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The Boktai Club (Reborn!)

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Seijiro Mafuné

I wanna join!

Favorite character is Lita! She's so cute!

My Symbol is Solar Boy. That rocks!

Lord Huffnpuff

Water Ultima Elite Wes said:
Actually it's Rook... I'm on it...

*coughs loudly*

I've built AST up to 57 floors... wish me luck on getting the final gun part!


Well-Known Member
Erm sorry about my inactivty... I've been real busy with schoolstuffs...

Anywho... What swords does one need to forge to get the darkness sword?...
Oh and good luck Huffnpuff on getting that part... I've got em' all.

Lord Huffnpuff

It's not difficult to do, just time consuming. And I don't have alot of time....

And to get the darkness sword, just forge a Blood Sword and a Vorpal Sword. There is a chance of instead of getting a Solar Sword getting a Sword of Darkness.
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Lord Huffnpuff

AKPITH! No! The sun will burn Sabata, and Mewie will eat you!


Well-Known Member
Lord Huffnpuff said:
AKPITH! No! The sun will burn Sabata, and Mewie will eat you!
Erm... *throws sunblock at Sabata*
Also I finally got all the megaman protectors

Lord Huffnpuff

Really, I don't think that it mattered to Konami before Sabata became playable. By the way, wouldn't his being Darker in game 1 make him MORE sensitive to the sun?


Well-Known Member
he actually had the power of Hel (the boss! the boss! don't hurt me....)...
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