldn't be posted in again...

Approved by PsiUmbreon

This is a club about the Boktai GBA games. The most innovative games ever!
If yah wanna join... join!

Banners: http://www.maj.com/gallery/shiney-mew/Documents/stuff/boktaibanner.png(Credit to shiney mew) and http://www.maj.com/gallery/Nightvol/Boktai/bannerd.png (credit to Lord Huffnpuff)

Water Elite Wes (Founder, Primary Owner)
The Eevee Evolutionary (Co-Owner)
shiney mew
Lord Huffnpuff
Seijiro Mafuné

This is a banner of all members. It is WAY too big to be use in a sig. If you want a different pic just tell me. http://photobucket.com/albums/y48/the_wes/?action=view&current=clubmembers.gif

Basically, if you want to post anything that's related to Boktai, post it here. This includes pictures, information, etc. The Serebii.net Forums rules apply here at all times, but I'd like to place emphasis on two things-first, and MOST importantly, make sure the things you post aren't illegal. It is not the responsibility of this club, or any person of that matter, to recognize copyrighted images that shouldn't be posted.
Second, I don't think any of you will do this, but please DO NOT post anything that is unsafe for these forums, at any times. I hope no one here would have to be reported for such behaviors.
One minor thing: Regarding the banners for our club, please ONLY use them if you are currently in the club, and have been acknowledged by either The Eevee Evolutionary, or myself.
Ok Ok, enough of the serious talk... HAVE A SUNNY DAY HERE! And remember-The Sun is in your left hand!... or is it the right?... the world... may never know...

That should be it... if I missed something tell me...
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;384; moo, i rejoin and stuff *coughs* wes made me! *coughs* ;384;

and wes, you only did that because you thought i couldnt beat him...​
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Well-Known Member
supernovakam said:
;384; moo, i rejoin and stuff *coughs* wes made me! *coughs* ;384;
... stay on topic Kam...

first topic! who is your favorite character?


Well-Known Member
mine is either jormengander or otenko

Lord Huffnpuff

Bwahaha! It... Is... ALIVE!

I so happy!

*Runs through San Miguel in joy*

shiney mew

Marsh Trainer
My banner's not on DA. It's http://www.maj.com/gallery/shiney-mew/Documents/stuff/boktaibanner.png Hope you all like my DA gallery, though. ^^

Anyway, my favorite character is Sabata... he's totally adorable! His hair's so pretty and purple and shiny and fluffy, and I love the insane grin he's always got! So cute! ^o^ And when he helped Django at the end of the first game, and then throughout the second game (I felt so bad for him when he had to purify Django... that sunlight must've burned pretty bad... ;o; ) *huggles Sabata*

Sabata: Hey Sunflower, I can see your tonsils!
Zazie: Huh?
Sabata: *teleports away before she can slap him*
Hee hee, I wish I could do that... ^-^

Other favorites of mine (of course not liked quite as much as Sabata, but I'm still fond of them) include:

Jormungandr- Just 'cause he's so cool and freaky-looking, and cute but ugly, as my friend puts it.

Otenko- It's fun having a big-nosed talking sunflower as a companion. Plus he looks so hyper and funny in the manga, with the big eyes and pointy teeth and everything. ^_^

Carmilla- Fun to fight, controls birdies, and loves Sabata.

Durathror- I dunno, maybe 'cause she's the nicest of the Boktai 2 Immortals. ^^

Boks- They're zombies, but they still manage to be cute! I want one for a pet!

Cockatrices- Yay for lizard birdies that make Django stoned! :p

**Boktai 3 spoilers below!**

[SPOIL]Sol Django- Pretty! ^o^[/SPOIL]

[SPOIL]The final boss- He just looks so dorky, especially from the side XD[/SPOIL]

[SPOIL]Hresvelg- Who doesn't like a venus flytrap bird thing that looks like a cute little blob when it has its wings folded? ^^[/SPOIL]


Coral Eye Trainer
i want to know were are the sage cards to open the door.


Well-Known Member
Dav88 said:
i want to know were are the sage cards to open the door.

Do you want to join?

1st card: Head outside Immortal 4 and go towards Immortal 1.

When you are at the entrance
Now head north to the next screen and
follow the main pathway to the next screen, you’ll come to the entrance to the
Cathedral. But instead of going inside, go to the western side of the screen
and select the Earth Sol Element then hit the L Button while facing the Lilly
pad, this will make it grow allowing you to cross it.

Repeat that process on the Lilly Pad in the southern part of the screen then
do it again on the other Lilly Pad and head up the stairs and collect your
first Black Card. Now exit.

NOTE: You can do this to all the other Lilly Pads in the dungeon to collect
several other items.

Tarot card 2

Go forward, to the second Immortal Dungeon; The Desert Ruins.

Head up the steps and enter the ruins and go through the northern door. Take
the second left passage and go through the door. Dodge the mummy in this room
and take the door exit (not the stairs). You’ll enter a room with glass and
light on the floor, first of all, kill all of the Bok’s.

Now go to the very northern tip of the room and press up against the wall, now
hold left and keep tapping on the wall, you’ll notice one of the taps was red
and made a different sound. So equip your Dynamite Sol Technique and place
your dynamite against the wall, hide until it explodes then enter the new room.

Kill the Vine then head up the stairs and collect your second Black Card.

NOTE: You’ll have to kill some Purple Blobs in order to leave the room.

3rd card: Head north young Solar Boy (to the third Immortal Dungeon).

Go through the door at the entrance then exit through the next door. Go
through the northern exit and cross the now covered gap, flatten up against
the wall and go past the northern block. Now go through the door closest to
the chest (in the closed up area).

Change into Black Django and transform into the Bat so you can cross the
switch, now change back and head through the purple door. Go through the next
door in here and head up the stairs. You’ll notice that there are more vines
here now, anyway, watch out for the Ghosts and Mummies and go up the stairs in
this room. Go past the Bok’s and Green Blob then exit through the door.

Head up the stairs and you’ll end up outside. Just keep going through to the
next door, go down the stairs here and head through the door in the next room.
You should recognise this pathway as it was the room just before the Immortal
Battle, so heal if needed and go down the elevator.

Head down the steps and drop down the gap, exit through the southern door and
make your way through the next four rooms to end up outside (all the puzzles
are completed so all you have to do is run along the path). Once outside, go
through the door closest to you.

01. Push the Block North once.
02. Equip the EARTH Luna Element and hit the cube next to the block.
03. Push the Block into the gap.
04. Equip the FLAME Enchantment and hit the blue cube.
05. Equip the CLOUD Enchantment and hit the northern cube so it goes east.
06. Hit the southern cube from the eastern side.
07. Hit the southern cube from the southern side (preferably with Spear).
08. Hit the eastern cube from the eastern side (preferably with Spear).
09. Hit the cube you just hit so it goes up onto the wall.
10. Hit the remaining cube so it goes east once.
11. Now hit it so it goes north once.
12. Hit it so it goes west next to the other cube.
13. Equip the Spear and hit both cubes so they fly over to the switches.
14. Equip the FROST Enchantment and hit both cubes so they freeze on
the switches. This will open the gate, so go up.

Make your way past the mummies then exit via the southern door. Here you’ll
see your target, but for now go through to the next door. Quickly run past the
Hive and press up against the wall so you can cross the gap then go through
the door.

Run past the mummies and turn into Black Django then transform into the mouse
so you can go through the hole in the wall, here open the Green Chest for your
final Black Card, a short cut scene between Django and an unknown lady will

To exit, you must push the block into the gap and go back the way you entered
and exit back outside. Now take the south-western-most door. Go past the
barrier and into the next room, run past the Boks and the Blobs and head down
the stairs.

Kill the first Bok you see, this will attract the attention of the other two
Boks so take the other path and go into the next room. Quickly run through
this room and exit via the western door. Go onto the platform and you’ll be
taken across to the other side, so exit the room and you’ll be back outside
near the entrance to the dungeon, go south through the next room and keep
going south until you’re out of the place.
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shiney mew

Marsh Trainer
In the member banner, can I have Berserker, since that's what I usually get on my game? ^^

Also, for anyone who didn't see it before the first post was edited, my DA page which is mostly full of pretty Boktai pics. ^-^

Oh yeah, I restarted Boktai 2 a few days ago... now gotta train for Dvalinn, and forge something good if it's sunny enough tomorrow, seeing as I currently can't do more than 4 damage to her even with E-Flame... as I learned from Durathror, bosses don't like underleveled Djangos thinking they're all high and mighty and butt-kicking (especially ones named Otenko, like on my new file XP).


Well-Known Member
shiney mew said:
In the member banner, can I have Berserker, since that's what I usually get on my game? ^^

You got it...

and to stay on topic... how exactly do you access the nero minigame after you beat jormy?

shiney mew

Marsh Trainer
You have to beat him twice. At that point, you can talk to Nero in the warehouse whenever you want (if he's there; he and Violet leave at 9:00 PM, and I don't know when they come back) and play it, and you get it during the credits every even number of times you kill Jormy (without being swallowed at the end, of course; that's pretty much an automatic loss anyway).
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Lord Huffnpuff

On the members page, Can I get Otenko? It's more fitting than Knight...


Well-Known Member
Lord Huffnpuff said:
On the members page, Can I get Otenko? It's more fitting than Knight...
Actually it's Rook... I'm on it...

shiney mew

Marsh Trainer
supernovakam said:
ok... I got some banners (they arent really good though...) and I made this http://gamesource.groups.yahoo.com/group/boktaigroupandstuff/

Banner #1

Banner #2

Banner #3

Go ahead...insult them

Aww, poor little Nero... I like the third banner. It's got Sabata! ^o^

Oh yeah, another favorite character I forgot to list...

[SPOIL]Trinity- He's such a funny little pot-headed hobo kid. ^_^[/SPOIL]

...Anyone write any Boktai fanfics (besides Huffnpuff; I already know he's got one)?


Well-Known Member
I don't... i'm working on another story at the present time...

shiney mew

Marsh Trainer
Aww, look at all those adorable Sabatas! ^o^ Thanks Kam! Sabata is soooo cuuuute! ^-^ [/hyper fangirl mode]

Oh yeah, and thanks for the Berserker, Wes. ^^
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