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The Bookworm's club

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Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Welcome to: "The Bookworm's club"

Anyone who loves reading, whether you like Fantasy books, children's fiction, nonfiction, can join!

1. No flamming or spamming.
2. Don't say books are bad without a reason
3. No swearing.
4. Have fun
5. "My book, my perogative" In other words, if you like the book then you like it, don't just say that you like a book because someone else does and if someone doesn't like a book you like don't change your opinion just because of it!

Banned members:
No one.

Owner: Me (Chaotic Pink, Fantasy)

Katiekitten (Tragedy)
SilverCloudCatcher02 (Dramatic)
Mimori Kiryu

Elite members:
Flygonrulz, ( )
BattlePikeKing140 ( )
Watertrainer411 (Mystery)
Canis Lupis (Fantasy)
Silver Ryu


Current topic:
Is reading better than audio books? (Thanks for reminding me)

Recomended books:
The Lord of the rings trilogy by Jrr Tolkien
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
The Mediator series by Meg Cabot
Dream Spinner by Bonnie Dobkins

Book reviews (pm me to submit one or post it)

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The Compromise
May I join?

Genre... Tragedy. I love writing them. XD

What type/genre of book is best and why?

Comedy. I love a good laugh before bed, and horror leaves me cowering under the bedsheets, lifting my head every five minutes to check nothing is sneaking up on me. XD Although I do that anyway...


Terry Pratchetts discworld novels rock. My favourite one so far has to be 'Guards! Guards!", the one with Carrot in, I believe. But it's been a while, I can't quite remember...

Fantasy is close behind. I love being able to explore new worlds. =D

I can make the club a couple banners, if you like. =D

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
May I join?

Genre... Tragedy. I love writing them. XD
You sure may join, I love your fic's btw :)

What type/genre of book is best and why?
My favourites are horror and fantasy. With fantasy anything can happen and I love reading horror's sat in bed with a torch on, every now and then checking to see around to see shadows and creatures.


The Compromise
=D Thanks! *huggles*

XD Horror is so adicting... You know it scares the living day lights out of you, but you go and read it anyway. XD

What are you reading at the moment? =D

Me, I'm readiing several books. >.<

Spell Horn, an old book I picked up at the local library. 'Tis about Unicorns, and a blind girl. Very interesting. =D I've nearly finished it...

Started reading WinterSmith, a Pratchett, last night in a spate of boredom. XD Only read the prologue before having to go to bed.

I shouldn't be reading two books at the same time, but when you are stuck reading the same book forever, I find it can get a little boring. XD


The Compromise
Dream Spinner, by Bonnie Dobkins. Not only is it a fantastic book, but she is ultra nice too. ^.^

Yay/Nay for the banners?

I saw you posted a story in the fanfic section. I'll take a peek, I promise. =D


Don't leave me!
What type/genre of book is best and why?

Teen Romance/action/fantacy. Romance books have so much shippyness in them!!! Action books have you gripping your chair and nibbling your nails and fantacy books are when absolutly anything could happen.

I also have a recomendation for a romance/action/fantacy book! Yes, the genre exists, or that's what I call it!

The mediator Series by Meg Cabot. I could do a review if you'd like? Also, this info means I want to join. :D
Can I join? I love books. But you did have this approved right? Just making sure
What type/genre of book is best and why?

Fantasy, adventure, horror, dramatic, almost any kind but not like those stupid teenager books. (" Are you going out with him? He's so sexy is he?!") *makes a face*
And for recommandations I recommond Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. Have any of you guys read it? Also if you read my fanfic (please do!) can you please comment? And I'll do a banner soon if I can.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Thanks for joining flygonrulz :)

Yes, if anyone would like to post a review on a certain book I will add links on the first post to it. So go ahead and do a review :)

Books I'd recommend - most of these are fantasy books:
Inkheart and Inkspell by Cornelia Funke,
The Cry of the icemark by Stuart Hill (My copy of this book is signed :p)
Spirit Walker by Michelle Paver (My copy of this book is also signed :p)

We also have a recommended list so if you recommend any book then I will put it up there if you wish.

EDIT: You can join too, Silvercloudcatcher. I love the Inkheart series, its the best, I think the next book in the series comes out next year.

What genre would you two like to be, it doesn't matter if it is already taken.
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Thanks for joining flygonrulz :)

Yes, if anyone would like to post a review on a certain book I will add links on the first post to it. So go ahead and do a review :)

Books I'd recommend - most of these are fantasy books:
Inkheart and Inkspell by Cornelia Funke,
The Cry of the icemark by Stuart Hill (My copy of this book is signed :p)
Spirit Walker by Michelle Paver (My copy of this book is also signed :p)

We also have a recommended list so if you recommend any book then I will put it up there if you wish.

EDIT: You can join too, Silvercloudcatcher. I love the Inkheart series, its the best, I think the next book in the series comes out next year.

What genre would you two like to be, it doesn't matter if it is already taken.

Ummm.... Is dramatic ok?


Alea iacta est.
Hello, may I join?

What is the best genre of book and why?
I'm a personal fan of Fantasy. LotR, Eragon, Faeri World, Harry Potter, I love it all!

Recommended Books: I recommed The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to anyone that can read.


May I Join

What type/genre of book is best and why?
Mystery. I love it's sheer unpredictability. I'm always surprised by the plot twists.

I recommend a book:

The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown

EDIT: The content and concepts of The Da Vinci Code(all book titles should be underlined) may be difficult for redaders who may not be at such a high level. I read this book this year(btw I'm 12 years old) and thought it was moderately difficult.
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Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I'd love to join this club! I'm a complete bookworm. ~<3 My favorite genre is Adventure! It's great...

What type/genre of book is best and why?

Adventure, because its just the most fun to get into. Journeys, explorations...LOVE! <333

So, yeah...I want to be the Adventure genre! xD


CP, you put the name of my recommendation instead of my username for your members list xp. Can I take the genre Mystery?

Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
May I join?I absolutlely love books, esp. fantasy. CAn there be two fantasys? I see Chaotic Pink is already one... If I can't be fantasy, could I be Realistic fiction?So...

What type/genre of book is best and why?
I just love fantsasy, because you can really see what the author can think of. Right now for school, we are reading A Corner of the Universe, and I love it. I am currently trying to track down where I can buy Wizards on Mars, cause I love the series.


The Compromise
InkHeart and InkSpell are brilliant. =D I really enjoyed them.

I have to read the Mediator series at some point. I've read Meg's 'All American Girl', (one of my favourites, by the way) and just haven't got around to it...

Need to read the Da-Vinchi code as well, or at least see the movie. XD It's been out for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it again.

Ok. So I'll admit it. I'm lazy. *is stamped* XD

Trudi Canavan anyone?

Edit: *notices first post and does crazy dance* Yay! I'm the Co-Owner! Thanks! =D
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